Ye Tian took a step forward and floated in the air, looking at the woman from a distance across the sea of blood.

The energy locked with her made her sneer.

"Opponent? You are just an ant in my eyes!"

"Since you are looking for death, let's kill them together!"

The woman's face was arrogant and cold, and the cold fire on her fingertips was jumping. The two keel boats were all covered with white frost and became ice boats.

Even the strong coldness froze Ye Tian and the other two through the void.

She wanted to wipe them out with her momentum before she attacked. How conceited!


A pale flame flew out from her fingertips and flew towards Ye Tian.

After the pale flame appeared, she became even colder. Just looking at it made her feel like she was going to be frozen.

But the pale flame was not completely cold, and it faintly revealed a hint of burning, as if it could burn the sky!

This strange feeling made Ye Tian's eyes brighter, and his intuition told him that this flame was stronger than the power of thunder.

He patted the Supreme Bone on his chest, and the power of the Golden Crown of Luck trembled slightly.

""Work hard and get this flame attribute for free!"

He waved his hand, and the infinite power of the extreme realm urged the Fiery Sky Burning Technique, directly roaring out a sky full of red flames, as if the sun was burning. It hit the cold fire and tested it first!


The collision between the red flame and the pale flame was like splitting the world into two. A blazing and dazzling divine light burst out, and they were in a stalemate.

Leng Lingshan was slightly stunned. She didn't kill Ye Tian instantly?

She was a young supreme of Daoyi Holy Land, but she needed to use a second trick to deal with an ant? This made her a little impatient. She snorted coldly and was about to continue to attack, but she saw Ji Lingtian suddenly burst out with a sky-high dragon energy, which directly shattered the coldness around him.

"Leng Lingshan, you don't need to interfere in my war against the Dynasty!"

"You can kill the other two at will, Ji Ziyan is mine!"

Ji Lingtian shouted angrily. Under Ji Ziyan's increasingly domineering attack, he was really angry.

Leng Lingshan snorted lightly, with the natural arrogance of a young supreme, looking down on everything.

Her eyes fell on Ye Tian, and after feeling his faint breath, Leng Lingshan sneered.

"You are stronger than Ji Ziyan, but still an ant"

"I really don't know why Lei Zucan and Si Lingshuang were surpassed by you!"

Ye Tian said lightly:"They are both dead."

As soon as the words came out, Leng Lingshan was stunned and frowned deeply.

Lei Zucan and the other two were the sons of the sequence after all, with unparalleled combat power, but they were killed by Ye Tian and the other two?

Ji Lingtian's reaction was even greater. He was stunned in surprise, and Ji Ziyan seized the opportunity to launch a fierce attack.


He vomited blood and flew backwards, his hair and beard flying, which was very miserable.

"They are all trash!"

Leng Lingshan was furious when she saw Ji Lingtian was seriously injured, and said impatiently:"Ji Lingtian, the master is about to reach the place of opportunity on the other side, you and I can't waste any more time!"

Ji Lingtian was furious, and after hearing the word"master", a trace of fear appeared on his face.

He said in a deep voice:"If the third sequence blames me, I will bear it!"

"You and I are just traveling together, and you can't give me orders!"

After saying that, Ji Lingtian rushed out brazenly and fought with Ji Ziyan again.

Both of them were seriously injured, and the fight became more and more fierce, blood flying everywhere without caring.

They wanted to kill each other!

Hearing this, Ye Tian narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Leng Lingshan in surprise:"She is a seventh sequence, but she is a servant of the third sequence? This is interesting."

That third sequence, it seems very powerful

"Come and fight!"

Ye Tian just thought about it for a moment, and then he didn't care.

No matter who you are, as long as you are my opponent, I will kill you forcefully.

Leng Lingshan is much stronger than Ji Lingtian. If she attacks Ji Ziyan, it will be dangerous.

So Ye Tian attacked without hesitation.


When the Dou character secret was used, the attack and killing skills were condensed, and the first move was a killing move, attacking Leng Lingshan.

The sense of invincibility emanated, which made Leng Lingshan look shocked:"It's the Dou character secret again!"

Ten years ago, among the hundreds of geniuses in the Hongmeng Holy Land, only one person cultivated the Dou character secret, and the killing made them a little scared.

Now two people appeared one after another, and both cultivated the Dou character secret?

"Unfortunately, you are only at the first level of the Cave Heaven Realm!"

Leng Lingshan's eyes were filled with murderous intent, and she sneered as she attacked, wanting to kill Ye Tian in advance and prevent him from growing up.

As the peak of the Cave Heaven Realm burst out, the pale flames suddenly surged in her hands, directly annihilating the blazing flames that Ye Tian was emitting.

Then she emitted an extremely cold meaning, causing a flame curtain to appear above the keel ship, covering Ye Tian.

"Is that so?"

A dark cave appeared behind Ye Tian, and the golden thunder power flashed inside, bursting out with endless golden light. It condensed into a golden finger and suddenly pointed out!

This was not a finger of Thunder Ancestor, but it was an attack and killing technique formed under the evolution of the Dou character secret. They were similar in nature, and they were all thunder power attacks.


The flame curtain in the sky was actually dispersed by his finger!

The extreme coldness roared above the sea of blood, and it actually froze the blood rain in the sky, like an ice cone!

This finger was as powerful as ever, and it pointed in front of Leng Lingshan like a rotten wood.

""Puff, puff, puff."

The powerful and heavy finger, wrapped in the strongest attack, made Leng Lingshan's face suddenly change and she took several steps back.

She was horrified. Ye Tian's fighting power was so strong.

She had misjudged him!

Leng Lingshan shouted softly, and the pale flame was absorbed into her body. Her aura exploded.

The vision of the holy body appeared, and there was a vision of a sky-high flame behind her, as if burning the heavens, which was extremely terrifying.

The moment this vision appeared, a cold and cold expression appeared on her face.

"The Dou character secret is too terrifying and cannot allow you to grow!"

"I will send you to meet those geniuses from ten years ago!"

The flames that shot up into the sky directly covered the battlefield of the two people in all directions. The extremely cold flames now gave off a burning feeling.

One cold and one hot, two forces that were originally unrelated, were perfectly integrated by Leng Lingshan.

The terrifying power surged, making everyone feel the danger!


Ye Tian snorted coldly, with a strange look in his eyes.

He had just tested the power of the cave thunder, and the effect was not bad.

Now that the murderous intentions of both sides have skyrocketed, Ye Tian no longer has the intention to hone his offensive combat power.

He wants to resolve the battle quickly.

The Hongmeng Divine Body is directly stimulated to the extreme, and the Spirit King Nine Changes Technique is performed, and the combat power soars directly.

At the same time, the Dou character secret evolves into golden thunder, and the power flowing in the body increases sharply, and then a palm is slapped out.

This palm condenses Ye Tian's peak attack


The endless killing technique evolved by the Dou character secret was shrouded in the power of golden thunder, which was even more terrifying.

No matter whether it was cold fire or fierce fire, the two forces exploded in the clamor after this palm strike!

It was like the hand of the avenue, exuding a trembling intention, destroying all attacks.

Ye Tian came out bathed in flames, unscathed.

On the opposite side, Leng Lingshan had been slammed to the ground, with horror on her face!

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