The Five Sons of Tianmen!

Duan Wuchang!

Ye Qingcheng!

Qin Luo!

All the four breaths have disappeared?


Shocked all over the place.

Shaoguang The Holy Lord even stood up directly, his eyes trembling.

The people from the Quartet are all outstanding in this exchange meeting, but...

It's gone now.

"Ji fellow daoist!"

"Mysterious Baqu Pagoda is for your Ji family to be in control for the time being, but at this moment you told me that there is something strange and out of control, even if you are the Elder family of the Five Sacred Heavens and Longevity..."

"But you also need to wait for an explanation!"

Daoyi Holy Lord Xuanyuan Haoran narrowed his eyes and spoke coldly.

Its voice is not very friendly!

The life imprint left by Qin Luo Liuzu's side, although it has not been broken, but disappeared at this moment, obviously has fallen into an unknown crisis.

Qin Luo's future as Daoyi Sacred Land!

The hope of rising.

It has already reached an unprecedented height. If the Ji family is negligent, he said that Sacred Land is willing to launch the Great Emperor War!

Ji family old man, Ji family Tianjiao Ji Yang's complexion is not very good-looking.


This matter exceeded their expectations and control!


"My Ji family will be responsible for this, please rest assured!"

"Xuanyuan fellow daoist, I know how you feel, but please also give me some time."

"I want to investigate and understand what the reason is!"

The strong Ji family spoke helplessly and apologetically.

When he spoke like this, Xuanyuan Haoran couldn't put more pressure, so he looked at the other party and waited for him to give a reasonable explanation.


Ji Yang's figure also appeared beside the Ji family powerhouse, he stared at the mysterious Baqu Pagoda!


The surroundings are already surrounded by chaotic bodies, and there are even various visions flying in the sky, as if the son of a true fairy was born and descended into the world.

"Mysterious Baqu Pagoda, its essence is a half-step fairy artifact!"

"It is the treasure of the two colleges. Although it is only a part of it, it also has two or three powers. The inner world is mysterious..."

"There are some places that have not been explored to understand!"

"It's very likely that they touched those weird places."

The strong Ji family spoke.

at the same time!

He pressed his palm slightly, and suddenly runes appeared one by one.

The rune flickered and enveloped the tower, as if to form an invisible big hand, dragging it on the palm of the hand.



The chaos is permeated and flooded, it seems that there is some kind of power to open the sky!

This force directly knocks the control rune into the air.

"It's this chaotic energy of unknown origin... the last realm, that little red light, but second! It is mainly the chaotic energy, where is such a terrifying chaotic energy?"

"This level of purity! Unprecedented, I am afraid that only the birth of a chaotic body can cause such a vision..."

Said the strong Ji family again.

Hearing the words, the other strong frowned slightly.

Chaos body?

That is the strongest physique!

none of them.

Although it is the late stage of practicing Realm, this physique will become a burden instead.

But there is no doubt that this strongest physique can make Tianjiao possess unparalleled combat power and horror cultivation talent in the early stage!

Many strong people heard this, and looked at the strong Ji family with some doubts.

Such a physique has not appeared for several epochs, but now it suddenly broke out here?

This joke...

It seems to be a bit bigger.

The Ji family powerhouse fell silent quickly, indeed...

This is indeed nonsensical and impractical!

For the Ji family, he has cultivated a more complete Heavenly Demon skill than Shaking Sacred Land.

Their Ji family knows better, Chaos Body...

It is almost impossible to be born.

Swallowing the end and peak of Heavenly Demon's skill is the Chaos Body!

But their Ji family is the most proficient family in the Heavenly Demon cultivation of the heavens, so how can they not know the way?

To condense the chaotic body...

That's too difficult!

Not only does it require countless physique energy, but it also needs to have a strong talent in itself to be able to carry such a terrifying and overbearing physique.

Otherwise it will not succeed at all!

In the history of the Ji family...

Although there are amazing talents, they have never been able to absorb a large amount of physical energy, knowing that there are many Tianjiao, but they are not free to let them harvest like leeks.


This strong man from the Ji family had heard that their ancestor of the Ji family had succeeded, but it was also a chaotic body with flaws.

In later generations, their Ji family also had some plans to collect and hunt many arrogances for the cruel and ruthless achievement of the Ji family's supreme arrogance.

But also...


Those Ji family Tianjiao absorbed a lot of Tianjiao energy, exploded and died, and even the true spirit was wiped out.


at the same time!

The mysterious eight towers.

Seventh Realm!

Thunder World.

Qin Luo Lotus Position in the void.

The infinite chaos is vast and boundless!

Lightning swam through the chaos, as if a thunder snake was dancing.

That is not the lightning from the sky, but the manifestation of the avenue.

The breath of this world at this moment is extremely terrifying!



It's even more weird.


There is a wind blowing in the void.

All the chaotic energy was blown away in an instant.


In the middle of the void!

Qin Luo's figure is looming!


He opened his eyes sharply.


The thunder world collapsed and the void collapsed.

There are even light particles of pollen appearing in the sky, playing the sound of the avenue.

At this moment, there is a faint chaotic energy on Qin Luo's body surface, and the limbs and hundreds of skeletons are even more blurred into a chaotic form.

He has a feeling of becoming immortal.

This state...

It's amazing!

He is heaven!

He is the origin of the Dao.

The only ruler between heaven and earth.

"Chaotic Body々¨!"

Qin Luo murmured.

He clenched his fist lightly, and there was an extraordinary power that could surpass everything surging and erupting. It was the power from the chaotic body. At the same time, he also had a feeling that he could control the power of the world and use it for himself!

Chaos body!

It is also the body of the avenue.

The darling of heaven and earth.

The illegitimate son of Dadao.

This kind of physique is very terrifying. Although it is only in the early stage and has some flaws, Qin Luo can know its abnormality and horror at the first time of induction.


Qin Luo closed his eyes.

The figure is a little hazy!

The chaotic body is about to take shape.

At this moment, the Spirit Power of the entire Thunder Realm rioted, and then crazily surged, and finally merged into Qin Luo's body.

The eighth level climbs into the fairyland!


Tier Nine!

The tenth door began to be pushed, and the chaotic body jumped and swam. Driven by the power of chaos, the tenth door opened at a speed visible to the naked eye.

One breath.

Two breaths!

Three breaths!


The tenth door...

open! ! !


Suddenly, an extremely terrifying aura exploded around Qin Luo with Qin Luo as the center.

The sky broke and the origin of the avenue was shaken out.

When the thunder and lightning flashed, there was even a real dragon soaring, and the infinite fairy energy manifested and condensed in the fairy palace.

Go to Wonderland!

Tenth order.

Of course, this is not over yet.

But Qin Luo did not choose to break through.

But open your eyes!

"The training cooling time has disappeared."

Qin Luo suddenly smiled.


For Qin Luo, this is the greatest benefit of chaotic body awakening.

in the past!

Do not practice too fast, otherwise you will suffer backlash.

Old age is unknown!

There will be big problems in the follow-up.

but now……

After awakening the chaotic body, Qin Luo could vaguely feel that the invisible shackles had been shattered, he...

Has unlimited value.



Qin Luo hummed heavily.


Suddenly all the chaotic bodies began to gather, pouring into the body.




The surroundings are collapsing.

Fragments of the world are flying, and long biomass is splashing.

All the chaotic body breaths gathered, and Qin Luo's eyes became deeper and more fairy dust.

The aura of detachment is more intense, as if he could directly emerge from the sky at any time, and log in to Realm.

Qin Luo at this moment!

It really feels like a fairy on earth.


Qin Luo's eyes moved slightly.

He looked somewhere in the void.

Because the chaotic body awakened and gathered, this world was somewhat damaged.

And in a damaged area, Qin Luo smelled an unfamiliar world.


Qin Luo's figure moved instantly.

Rush to the broken place.

This is a long crack!

It was shattered by Qin Luo's awakened chaotic body. Originally, this world had a certain power of enchantment, which could prevent people who entered this place from investigating.

But now because of Qin Luo, it has been shattered.

Qin Luo looked at it!

There was a breath of extremely ancient vicissitudes flowing, as if it came from the oldest ruins, which was opened by Qin Luo at this moment.



The Black Mi and Bai Ling swords on Qin Luo's waist trembled.


"This mysterious Baqu Pagoda... has immortal energy, it is a quasi immortal artifact!"

Qin Luo moved.

Somewhat surprised.

Shuangjian told the news, which surprised Qin Luo.

"You can draw part of its original power and repair the double swords!"

Shuangjian trembled again and informed Qin Luo of the message.

"That's great!"

Qin Luo found out and smiled.


Qin Luo draws his sword.

It's the White Spirit Sword!

Guardian sword.


His figure flickered, and he rushed into the crack without hesitation.


Qin Luo felt all around him shaking.

A force that can shatter the Samsara realm's physical body is rippling in all directions, and can annihilate everything.

But the Bai Ling Sword burst out with a faint light (good Li Hao), and instantly resisted this force!

However, Qin Luo also suffered a great backlash and vibration.

Hemorrhage at the corners of the mouth and broken internal organs.

But fortunately, the indestructible scriptures flicker and are forcibly repaired. If the Qin Luo before, even holding a white spirit sword, he would not be eligible to enter this place and would be torn apart.

But at the moment...

The immortal scriptures are inscribed, the quasi Samsara body, plus the chaotic body...

Can resist one or two! ! !


About half an hour later, the light in front of her eyes flickered.


Qin Luo landed.


A huge gravitational force fell, squeezing Qin Luo's body, making an overwhelming rubbing sound.

But Qin Luo adapted quickly.

Look around.

This is an extremely dim world, with burning sun and dark particles floating in the void.

Energy drift of various attributes!

With Five Elements attributes, dark attributes, ice attributes, space attributes, time attributes, etc., this boundary is more like an unruly world with no rules and no order.

The realm of chaos!

The ground was dark and the sky was red.

There is a faint smell of rust in the air, and there is no trace of Spirit Power around.

And what catches Qin Luo the most is...

In the forefront, there are colorful lights flickering.

There are three directions!


Qin Luo took a deep breath.

Although he didn't observe carefully, the Black Mi Sword Spirit couldn't wait to tell him the answer.

This is the most critical substance to repair the double sword!

And there are three pieces. .

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