In addition to the abilities that the Pseudo-God's Eye could not detect, a potential data item was also added.

The system is also updated as the knowledge reserve of Blue Star is updated.

No wonder there was no reaction on the teammate panel after the sister was contracted these days.

After figuring out everything, Luo Yu began to analyze his sister's initial skill, Ninjutsu-Needle Jizo.

This is a secret technique that can only be comprehended by Jiraiya's successor or those who have absorbed Jiraiya's inheritance fragments.

A three-star ninjutsu with both offensive and defensive capabilities.

Use chakra to strengthen your own hair, make it longer and harder, and then wrap the body to form a defense.

You can also make the long hair fly out like a silver needle, causing a piercing attack.

The training level of Needle Jizo was directly perfected, which made Luo Yu a little envious.

Speaking of Jiraiya's secret technique, why is it the initial skill of the moon beast.

Luo Yu thought about it, and the principle of Needle Jizo is similar to Kaguya's rabbit hair needle, both of which use long silver hair to shoot at the enemy.

In addition, Kaguya Otsutsuki is the ancestor of chakra in the original work. Later, the Six Paths Sage distributed chakra to everyone and developed various ninjutsu.

Maybe the Needle Jizo is an evolved version of the Rabbit Hair Needle.

But the level 4 Byakugan made Luo Yu a little confused.

He has been in this world line for almost half a year, and he has learned a lot about the Byakugan.

Today is the first time I know that the Byakugan also has a level of training.

The fact that the Su family's Byakugan has not developed more abilities is probably related to the level of training.

So when the ancestor of the Su family learned that the Byakugan was underestimated, he was so dissatisfied.

"Sister, stop practicing boxing and try to develop your white eyes."

Leaning against the system panel, Luo Yu, who knew all of his sister's abilities, reminded

"Byakugan?" Hearing this, Luo Qingyu's thoughts were instantly opened.

Many ancient memories about how to use the Byakugan appeared in his mind like an instruction manual.

The next moment, Luo Qingyu's Byakugan condensed, and several blue veins bulged.

Luo Yu instantly felt a huge pupil power, sweeping to the Byakugan, binding it in place.

This was the trick that Kaguya used to control Naruto and Sasuke when she first appeared!

At that time, the two protagonists were fixed, and Kaguya raised her finger domineeringly, lightly picking their chins.

It can be said that her skills in teasing men are full.

Soon, Luo Yu tried to break free with brute force.

After all, his physical strength is more than 5,000, and Luo Qingyu is only a Chunin value, so it is still unlikely to bind him for a long time.

But it also bound Luo Yu for three seconds.

When masters fight, if you stay in jail for three seconds, you may be killed ten times!

And this is just cross-level control, and the effect is reduced a lot.

If it is the same level, the target can probably be punished to stand until the sister's pupil power is exhausted.

In future battles, the sister will use the Byakugan to control the side, and cooperate with his perfect output, which is very enjoyable.

"This is the suppression effect formed by the pressure after the pupil power of the white eyes reaches the minor level."

Luo Qingyu raised her head proudly, waiting for her brother to praise her.

Luo Yu naturally knew what she meant, so she smiled and touched her sister's head,"Anything else?"

The white eyes of the minor level are so strong!

The Su family has not developed it for such a long time?

Is it because the blood power is thin?

""Stand away, so as not to hurt you."

Luo Qingyu instructed.

Luo Yu smiled, not caring about her sister's excessive caution, after all, the level gap between the two was there.

But he still obediently retreated more than ten meters.

Then, Luo Qingyu's pupils shrank sharply, and the pupil power and white eyes in his body reacted.

A more oppressive wave spread towards the surroundings.

In an instant, Luo Yu, who was more than 30 meters away, felt a pressure coming, forcing him to take a few steps back.

The training dummies around Luo Qingyu were directly bounced away by the repulsive force of the pressure.

Even the floor on the ground specially used for senior ninja training cracked under the strong repulsive force.

The cracks spread around with Luo Qingyu as the center.

Other students who came to the training ground to practice during the weekend were directly shaken away by the majestic pressure because they were too close to Luo Qingyu.

Among them, there were some senior senior ninjas who were not prepared and were bounced away in a mess.

Then they patted the dust off their bodies and stood up with a blank look on their faces.

What happened?

"Wow! What a magical rabbit, so impressive!"

"Isn't this a mysterious new quasi-divine beast in our school? The guy next to her is her owner."

"Quasi-divine beast? What the hell?"

"Turn on your mobile data. There are so many rumors going around online now."

Attracted by the noise caused by Luo Qingyu, many students in the community came to watch.

Not far away, on the playground of Wolong Community

, Su Ying and other members of the sports club were training long-distance running under the leadership of the club president Bai Mengyao.

Suddenly, a huge noise came from the training ground.

"What happened over there?"

The members of the sports club looked towards the training ground curiously.

They immediately saw a moon beast, which swept over with its pressure, shocking many students away.

"Whose moon beast is this? It's too strong!" Su Ying's beautiful eyes flashed with surprise.

At present, isn't she the only one in the world who has a moon beast?

And it was just hatched from a moon beast egg a few days ago, and it only knows how to eat all day.

How come there is another one?

Its strength is also very terrifying.

Thinking of this, Su Ying suddenly felt that her future was bright.

Even other moon beasts were so outrageous, then her strongest legendary moon beast, once cultivated, would definitely overturn the Su family's sky!


Training ground.

Luo Yu was shocked when he saw the damage to the training ground.

The pressure from the Byakugan created a repulsive force similar to that of Shinra Tensei.

Isn't this original to the anime?

In the anime, the goddess Kaguya of this period actually had a relationship with a mortal!

Thinking of this, Luo Yu, who is a fan of the boyfriend, had a high blood pressure.

Don't do this!

However, the level 4 Byakugan has so many powerful functions. It seems that the friendly match in the afternoon is a sure thing.

Shenwei Space!

Here I come!

"At present, rolling your eyes is useless."Luo Qingyu curled his lips and jumped into Luo Yu's arms.

"Brother, I'm hungry, come and feed me"

""Okay!" Luo Yu excitedly carried Luo Qingyu back to the dormitory.

All he could think about was what strange abilities he might unlock after upgrading his White Eyes.

Soon, Luo Yu sliced the radish into thin slices, put it on a plate, and respectfully served it to the little rabbit.

This is how the strong are treated.

"Sister, the spirit of Shentong is relying on you."Luo Yu looked obedient.

This shouldn't be considered as a gigolo.

Relying on a summoning beast, is it considered a gigolo?

This is just the basic operation of an ordinary ninja.

"Don't worry, as long as it's what my brother needs, my sister will definitely get it."

Luo Qingyu was confident and patted his chest.

After lunch, Luo Qingyu took a nap.

Luo Yu studied the system panel.

He wanted to see what template was behind the Night of Extermination.

According to the time, the Nine-Tailed Rebellion happened before the Night of Extermination. Could it be that the big fox didn't give it up?

Just a white mask?

After flipping through it, Luo Yu opened his sister's panel again.

However, there was a change on the panel again.

His sister's chakra and physical strength increased by more than ten points.

Although not much, it was still surprising that she had increased so much without paying anything.

"Could it be because of eating the radish?"

Luo Yu couldn't help but wonder.

Every time he ate the radish, he felt that his sister seemed to have changed.

However, as a special food, the radish should only have the health benefits of prolonging life and beautifying the skin.

Rather than directly improving chakra and physical strength like a cultivation resource.

Could it be that the potential of the quasi-divine beast level is so real that it can be improved by just eating a bowl of rice?

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