"Borrow my body!"

The moment Shan Shi's voice came out, Ye Tian felt a shock all over his body.

The transparent body of Shan Shi on the stone coffin, as if it had no substance, directly crashed into his body.

The next second, Ye Tian felt that his body was out of control, as if his soul was taken away by another body.

And a strong aura appeared, attached to him, controlling his body.

"You are now a Hongmeng divine body and have condensed a wisp of chaotic energy. In the future, when you have cultivated to perfection, you can attain the chaotic body!"

"The Chaos Dao Body has the same constitution as the Great Emperor Bai Zhan, which is hard to come by in a million years, but its power is unparalleled!"

After Shan Shi entered Ye Tian's body, a voice came out.

"Nearly half of my strength has been devoured by the evil corpse, and I have lost the power to fight it!"

"Only with the help of this wisp of chaotic energy and your divine body can you briefly exert the power of a semi-saint and fight against the evil corpse!"As the voice vibrated in Ye Tian's mind, the good corpse controlled his body and soared into the air.

Facing the huge blood sea evil corpse, Ye Tian's body seemed very small in comparison.

But he burst out with endless divine light, with a vast momentum, a wisp of chaotic energy circulated around him, attracting the black thunder in the depths of the Thunder Mountain.

It rushed out directly and surrounded Ye Tian.

It actually formed a thunder body thousands of feet long!

"Dharma image of heaven and earth, annihilate the thunder body!"

The voice of the good corpse resounded in his mind, and Ye Tian's mind moved slightly, knowing that the good corpse was using his body to fight against the evil corpse.

At the same time, it also made him feel the power of the lower half of the saint realm.

This huge thunder body is the Dharma image of heaven and earth!

In the chaotic light, Ye Tian's perception was very deep, as if he was looking at the evil corpse in the sea of blood.

He could clearly see the blood flowing on the huge body of the evil corpse, the solemn murderous aura and the cold and incomparable divine light in his eyes.

It was like a devourer!

After seeing the good corpse appear, a terrifying crack appeared on the head of the evil corpse, as if laughing.

There were countless ghosts and resentments in it, mixed together and made a harsh sound

"The smell of blood is even more fragrant!"

It watched the good corpse merge with Ye Tian's primordial divine body, and then there was a wisp of chaotic energy surrounding it, and it was trembling with excitement, and blood rained down.

The figure suddenly disappeared from the spot.

Only endless murderous energy rushed towards him. Ye Tian felt a bloody figure squeezed out of the void, and a bloody mouth was swallowing him.


The Dharma image of heaven and earth behind him, the annihilation thunder body, suddenly attacked, and punched the blood sea figure.


The power of black thunder was like the calamity light from heaven, directly smashing the blood sea figure into pieces, with an invincible momentum.

Annihilating the entire void in front of Ye Tian!



The Saint Ruins, which could not even withstand the power of the Awakening Realm, had cracks in the void appear in an instant during the first bombardment of the two.

It spread to the surroundings, and the moment it touched the stone coffin on the top of the mountain, the stone coffin turned into ashes.

The terrible and terrifying power made Ji Ziyan and others change their expressions, and there was nowhere to escape.

The Semi-Saint Realm, destroying the world!

""Black turtle, suppress the void!"

Shanshi's voice came out from Ye Tian's mouth, and the nine red-armored black turtles under the Thunder Mountain suddenly raised their heads.


The moment the roar came out, the light of the formation on their bodies surged, and the power of the extraordinary realm second only to the semi-saint burst out.

The few remaining holy beasts' intentions spread directly between heaven and earth.

Covering the cracks in the void, it actually stopped the collapse of the void!

It seemed to suppress the entire holy ruins space and prevent it from being damaged!

"It's useless... Everyone will die!"

The voice of the blood sea evil corpse echoed between heaven and earth. He re-condensed his body.

It was even more ferocious and terrifying. The annihilation attack just now did not destroy it at all, and it was not even injured.

"As long as the blood sea is here, I will be here too!"

On the huge body of the evil corpse in the blood sea, the shadows of mountains and rivers appeared, and then they were covered and swallowed by the blood sea, and the sun and moon were dimmed in the roar.

With the power of a semi-saint, any ray of divine light can collapse the entire Thunder Mountain. Just after the fight, the sky collapsed!

Chaos appeared above the nine heavens, and the Thunder Mountain that connected the heaven and the earth was directly shattered.

In the bombardment of the two semi-saint corpses, they turned into ashes!

Because of the power of the good corpse, Ji Ziyan and others were not in danger. They fell on the nine red-armored black turtles and were protected by the formation. Ye

Tian merged with the good corpse and fought with the evil corpse in the void. Every blow made the ground of the Holy Ruins tremble incomparably.

When he raised his hand, a divine chain of order appeared between heaven and earth, exuding the truth of the great way.

"Look carefully, this is the Douzi Secret!"

The voice of Shanshi echoed in Ye Tian's mind, and the Dharma world suddenly merged into his body, and then Ye Tian felt a terrible power flowing in his body.

Shanshi, who was already extremely powerful, suddenly increased his momentum.

A full nine times!

The Douzi Secret was exerted to the extreme by it, the extreme is nine, the peak evolution!

The phantom of the ancient killing field appeared between heaven and earth, which was not the hazy state of Ye Tian and others at all, but seemed real!

Every figure and every god in the killing field seemed to exist as if they were real gods.

The moment it appeared, the ancient unparalleled attack technique evolved, and it actually took the initiative to attack the evil corpse!

""Heavenly Palace, suppress!"

The low humming of the gods echoed, and the endless immortal palaces in the ancient battlefield trembled together, bursting out countless divine lights, forming a magnificent palace.

Suddenly, it enveloped the evil corpse and suppressed it strongly. The

Dou Zi Mi, this extremely powerful ancient scripture of the emperor, could make the phantom come true, as if summoning the ancient strong to come for a decisive battle!

Every divine light spread, destroying the sea of blood on the evil corpse!

In a blink of an eye, the thousand-foot evil corpse was wiped out into nothingness!

Even the surging sea of blood around it evaporated by nearly half!

"The secret power of the peak fighting character is so terrifying……"

Such a shock emerged in Ye Tian's heart. Watching the scene of the world trembling and the killing field becoming real, it was as if he was really in ancient times, personally feeling the vastness and horror.

Endless avenue light, flying order divine chains, various gods and spirits, and the manifestation of the Dao rhyme of the heavens!

All of these are just the power exerted by the semi-saint realm!

If it is the saint realm, how terrifying it would be!


Seeing that the evil corpses in the sea of blood had been wiped out, Ye Tian was not yet excited when he heard the good corpse sighing.

"The blood sea is not extinguished, the evil corpse is not dead"

"I have very little strength left, and the crisis is coming!"

Ye Tian was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously looked at the sea of blood, and found that the ice coffin exploded.

A figure flew out from it, and thousands of resentful ghosts around him merged into his body. He stepped forward in the murderous aura, and his step was a thousand feet! The humanoid body was covered with red hair, and the green face and fangs were very scary. The whole body emitted a dazzling red light, which seemed to be able to split the sky and the earth.

It walked in the cracks of the void, unaffected!

"What was just killed was actually the Dharma body of the blood sea evil corpse!"

Ye Tian looked ahead in horror. The endless sea of blood began to flow into the evil corpse, and covered half of the sky as it rolled behind it, like a blood sea cloak!

The evil corpse's true body was completely revived!

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