Fairy gold!

This is an extremely rare substance.

It is the basic material for forging immortal artifacts, whether it is placed in a foreign land or in the Kyushu world, it is an extremely rare and precious treasure.


In front of Qin Luo, there are three pieces!

Do not!

It should be said that it is three grains.

Qin Luo stared, his pupils condensed.


There are three particles that are one-fifth the size of yellow rice floating, which are smaller than the original longevity particles.

Each grain is colorful and exudes a rich fairy air.

The precious light shrouded and was twisted by the void.

It was these three grains of gold that caused this world to become a place with no rules.




This fairy gold is too dazzling and gorgeous.

It is brighter and dazzling than the sun in Kyushu.


Qin Luo moved.

Guardian of the Bai Ling Sword!

Hei Mi Sword broke through.

The even breath of the gods and demons rang like thunder.

The terrible pressure is coming like a tide!


A large number of light spots emerged. These are all irregular attribute powers. With the arrival of the living creature Qin Luo, it seemed to be attracted.




Masses of attribute energy exploded, as if the fairy gold was conscious, controlling them and obstructing Qin Luo's advancement.

Five Elements Fire!

The soil of Five Elements!

The two forces merged, and suddenly a large amount of magma condensed from the sky.


Qin Luo frowned.

Hei Mi Sword Qi tore out.

Void rippling tiny grass, swaying, planting.

It burst out Sword Qi that could tear the sky, tearing everything obstructing to pieces.




There are also things that cannot be cut, making the sound of golden and iron strikes.

Deafening, the sound spread and shattered nothingness!


The body shape is like a Changpeng crossing the heavens and all realms, and the void is distorted. It is an attack from the power of an irregular space, but it is avoided by Kunpeng of Qin Luo step by step.



Qin Luo took a step, flashed again, and went straight back to the original place.

All previous efforts were in vain in an instant!

"Time particles?"

"Do not!"

"How can a single time control my chaotic body."

"It's time and space!"

Qin Luo murmured.

Looking around, she was surprised.

This unruly world is indeed wonderful, and it does not seem to be a natural formation of Baqu Pagoda.

Although I don't know the origin of this quasi-immortal artifact, Qin Luo can faintly feel its unusualness. I am afraid that the roots and feet of this thing will be very deep.

Qin Luo didn't think too much!

His current goal is to obtain immortal gold, absorb part of the original power of the Baqu Pagoda, and repair the Heimi and Bailing swords.


Qin Luo drew his sword again.

It has the blessing of the mysterious scabbard's sword-drawing power, and at the same time there is even the fluctuation of the pacification of chaos.

He cut out a sword again!


The invisible Sword Qi swayed, tearing the nothingness instantly.


The invisible force was cut off and instantly collapsed, and the visible distortion of time and space in front of the eyes eventually turned into a pile of primitive energy.

The terrible Sword Qi erupts!

Even shredding some of the other strange energies, causing countless primitive energies to float in the void. This world is even a little unstable, with cracks that cannot be healed forever.


Qin Luo moved.

This time I came to a place next to the fairy gold particle.


The light is bright, but it is not dazzling, but has a soft feeling.

When the two swords of Hei Mi and Bai Ling approached.


The double swords automatically absorb, incorporate them, and merge them into one.

Qin Luo could feel Xianjian's desire and greed for Xianjin.

It is as if a practitioner who had been thirsty for several days in the desert encountered a lake.

Qin Luo moved again.

The other two pieces of immortal gold are also integrated into the double sword.

Three immortals entered into the financial sector, and suddenly the two swords shrouded a hazy aura.

Immortal Qi spreads and circulates!

It seemed that the original air was surging when the sky was opened.

Qin Luo can feel the excitement and carnival of the two sword spirits!

Silent and damaged once fairy artifact for a long time!

Finally was able to repair part of it.

It's just that it obviously takes a certain amount of time, but Qin Luo can still feel its aura rising continuously, and soon approaching the level of sacred objects.


A picture came to mind.

That is……

A vast starry sky!

There are five great mountains under the boundless and vast world.

That is Wuyuetian!

There is a circle below.

It is Kyushu!

There is a light spot flickering.

That is a man, a cultivator.

He ascended to the apex of the five mountains and five mountains, condensing infinite brilliance and celestial energy, and jumped up.


The upper universe seems to be broken.

But it still didn't break through!

A lot of thunder fell, and even dark matter appeared.

Devil whispered, and the wind howled.

There is a path of weird material flowing, unexpectedly condensed out of thin air.


Qin Luo's pupils shrank slightly.

There was a figure at the end of the road, and a terrible will came and swallowed the man directly.


The picture bursts, and Qin Luo can no longer see the next scene.

Qin Luo's mind roared and buzzed, and it took a long time to get over.

When he opened his eyes, looking at the two swords in his hand, they were faintly integrated.

Its breath is more round and complete!

There is even a faint fairy air entwined.

"Holy Relic Level!"

Qin Luo smiled and said.

But immediately frowned, he thought of the man and the strange figure behind that road.

"He is hitting a real wonderland!"

Qin Luo spoke in silence.

But obviously...


The reason for the failure is thought-provoking.

It's not a circuit break!

Nor is it an environmental issue.

It's not even Realm, and the foundation is not enough.

Qin Luo can tell.

It is because of the will behind that road that blocks everything.

"The road that appeared out of thin air is the practice system of the Five Sacred Mountains of Kyushu..."

"This road is not broken, nor is there a major problem!"

"It's occupied by a certain will!"

Qin Luo took a deep breath.

I feel that Realm, the real fairy in this world, is afraid that there is a big secret.


From ancient times to the present, there are still five unknown true immortals born.

Cut five fingers, step out of this starry sky.

But why, no one remembers it?

Qin Luo once consulted the information of Daoyi Sacred Land, and even inquired about the Great Emperor Lin Xiu personally, and got a history without immortality, as if that period of history was erased.





and also……

There are obviously real immortals in the foreign land, and even immortal kings, why don't they just break through and come?

What do they seem to be afraid of?

What are you coveting?


Qin Luo snorted softly.

Suddenly a strange power came to him.


The body is cold.


Even the consciousness gradually became stiff and fuzzy.

"Can't you even think about it?"

Qin Luo murmured.

Feel the great crisis.


Hei Mi Jian broke out.

Qin Luo gripped the hilt!

Slash the Ping Chaotic Sword Art towards the void!


The void was distorted, and black mist appeared.

The invisible Sword Qi fell.

It disappeared instantly with a tearing sound.

And that feeling gradually disappeared!

"Realm is not enough!"

"In the face of the heavens, the world, and the truth of the world, I am still too small!"

Qin Luo sighed.

Then his eyes narrowed suddenly.

Become stronger!

Immortal Ascension!

Has always been his goal.

Never change!


Qin Luo slashed again, drew the Shattering Void wall, and jumped out.

Leave this world.

Flash again!

Qin Luo appeared in the Seventh Realm and Thunder Realm.

He looked at the sky full of nothingness, his eyes moved slightly, and then he condensed not far away.

That spot of light has already become a bright moon, hanging high, just in front of it.

Next to it (cgdc)!

There is a whirlpool, spinning slowly.

It seems to be waiting for Qin Luo to enter.

"The Eighth Realm!"

"The last world!"

Qin Luo smiled.


The void is distorted, and Qin Luo has disappeared.

The afterimage is stagnant, and people are thousands of miles away.

Eighth Realm!

It is a boundary of the sea.

There is no land.

There is only endless water.

These waters are very unusual and contain a lot of Spirit Power. A drop of water can crush nothingness, and a drop of water can destroy a city.

The blue sea, the pure white sky!


Only a huge light wheel ‘Ming Moon’ hangs in the distance.

And under the light wheel.

There is a mountain!


at this time!

outside world.

The Ji family's strong man made seals in his palms, and even used some natal methods.


The tower body burst out with brilliance again.

Back to control!

The old man's eyes flashed and pointed again.

The Bafang screen appears.


They saw Jiang Tao and others.

and also……

Qin Luo drove on the eighth ocean and quickly approached the first peak.

As long as he steps on the first peak, he will be the first person in the Saint Child Exchange Meeting.


Even the fastest Jiang Tao has just entered the eighth level.

"The Seventh Realm has changed!"

"It is the realm of Thunder, but it has disappeared."

The strong Ji family condensed.

Xuanyuan Haoran breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Qin Luo's figure reappearing, but Shaking Guang.

"Ye Qingcheng Holy Maiden..."


The Holy Lord of Tianmen also cast his gaze.

The strong Ji family frowned slightly when he heard the words and looked at Ji Yang on the side.

Seeing this, Ji Yang seemed to be transmitted by the strong Ji family. After several changes in his complexion, he looked at the two Holy Lords and said lightly, "Five Heavenly Sect Saints!"

"Ye Qingcheng..."



Even Ji Yang frowned slightly, a little disturbed.


An unspeakable horror aura overflowed uncontrollably, directly shattering half of the Tianfang City.

hard to control!

The sky is falling and the world is at the end of the world.

Numerous Tianjiao figures instantly turned into powder, and even the Samsara realm powerhouse fell.


It rained blood.

There was a gust of wind whistling, and the boundless great emperor's might descended, causing the entire Dongzhou people to tremble and palpitations.

The emperor is angry!

The Ji family powerhouse's eyes moved and fell on the Holy Lord of Heaven.


"I'm fine!"

The breath slowly closed, and the Holy Lord of the Heavenly Gate spoke lightly.

Very calm!

But soon he spoke, "What is the reason?"

"Being beheaded!"

The strong Ji family responded.

The voice falls!


"But I don't know who."

He speaks again!

Some helpless.

The Chaos Qi was too strong, dispelling a lot of fluctuations, and he could only learn the message of being beheaded from the remaining fluctuations.

The Holy Lord of Tianmen heard the words, his eyes sank, and then slowly closed his eyes.

No more words!

Everyone was silent.

Countless cultivators under the sky from the outside world are terrified when they see this.


The emperor is angry!



all of these……

Who did it?

Kill the Five Saints of Tianmen?

Jiang Tao?

But that is impossible!

"Five saints, and there is a great saint of Mo Yunpeng, it is impossible to kill even an eleventh-tier Climbing Wonderland powerhouse! Jiang Tao's kind of half-hearted person is not qualified."

"Hi! Too terrifying and weird, I suspect that it is non-human, but this mysterious Baqu Pagoda is weird!"

"Even artificially, this person is too courageous, and the means are too great. That is the Saint Son, the top figure in Dongzhou, and he is not an ordinary Tianjiao. If you say slash, then slash?"

The strong are shocked and sluggish.

But immediately stared at the sky.


Qin Luo immediately reached the peak.


The mysterious eight towers!

The eighth level.

Ocean world!

Somewhere in the void, it gradually distorted.

A bright red figure slowly appeared.

It is...

Ye Qingcheng!

She closed her eyes tightly, and the supreme bone on her chest was hot and flickering.

Observe carefully, you can even find a map looming!

That is……

All Souls Map!

One of the corners.

Wan Ling Tu released a faint clear light, suppressing the supreme bone, and the immeasurable light flickered, calming the power of all directions.

"All Souls Map, can help me perfectly blend the supreme bone!"

Ye Qingcheng murmured.

Open your eyes slowly!

This is what she got when she opened the deep realm of the Baqu Pagoda of Mysterious Ji.


The golden light of the supreme bone overflows, as if it is releasing fairy light.

Thousands of brilliance add oneself!

At this time, she was like a fairy in the sky with the stars holding the moon.

The temperament is slender, and the person is like a bright moon.

Red lips, shell teeth, red eyes and willow eyebrows.

She is like a queen, receiving feedback from the Supreme Bone.

A certain moment!

The breath is blooming.

It's like a planet explosion.




The surrounding oceans collapsed and shattered.

Cracks appeared during the day!

The terrifying aura made this world distorted, unable to withstand its aura.

This is……

Twelve-level climb to the wonderland! ! !

Ye Qingcheng slowly opened his eyes.

She is the pinnacle!

The ultimate sublimation of life.

The joy and excitement at this moment...


But suddenly...

She seemed to be staring at her.

Then a smiling voice came:

"My bone..."

"Is it easy to use?".

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