One step, a thousand feet!

And the speed is getting faster and faster!

After the sea of blood continued to merge into the body, the evil corpse's aura has risen to the sky, and it is much stronger than before.

"After so many years, the evil corpse has absorbed nearly half of the holy will in me and the black tortoise."

The good corpse said helplessly:"It has also absorbed the blood of countless geniuses who fell here, and is about to become an immortal body in the sea of blood, a true half-saint!"

"As long as it devours us, it will attain the state of sainthood!"

"By then, all people will be in danger.……"

When Shanshi said this, his voice sounded extremely regretful, even with a hint of pity.

The Great Emperor had fought bloody battles for an entire era to preserve the prosperity of the human race.

He never expected that the evil corpse he had killed would bring disaster to the common people!

Shanshi had retained all the good thoughts of the Great Emperor, and at this moment he sighed deeply, unable to bear it.

"How can I kill it?"

Ye Tian asked hastily. He didn't want to give up.

"The evil corpse also knows the secret of fighting, and its killing intent is even stronger than mine!"

"Unless you use several times the power of the previous one to kill it, you can destroy the evil corpse!"

The good corpse sighed, it felt that there was no chance.

However, Ye Tian's eyes lit up.

Several times?

No problem!

Ye Tian turned his palm over, and a pill appeared directly.

Strength Pill!

"After taking it, you can have ten times the strength, which lasts for an incense stick of time!"

Ever since he got this elixir, Ye Tian has been keeping it as a trump card for counterattack.

It is reserved for the current situation!

It comes in handy!

After taking it directly, Ye Tian's already extremely powerful Hongmeng divine body seemed to have strength out of thin air.

After the fusion of Shanshi, he was already a semi-saint, and his aura suddenly soared.

The wild increase of strength by ten times shocked Shanshi:"It's stronger than the Dou Zi secret!"

This kind of increase is an all-round increase, no matter the combat power, attack, or ancient scriptures, all are increased tenfold!

It made Shanshi laugh out loud and was extremely excited.

"The long-lost power of a saint!"

Under the effect of the power pill, it temporarily possessed the power of the Hundred Battles Emperor, the saint period!

At the same time, the blood sea evil corpse had merged with the entire blood sea and came roaring.

Taking a step, the space changed.

It actually came directly in front of Ye Tian, with red hair surging, emitting a strong evil spirit, and the void collapsed again.

Nine red-armored black turtles vomited blood together. Under this level of power, they could no longer maintain the void!



The void collapsed and the sky collapsed.

The evil corpse struck, shattering the universe, letting the blood rain spread down, and each drop carried a terrifying aura, as if it could crush the void.


When the good corpse saw this situation, he was not as panicked as before, but was extremely calm.

Facing the evil corpse's attack that cut countless space cracks and was like a world-destroying attack, he gently raised his palm and clenched it!


He said it lightly, but without hesitation.

It was as if the void had become a hand, directly grasping the bloody corpse, making it unable to move forward.

The chaotic light suddenly burst out, and even the power of the Great Dao surged out from the void, transforming into a bunch of Dao lotus.

After these Dao lotus appeared, they merged with the chaotic light and actually formed a figure that reached the sky and the earth.

With a look of contempt, he stood on the long river of time.

"The figure of the emperor?!"

Ji Ziyan and Si Lingzhu exclaimed. Isn't this figure that reaches the sky the one they saw in the Saint's Medicine Garden?

Now it looks more magnificent and powerful, and clearer.

Although standing in the void, it seems to be at a different level, projected across endless time and space.

"The evil corpse deliberately destroyed the void, the Holy Ruins are about to collapse, and there is not enough time"

"I can only use all the power of the saints and borrow the little power left by the emperor in the holy ruins to kill the evil corpse!"

The good corpse seemed to be telling Ye Tian, and seemed to be whispering softly.

"The Great……"

The bloody evil corpse's red hairs grew rapidly, and it was struggling in the void.

The sound of thousands of ghosts crying came out, and the violent and cruel corpse was afraid for the first time.

After it revived, no one in the Holy Ruins could stop it. Just when its red hairs were about to grow and swallow Ye Tian and others, it brought ominousness and nightmares to the world.

But I didn't expect that this damn good corpse would suddenly emit the power of a saint!

And it also borrowed a trace of the power of the emperor!

"Fighting Secret!"The evil corpse roared.

The same Fighting Secret, but the power it exerted in its hands was even greater than that of the good corpse.

It was already full of offensive intentions, and its momentum surged. It actually cut a gap in the suppression of the saintly realm's void hand, and wanted to turn into a sea of blood and escape into the distance.

Ye Tian was a little anxious. If he let the evil corpse escape and lost this opportunity, he was afraid that it would be difficult to kill it in the future.


The good corpse spoke softly. The figure that was soaring through the sky and the earth lowered his eyes slightly and looked at the evil corpse in the sea of blood.

Just a glance.

The evil corpse in the semi-saint realm, which was trembling violently and seemed to destroy the world, trembled and suddenly stopped.

And then... annihilation!

In a glance, along with the blood rain in the sky, it turned into nothingness! Between heaven and earth, there was a solemn and clear moment.

There was no endless blood rain cutting through the void, no thunder and lightning mountains annihilating the breath, and no sea of blood swallowing everything!

"Just a trace of the remaining power of the Hundred Battles Emperor when he became an emperor, he can destroy the semi-saint with his eyes.……"

Ye Tian and his companions felt that all this was just like a dream.

The evil corpses in the sea of blood that made them feel like the end of the world were completely destroyed?

While thinking about it, Ye Tian felt his body lighten, and the power of the good corpses faded, and he became a transparent body again.

Between heaven and earth, cracks in the void spread, and even the stagnant and collapsed void outside the Holy Ruins was annihilated at an extreme speed.

The Holy Ruins are about to be destroyed!

Ye Tian frowned slightly, and one wave just subsided, and another wave rose.

The annihilation of the void is more terrifying than the evil corpses, because there is nowhere to escape...

While he was thinking, suddenly the five caves behind him roared and trembled.

In the cracks in the void, countless spiritual powers were absorbed and the caves were opened again!


It seemed as if a cave heaven was squeezed out of the sky, causing the void to thunder and tremble more violently.

Ye Tian looked behind him in shock, and actually... opened four cave heavens in a row!

The battle just now allowed him to break through four realms and directly reach the peak of the cave heaven realm!

The nine cave heavens behind him opened together, with unparalleled power.

And the four newly opened cave heavens were also whizzed by the purple gold token, maintaining the status quo.

Only Ye Tian had to add attributes to become an attribute cave heaven.

"Attribute cave heaven?"

Shanshi glanced sideways at this time, with a look of surprise.

"His physique and luck were incredible, and he even cultivated himself into a heaven of attributes!"

"If the emperor hadn't been alive, I would have thought you were the reincarnation of the Hundred Battles Emperor!"

It raised its hand slightly, and with the last bit of its strength, it penetrated the sky, and a huge passage emerged. The void crack was untouchable, covering this world.

"Although the evil corpse was destroyed, its legacy remains!"

"The Holy Ruins will soon collapse. I cannot let the inheritance end. I can only use my last bit of strength to send you away."

The good corpse made its last sound:"I promise you a chance to hunt down the evil corpse in the future!"

"Remember, the blood sea is not extinguished, and the evil corpse is not dead!"

After saying this, the good corpse turned into a divine light, merged into the purple gold token, and disappeared.

Only the purple gold token was left, happily shuttling through the last five caves.

The purple gold divine light roared, like the emperor's aura.

Ye Tian was thinking about the good corpse's words in his mind. The evil corpse's inheritance was not extinguished?

Who obtained the inheritance?

He looked at the black tortoise below, only Ji Ziyan and Si Lingzhu fell to the ground unconscious.

���The three sequences disappeared!

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