After the void annihilated the entire periphery, it stagnated at the edge of the deep Holy Ruins.

But the black air was still rolling, ready to move!

Hundreds of miles away from the deep Holy Ruins, the figures of Ye Tian and the other two fell out of the void.

The three of them were dizzy and unsteady, and fell on a patch of grass.


Ji Ziyan and Si Lingzhu's faces were still pale, looking at Ye Tian in surprise, they didn't expect that he had the power of teleportation. However, the two did not ask too much, this was someone else's secret. At this time, his chest rose and fell, lying on the grass and breathing heavily, with the pleasure of surviving a disaster.

""One step, a thousand miles, the teleportation pill is awesome!"

Ye Tian also had a look of joy on his face. The teleportation pill actually teleported the three people from hundreds of miles outside the Holy Ruins to hundreds of miles deep inside the Holy Ruins.

It saved most of the effort, and it was not far from the real opportunity place!

"I guess we'll run into those Sons of Sequence soon!"

Ye Tian had a fighting spirit in his eyes. Thinking of the system tasks and attribute pills, he couldn't wait.

After getting up, he glanced around and was slightly stunned.

"The outer part of the Holy Ruins was filled with dead silence, but how come there was grass and blue sky in the depths?

This strangeness made the three frown slightly, feeling that something was wrong.

Ji Ziyan and Si Lingzhu wanted to go around to check the situation, but Ye Tian suddenly pulled them back.

"Be careful!"

After the two girls' soft and boneless hands were held, before they could even blush, Ye Tian looked down at the ground with a serious expression.

On the originally green lawn, ripples appeared, just like the surface of water.

And bursts of cold and murderous auras were emitted, and a huge shadow was looming in the ripples!

"What is that?"

Ye Tian looked around and felt something was wrong.

A divine light flashed in his hand, and the seven-colored sword of destiny was in his hand, and the power of the supreme realm burst out.

After a ray of the sword intent of the Emperor of Heaven blessed the long sword, Ye Tian swung the sword and slashed into the void!


A sound like paper breaking sounded, and this sword actually tore the whole world apart.

For a moment, whether it was the blue sky, the grass, or the surrounding scenery, everything changed drastically.

A deadly atmosphere appeared, and a vast and gloomy scene covered the surroundings. A vast ocean appeared in front of the three people.

"It was just an illusion!"

Ye Tian and the other two were filled with surprise and doubt. Fortunately, they broke the illusion with a sword, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

The boundless swamp was not a clear lake, but a surging sea of blood, with pieces of dry bones rolling around, like hell!


Ji Ziyan and Si Lingzhu cried out in shock, their faces turned even paler when they saw this horrific scene!

The endless sea of blood was filled with dead bones and debris.

It was like the underworld!

Even in the sea of blood, there was a shadow of a huge creature passing by, and its huge tail raised huge waves, rushing straight up to a height of a hundred feet.

It seemed to break the sky and fall into the underworld sea!

The strong and pungent smell of blood filled the air, and in the rising blood mist, you could vaguely see several huge bone ships floating in the sea of blood. They were all made of dead bones and covered with dark runes. At first glance, you could feel the evil spirit rushing towards you.

Eerie and terrifying!

The three stood on the shore, looking at this scene that was like the Nine Nether Hell, and lost their minds for a moment.

"This huge ship is made entirely of keels! ?"

Si Lingzhu's eyes widened, somewhat incredulous.

She was the Saint of the Beast King Clan, and had a natural sense of the Beast Clan.

The aura coming from those huge ships was the aura of the ancient dragon clan, terrifying and murderous!

"It is rumored that the blood of the dragon clan is against the will of heaven, and if one cultivates to the great perfection realm, one can at least reach the saint level!"

"How come someone has built a giant ship out of dragon bones in this sea of blood?"

Ye Tian and the other two looked at each other in bewilderment. It was the first time they had seen such a scene and they were shocked from the bottom of their hearts.

And Ye Tian was puzzled,"Are there really only the remains of saints in this holy ruins?……"

Next to it, words suddenly appeared on a stone tablet.

"Sacrifice the bloodstone to get on the boat!"

Just one sentence, no explanation.

Looking around, there is no passage, only the surging blood sea and the endless bloody wind.

"Perhaps, we need to take a keel boat to the other side to reach the real depths, the place of opportunity!"

Ye Tian pondered, took out a blood stone from the storage bag and placed it on the stone tablet.


The sea of blood in front of the three people was churning violently. In the endless blood rain, a keel ship broke out of the sea and appeared before their eyes!

The huge bone ship, which was a hundred feet high, was covered with mottled and bloody spots, as well as various sword and spear marks. It seemed that it had experienced countless battles and remained until now!

""Get on board!"

Without hesitation, Ye Tian took the two girls aboard.

After landing on the deck, all they saw were pieces of withered bones, and a sense of sorrow and killing came over them!

In front of them was a blood-colored ball of light, flowing and changing in the air.

Ye Tian took out a handful of bloodstones and threw them in, and it really worked.


A loud noise spread, and the keel boat suddenly started, as if driven by an extremely cold force, breaking through the boundless sea of blood and moving forward rapidly with the three people.

Wherever they passed, there was a vast blood mist, and creatures constantly flying out of the sea of blood attacked.

They were all killed by the three people, and blood stones fell at the same time.

They were thrown into the blood-colored light ball by Ye Tian casually, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

"The more bloodstones there are, the faster the keel boat will be!"

After gradually understanding the situation, Ye Tian and the other two looked at each other and went out to store their bags.

With a wave of his hand, a pile of bloodstones appeared on the deck.

The piled up together was like a hill, emitting a blood-red light, dazzling and blinding.

"There aren't many other things, but there are plenty of blood stones!"

Ye Tian and his two companions slaughtered all the disciples in the outer area, and the spoils they got included countless blood stones.

I didn't expect that they would come in handy now!

As the blood stones were constantly swallowed by the light ball, the speed of the dragon bone ship that the three people were riding on increased to the extreme.

It was like a meteor breaking through the sky, flying forward at a fast speed.

In a blink of an eye, they had caught up with a huge dragon bone ship!

"There are figures on the boat!"

Ji Ziyan said as the three of them looked up and found five figures on the keel boat a hundred feet ahead.

While killing sea creatures to obtain blood stones, they urged the keel boat to speed up.

At the moment when Ye Tian and the other two looked over, someone on the opposite side also looked up.

When their eyes met, the person on the opposite side was slightly stunned.

"It's not Lei Zucan who came, but three unfamiliar faces?"

The man said coldly:"In this case, then stay!" While he was speaking, three more people looked over. After seeing the pile of bloodstones in front of Ye Tian and the others, shock and greed appeared in their eyes.

"How come they have so many bloodstones!"

"No wonder he was able to catch up with us so quickly, it turns out there are so many bloodstones!"

"If we rob them of their bloodstones, we will definitely reach the other side faster than other sequences!"

As the four people exclaimed, the last figure slowly turned around, revealing a beautiful and cold face.

It was actually a woman!

Her aura was faintly emanating, revealing a breath that was even more tyrannical than Lei Zucan, which made Ye Tian's eyes move slightly.

Before he could speak, he heard Si Lingzhu's gnashing teeth next to him, with a monstrous hatred.

"Si Lingshuang, I finally see you!"

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