The third sequence is missing!

This shocked Ye Tian. He looked around but didn't find any trace of him. Even the power of luck disappeared.

This made him frown:"How did he leave?"

Ji Ziyan and Si Lingzhu were awakened by him. They spit out blood and were seriously injured.

Si Lingzhu was very emotional when he saw Ye Tian.

"Brother Ye Tian, go and kill the third sequence quickly!"

Ji Ziyan also hurriedly said:"The moment the evil corpse was destroyed just now, blood rain merged into his brows, and the murderous aura was released."

"We were seriously injured and unconscious after being hit, and we only saw him with a sinister look on his face drilling into the cracks in the void and disappearing!"

After the two women finished speaking, Ye Tian finally understood.

It turned out that when the evil corpse was dying, it actually integrated a strand of inheritance into the body of the third sequence and took him away from the Holy Ruins!

The powerful and terrifying blood sea evil corpse made Ye Tian deeply touched.

If the third sequence merged with the evil corpse's inheritance, it must be a big demon.

Not only will it bring disaster to the world, I'm afraid it will be the first to seek revenge on me!

"After getting out, you must quickly find the third sequence and kill him!"

"We can’t let him grow up!"

Ye Tian is helpless now. In the battle of that level just now, their cultivation level can’t intervene at all.

Shan Shi also used up his strength, and the third sequence escaped, so he could only be chased and killed later.

"Heal your wounds first!"

Ye Tian took out a few Soul Gathering Pills and handed them over, allowing them to recover their spiritual power and heal their injuries.

Although the Smoke Pills were full after taking a bite, the two women always felt a little weird when they inhaled them.

Now that the crisis is over, the Soul Gathering Pills are enough.


A series of system sounds rang in Ye Tian's mind, surprising him.

"Congratulations to the host for defeating the third sequence and obtaining 1 attribute pill!"

"Congratulations to the host for achieving the achievement: killing a semi-saint realm expert by taking drugs!"

"Achievement Reward: 2 Death Pills!"

"Congratulations to the host for successfully completing the mission: Refresh the sequence ranking! Holy Ruins ranked first!"

"Additional mission rewards: 1 Jiezi Pill! 1 Dunwu Pill!"

"Tasks are refreshing……"

Ye Tian blinked, the rewards exploded, so many pills.

Death Pill? He actually gave two.

New pills, it sounds like a fancy operation pill, I wonder what it is for.

Before he even looked at the effect, he felt something suddenly added to his body, and then he heard the system voice coming again.

"Ding! The number of free pills has been used up, and a total of free pills were: the stunning magic weapon! The sword-controlling magic! The blood sea attribute of the evil corpse!"

When this voice appeared, Ye Tian was completely shocked.

The last time he got it for free, he actually got the blood sea attribute of the evil corpse!

This is amazing!

As long as the blood sea is not destroyed, the evil corpse will not die!

If he integrates the blood sea attribute of the evil corpse and cultivates it to perfection, wouldn't he also have this ability?

""Attribute Pill!"

Ye Tian swallowed an attribute pill without hesitation. After the pill was cut open, the attribute in his body was merged into the fourth cave heaven. The purple-gold aura dissipated.

Instead, a drop of red blood was heard.

Although it was extremely small, it could be heard from the churning of the sea of blood, and faintly with the sound of thousands of ghosts crying!

After the fusion of the sea of blood, the fourth cave heaven's devouring power skyrocketed, becoming the cave heaven with the strongest devouring power for Ye Tian!

After all, the sea of blood has infinite devouring power, immortality, and overwhelming evil spirit.

It is extremely mysterious!

"There are still five caves without attributes. Let's see what inheritance the good corpse left for me."

Ye Tian looked at the purple gold token and pointed his finger. The light in the token immediately merged into his brow.

He sat on the top of the black tortoise and began to comprehend.

Now the Holy Ruins have all been annihilated by the void, leaving only this passage connecting heaven and earth, which is as solid as a rock.

Ye Tian happened to be practicing here, but he had to hurry up.

After the light merged into his body, Ye Tian's mind emerged with the divine chain of order, and the great Dao lotus continued to grow and dance, emitting an extremely mysterious aura.

"I can't comprehend it thoroughly."

Ye Tian couldn't spend too much time, so he swallowed the enlightenment pill he had just obtained.

As the power of enlightenment burst out, the divine chain of order in front of him began to change.

A figure evolved, the Great Emperor Bai Zhan!

He was suspended in Ye Tian's mind, also sitting in a river, the only difference was that behind the Great Emperor Bai Zhan was not the Nine Caves, but a huge purple gold divine plate.

There were countless golden runes engraved on it, which was extremely mysterious.

And there was the five elements of divine light slowly emanating, and there was also the meaning of the six reincarnations, crisscrossing.

The long river of time flowed under their feet, and the two seemed to be separated by ten thousand years of time and space, sitting facing each other.

"You are very good."

A voice came from the mouth of the Hundred Battles Emperor, with a faint smile:"The Hundred Battles Emperor Fire is of fire attribute, and the Evil Corpse Blood Sea is of water attribute. You have inherited two major attributes, and the sword attribute is gold.……"

"This emperor will complete the other five elements for you!"

After speaking, the Hundred Battles Emperor looked at him deeply, and then his figure suddenly disappeared.

Under the power of the enlightenment pill, Ye Tian only felt that there were five rays of light flying towards him on the huge divine disk.

""Five Elements Divine Light!"

He opened his eyes in shock and raised his hand slightly.

Five rays of light came out of his body, one merged into the Hundred Battles Emperor Fire of the Second Cave Heaven, one merged into the Sword Intent Attribute of the Third Cave Heaven, and one merged into the Evil Corpse Blood Sea of the Fourth Cave Heaven.

The remaining two directly merged into the Fifth and Sixth Cave Heavens!

"It's actually the five elements!"

Ye Tian swallowed two attribute pills in ecstasy, looking at the two caves with great expectation.

The power of the five elements is a force against heaven in any world.

All things in the world are mutually restrained and interdependent, and most of them are inseparable from the five elements!

Moreover, in his previous life, Ye Tian had read many prehistoric novels, in which there were terrifying great men who used the five elements' divine light to roam the world and no one could defeat them. When the five elements' divine light passed, everything was unstoppable!

"The five caves merged with the five attributes, complementing each other, and their power increased by more than double!"

After the fusion was successful, Ye Tian looked at the seventh, eighth, and ninth caves with joy, and found that there were also some attributes brewing in the seventh and eighth caves, but they had not yet manifested.

This surprised him a little,"Could it be that the Hundred Battles Emperor left some tricks behind just now?"

He couldn't figure it out, but he gritted his teeth and hesitated for a moment, and directly swallowed the last two attribute pills.

"Seventh and Eighth Cave Heavens, I hope you can really condense some attributes!"

Ye Tian was looking forward to it, and found that the attribute pill effect was stimulated, but the attributes in the two cave heavens did not manifest.

It was still in the process of fusion.

As for the Ninth Cave Heaven, it was as still as an ancient well, full of purple air.

"What a great harvest!"

Ye Tian laughed out loud, feeling extremely happy.

With his accumulated experience, he actually broke through to the peak of the Cave Heaven Realm.

As long as the nine cave heaven attributes are full, he can start to comprehend the magical power and break through the awakening realm. Just as he was about to step into the passage with the two women and leave the Holy Ruins, Ye Tian stopped slightly and looked at the ground under his feet.

"After we leave, the Holy Ruins will be annihilated into nothingness and cease to exist!"

He looked regretful and thoughtful:"These nine red-armored black turtles are holy beasts, no one wants them?"

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