the next afternoon

Fang Mingjing woke up in the hotel room with Remilia.

The room was opened after four o'clock at night.

Although there is no relevant ID card, and as a child, it is even more difficult to open a house, but for Fang Mingjing, there are actually ways.

"Where are you going to play today?"


When Remilia answered, she seemed a little slack.

It's daytime after all...

"I checked, this is Sardinia."

With the help of this world's network, Fang Mingjing knew their current exact location.

- Coast of Smeralda, Sardinia.

This is the famous Sacred Land in Italy, and the reason why the Smeralda coast has become the most popular place in Sardinia is that it has become a paradise for celebrities with its beautiful and luxurious coastline, and it has been given the title of "Emerald Coast". "The good name.

"The beach is very nice."

Being stared at by Fang Mingjing, Remilia unconsciously wanted to turn her head. She curled the tip of her hair with her white fingers: "But don't you think there are too many people? I don't like being crowded with so many people Together………"

"It's the same for me."

When he said that he was the same as herself, for some reason, Remilia found that Own was in a particularly good mood.

"But it's a bit uncomfortable when Sakuya is not around."

"Sister Sakuya is really good at taking care of people." Fang Mingjing said, and suddenly looked at Remilia and said, "Could it be that Remilia is hungry now?"

"No...and before I came out, I asked Sakuya to prepare some blood for me."

"That's good."

When Fang Mingjing responded, there was a loud "Boom!!!!!!" not far from the front of the hotel.

The huge vibration shook some of the lighter ornaments in the room to the ground, and then, screams began to come from the street outside the hotel.


Fang Mingjing's attention was attracted by the screaming.

Right in front of the hotel—at the position where the shock and roar came, a huge monster appeared.

It was a pitch-black [wild boar] of immense size.

Almost the moment he saw the wild boar monster, Fang Mingjing realized which world he was in.

"God Killer Campione!"

A world where humans can kill gods and steal their power to become a [demon king]——

Right now, that pitch-black wild boar is a part of a certain god, and its appearance also means that the plot of the original work will begin.

The appearance of "pig" is like the embodiment of disaster.

It moved that huge body aimlessly, and everything in front of it was destroyed.

The buildings that could not be called towering were cut off at the middle, bricks and tiles were scattered, and dust was blown up.

"————— The roar roar roar roar roar roar roar !!!!!!" "

The huge black monster raised its head and let out a sonic roar.

Standing up together with the sharp fangs is the high-spirited destructive fighting spirit of the "pig".

Its raised iron hooves can cause earthquakes, and its roar can pulverize gravel and rubble to destroy the avatar-like hammer body, and nothing can stop its advance.

The ruins of the downtown area suddenly burst into flames.

Probably the oil was stored in a certain warehouse it destroyed.

In short, the fire of the disaster gradually spread. Among the destroyed buildings, the flames of the red lotus danced, and in a blink of an eye it evolved into an aura that could burn everything down.

Although [pig] has a barrier as a beast to isolate it from the flames, but as a beast, fire has never been a friendly thing...

Its eyes became more and more scarlet, and its aura was soaring with fury.

——Even so, this ferocious "pig" is still a mythical beast.

Even though there are many stone churches built for people to watch and worship on Sardinia, which has a strong religious atmosphere, Huizhu is more Sacred than that.

——No matter how angry a pig is, even if it is put in the same size as it, it is absolutely impossible to be as ferocious as it is, and it will be as ferocious as it... Such a ferocity, just by looking at it One can't help but be respectful, for the world, they have never encountered such a dreadful thing!

Kusanagi Godou stared blankly at the terrifying monster.

As an ordinary Japanese high school student, he never thought that he would encounter such a horrible thing just by running errands——he just wanted to give a stone slab to his friend for his grandfather, and take a trip along the way That's all!

Kusanagi Godou didn't know that the stone tablet in his hand was the rumored [magic book], and he didn't know that it would be the key to his success in killing gods in the near future—he didn't even know that he was being targeted by a group of people at the moment back!

~Pig] finally appeared! Captain, are we going to grab that slate now!?"

"Yeah, let's grab it! Captain!"

"Samsara space (Honor's) has no movement so far, even if we mentioned the Samsara space in front of the natives of this world, we were not warned... There is a possibility that something huge happened in the Samsara space, That slate must be won if we are to be trapped in this world forever.

In a certain corner, four figures were hidden in the dark, their eyes were staring at the stone slab held in Kusanagi Godou's hands with incomparable fiery eyes.

Among them, the person who is respected as the captain is very calm.

" is not the time to take the opportunity to steal the slate, and the appearance of the pig just means that the plot is about to begin."

The captain knew very well that at this moment Kusanagi Godou was being watched by the god of the [pig] body, if they made a move at this moment, they would definitely be discovered by the other party, which might bring a lot of risk to their future plans. .

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