That was a woman, a woman who was prettier than Si Lingshuang.

But the charm and coldness in her eyes were even better than Si Lingshuang's.

And in her coldness, there was a burning feeling, as if she had practiced some extremely strong and masculine skills.

This was the reason why Ye Tian noticed her!

"A woman practicing this method……"

Ye Tian's mind unconsciously appeared another woman, Wang Teng's maid. She practiced the Fiery Sky Burning Technique, which was very powerful, but was eventually obtained by Ye Tian. The ultimate fire can destroy the world more than thunder!

He showed interest in his eyes and stared at this woman. He was ready to take advantage of the situation!

The ten sons of the sequence were all hostile competitors to each other. At this time, this woman was actually on the same boat with the prince of the War Dynasty.

"The relationship is not ordinary."

As for the appearance of the prince of the War Dynasty, he was not surprised.

When he was outside the Holy Ruins, he had seen many of the prince's lackeys. At that time, they wanted to besiege three people, but Ye Tian killed all of them with one sword.

Sooner or later, they will meet!

But I didn't expect it to be so early. This prince turned out to be the eighth sequence.

The golden dragon energy when he waved his hand just now, the magnificent righteousness carried the emperor's intention, it should be some kind of ancient scripture technique

"It's still a lot worse than the trace of Emperor's Will in my Golden Crown of Luck!"

Ye Tian was even more excited while he was thinking:"Two Sons of Sequence came down at once, what a surprise!"

Tap tap.

While Ye Tian was thinking, Ji Ziyan stood beside him and asked for help.

"Ye Tian, help me."

Ji Ziyan's eyes were filled with murderous intent, and the bracelet on her jade arm rang without wind. She rushed to the other side with a fighting spirit. She locked onto the prince.

"Because of the dynasty's seizure of the throne, the prince strangled all my men and even killed my mother."

"I was also forced to come to Hongmeng Holy Land to seek the truth!"

Ji Ziyan looked at Ye Tian with extreme sadness in her eyes:"You can help Si Lingzhu to avenge, so I want to ask you to help me……"

Ye Tian nodded slightly, and his aura slowly emanated, supporting her.

The Supreme Bone on his chest trembled slightly, and a wisp of Taoism came out of the Golden Crown of Luck, blending into her brow.

With this wisp of luck, Ji Ziyan's luck in breaking through the Dou character secret in the battle will be much greater!

Ji Ziyan looked at him with gratitude, and rushed out directly.

Rushing to the prince of the War Dynasty:"Ji Lingtian, today we will settle our grievances!"

She was filled with hatred, and under the performance of her family's skills, golden dragon energy surrounded her, and she rushed forward like an empress.

Surrounded by dragon energy, it became more powerful in the evolution of the Dou character secret.

With the sound of dragon roars all over the sky, Ji Lingtian was attacked and killed!

"You are only at the first level of the Cave Heaven Realm. You cannot threaten my position."

Ji Lingtian always had a cold smile on his face, and even looked down upon Ye Tian and the other two.

"Although I don't know why Si Lingshuang and Lei Zucan let you come, three disciples who have just entered the Cave Heaven Realm dare to attack me?"

He spoke with a strong sense of disdain and ridicule, and the arrogance on his face was revealed.

These sons of the sequence were born with pride and looked down on anyone outside the sequence, thinking that they were not worthy of appearing in front of them.

"I really don't know where your sense of superiority comes from, it's bullshit!"

Ye Tian said lightly, looking at Ji Ziyan:"Remember the secret of the second level of the Douzi Secret, and work hard to break through!"

Ji Ziyan's eyes lit up, and she nodded fiercely:"In life and death, feel the truth!"

She knew that her strength was still far behind Ji Lingtian.

But with Ye Tian behind her, she was very stable in her heart. She just let go and fight, and leave the rest to Ye Tian.

Perhaps infected by Si Lingzhu, Ji Ziyan's feelings for Ye Tian, I don't know when to bring a sense of dependence and trust.

Ye Tian is like a solid rock, becoming a safe haven deep in their hearts!


Ji Ziyan was surrounded by golden dragon energy, and her sharp aura gradually became stronger.

As she activated the Dou character secret, a clanging sound came out from her attack.

The shadow of the ancient killing field emerged, and the attack and killing technique rushed out.

""Hua La!"

As the two fought, countless divine lights surged, and their bodies changed rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, they had already rushed up to the sky, emitting waves of murderous intent, which impacted the blood sea and caused it to churn. A huge creature swept out.

The two did not even look at it. The aftermath of the fierce collision of magic spells carried extreme spiritual power fluctuations.

It directly smashed the blood sea creature into a bloody rain. The pungent smell of blood spread, making Ji Ziyan's expression even colder. She was desperate when she attacked, and had begun to exchange injuries for injuries!

"Want to die together?"

Ji Lingtian sneered, but there was doubt in his eyes.

When Ji Ziyan was driven out of the War Dynasty, she was only at the Foundation Establishment stage, but she broke through to the Cave Heaven Realm after only half a month of not seeing her.

And she learned the Douzi Secret, which made her feel a little stretched during the attack!

"Dynasty secret technique, dragon energy merges into the body!"

Ji Lingtian snorted coldly and performed the top-level technique of the War Dynasty. This was a technique that Ji Ziyan didn't know, and it was passed down to men but not women.

After he performed it, the dragon energy in the sky was absorbed into his body, and even the dragon energy emitted by Ji Ziyan was absorbed by him.

For a moment, Ji Lingtian's momentum surged, and the void was shaken when he attacked.

Ji Ziyan vomited blood and retreated


But she was not afraid at all. She rushed out again despite being seriously injured, and her attack became more and more fierce, without any nonsense.

She was as strong as Si Lingzhu, and she was fighting desperately at this time just to comprehend the second level of the Dou character secret.

After being seriously injured repeatedly, she seemed to feel something, but it was always a little short.

At this moment, the wisp of luck power that Ye Tian left on her forehead burst out, breaking through the last layer of window paper, allowing Ji Ziyan to understand instantly!

In the shadow of the ancient killing field behind her, the sacred mountains exploded!

Ji Ziyan showed ecstasy on her face and shouted

"Douzi Secret, second level!"

Successful breakthrough!

Ji Ziyan exuded a soaring momentum, and an extremely sharp force flowed through her body.

There was also a cracking sound, as if some shackles were broken and the seal was unlocked!

She punched out, and the double power suddenly superimposed, and countless attacking shadows merged into one punch, directly blasting Ji Lingtian away


Ji Lingtian's expression changed drastically, and he was a little bit unbelievable.

At this time, the woman slowly raised her hand, with a cold light in her eyes.

"Ji Lingtian, are you holding back because of our brother-sister relationship? Then I'll kill her for you!"

She had a haughty look on her face, and she looked down on Ye Tian and the other two from beginning to end, and she didn't even look at them straight in the eye.

Seeing that Ji Ziyan was only in the first level of the Cave Heaven Realm, she actually fought with Ji Lingtian to a draw, and even suppressed him after just breaking through.

This made her feel impatient,"If you are indecisive, you will never accomplish anything great!"

A pale light appeared on her fingertips, burning like a flame, but it exuded a chill.

As soon as the flame came out, the entire keel ship was covered with a layer of white frost, as if frozen!

Weird and terrifying!

This blow condensed in her palm, and was about to hit Ji Ziyan's back.

Ye Tian's eyes, the moment he saw the flame, were filled with a strong white light!

With his eyes shining, he stepped out directly:

"Woman, your opponent is me!"

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