Fantasy: Heavenly Dao Revolves Around Me

Six Hundred And Seventieth Chapters: Shot

"As the magic book of the first slate, is the painting on it like this? It's not as good-looking as the one I drew.

While several Samsara practitioners carefully chose to observe secretly, at this moment someone else approached Kusanagi Godou.

Hearing the voice, Kusanagi Godou turned his head to look, but what he saw was a young child.

He has jet-black hair, a face as straight as an elf, and those black pupils seem to have some kind of enchanting charm...

It can be said that it is a child with inhuman and amazing elf-like beauty

However, Kusanagi Godou discovered that at some point in his hand he was holding the important stone slab that he had been holding in his arms just now.

"The Slate of Inception? What exactly...?"

Kusanagi Godou remembered that not long ago, a gorgeous beauty told him that this was a "magic book", but that was too ridiculous, and the magic books in my impression were not all thick books?

"The "magic book" compiled by God, in other words, it is a holy relic with "divine power". There was no such thing as paper in ancient times, right? So of course it was recorded on stone tablets. "

Fang Mingjing gave an explanation very casually, and then returned the slate to Kusanagi Godou.

His leisurely movements even made Kusanagi Godou stunned for a moment.

Looking at the stone slab in his hand, which was only the size of an ordinary textbook and engraved with very childish portraits, Kusanagi Godou couldn't think of it as a sacred relic with "divine power"——but not far from the "pig" Existence has brought a lot of persuasive power.

However, compared to this.......

"Who are you?"

"Can you still draw?"

Just as Kusanagi Godou asked in confusion, Remilia's voice sounded beside him.

Although she is not afraid of the sun, Remilia doesn't like the feeling of being bathed in the sun, so at the moment she is holding a delicate little parasol.

"I can do it a little bit, but the painting is not good-looking."

Fang Mingjing told the truth.

He had developed an interest in painting for a while before, so he asked his elder sister to help him buy a full set of high-end painting tools and paints online...... But in the end, he took it to his hand to paint and paint for a few days, and then left it to eat ashes up.

From this we can see how abstract the pattern on the stone slab held by Kusanagi Godou must be.

However, when it comes to drawing, Fang Mingjing really likes drawing in her sister's body.

Well, all with his own white paint!

Hum hum.

"I also (aedg) want to say let me appreciate it."

As Remilia spoke, she looked at the "pig" who was roaring loudly and destroying buildings in front of her with some indifference, and said, "Look at you running out so excitedly just now, is there anything special about this guy? "

"Of course it looks nothing special now, but maybe I can find a guide for us later.'


Remilia didn't know that Fang Mingjing knew about the plot, so she seemed a little dubious.

"And what about those guys lurking in the corner?"

"Ignore them for now...keep them, it might be interesting later."

The two of them just talked like no one else, leaving Kusanagi Godou aside, making this ordinary high school student whose world view has just been reshaped to open his mouth, wanting to know the situation but not knowing where to ask rise.

Just when he felt a headache, a thunderous roar instantly pulled him back to reality.

"Pig" - the huge beast in the distance stopped its advance for some reason.

At this moment, its huge and desperate body is being guarded by a barrier formed by divine power. The pale golden transparent barrier is engraved with strange inscriptions. If someone with good eyes stares closely, one can find that there is a magical power coming at this moment. Carrying out a sharp breakthrough on it.

And the "pig" just leaned against the barrier, with red eyes "ten steps at a time, the attacker was approaching the city with the stab of magic power.

It was a beautiful girl with long golden hair.

The blond girl is wearing a red dress and holding a sword like a knight. Her beautiful figure, which seems to be made by a slender body, is exerting force and tension like a female leopard at this moment.... Slightly distorted by the monster's approach.

Erica Brauntree stood on the roof of a high-rise building, and the blade she swung released violent magic power, desperately trying to break through the barrier of the giant beast to repel it, however, despite her No matter how stubborn and tenacious the will is, the means of ordinary human beings will not bring the slightest threat to the existence of divine beasts such as "pigs", on the contrary, they will completely irritate the opponent.

As the giant beast trampled on the burning ruins step by step towards the tall building where Erica was, the girl was forced to retreat to the edge of the high platform despite desperately resisting the pressure... ...

"West, Wu, Zhen, let's create brilliance from the direction of the sun."

Fang Mingjing raised his hand.

As a result, in the distance, in the dark sky illuminated by the crimson flames, abnormal fluctuations were soon rolled out.

An unbelievably huge golden magic circle expanded instantly.

A frightening magical gust of wind blew up in the atmosphere.

At this moment, Erica, who was desperately blocking the pace of the beast, couldn't help losing her mind, and the movements of her hands almost collapsed subconsciously [fortunately, Death's sense of threat instantly pulled her back to sell.

Erika was far from the only one who felt the shock. Kusanagi Godou held the slate and stared at Fang Mingjing's movements with astonishment. In the distance, those Samsara were even more impressed by the scene that shouldn't have happened in the plot. Panic.

With Fang Mingjing waving his hand...

— boom boom boom boom boom boom!!!!!!

Countless huge light guns fell down like raindrops, and the sound of thunder was as intense as tearing people's ears!

The countless golden aurora descending from the sky enveloped the divine beasts in an instant.


The roar of the "pig" sounded, and the neighing before dying stopped abruptly before it ended.

When the beast died, its body turned into sand like a weathered wall, disappearing without a trace in the firelight all over the sky.

All that remains is the alley of mourning.

The severely damaged streets, the lingering pier fire, and the chaotic people.

Those who run away only for themselves, those who stand still, those who pray to God, those who cry, are angry, frightened, hurt, and sigh...

Then Fang Mingjing covered the surrounding ruins with Spirit Power, and extinguished all the burning fires in this area.

After doing all this, Fang Mingjing turned his eyes to the confused blond girl on the high platform in the distance, and smiled.

I looked back at the anime of Godslayer, and suddenly found that it was really a long time ago.

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