With a curious attitude, Luo Yu immediately took out a carrot from the refrigerator, then sneaked into her sister's bedroom and put the carrot next to her mouth.

At this moment, Luo Qingyu was taking a nap in human form. Seeing Luo Yu sneak into her boudoir, her pretty face blushed.

"How come you don’t even knock on the door before entering the house?"

""Sister, open your mouth and take a bite." Luo Yu said softly.

Although she didn't know what Luo Yu wanted to do, Luo Qingyu still did it obediently, and took a bite of the radish with her cherry lips.


It was still her dear brother who fed it personally.

It was comfortable.

It was quite exciting to think about it.

During the process, Luo Yu stared at Luo Qingyu's data panel.

No response?

Is it because the amount is not enough?

Luo Yu eagerly stuffed the whole radish into Luo Qingyu's mouth.

"No, I still want to lose weight!"

Luo Qingyu spit out the radish in her throat and refused stubbornly.

Her digestive system has been very good recently, and she can eat a basket of radishes every day.

Such an exaggerated appetite was unimaginable to her in the past.

She was really worried that after gaining weight, her body shape would be deformed.���Her own little wolf cub will dislike his sister.

This heartless little guy, even though he usually calls her sister sweetly.

If her figure gets out of shape, she will probably find another sister right away.

She has changed her mind now. Instead of guarding against women outside who will seduce her brother, she might as well spend time improving her charm. She wants her brother to be locked by her side and become inseparable from her.

So she has been dieting these days, eating only half a basket of radishes every day.

At the same time, she is also actively training to improve her combat effectiveness.

Whether it is life or fighting, she will take care of it.

Try to make her brother do nothing.

The purpose of this is to train her brother into a waste who cannot survive without his sister.

Knowing Luo Qingyu's concerns, Luo Yu sighed lightly, and then explained

"It's like this, sister, you have grown very fast recently. I suspect that you can perfectly absorb the special food and achieve the effect of improving chakra and physical strength."

When she heard that it was related to improving combat effectiveness, Luo Qingyu immediately changed her attitude and took it seriously.

"I was wondering why I never feel full even if I eat a lot, and my physique has become much stronger recently, maybe it is related to this."

As she said, Luo Qingyu picked up the radish and started to eat it.

Within 10 seconds, Luo Yu found that her sister's data panel had changed after a whole radish entered her stomach.

The chakra increased by 3 points.

Luo Yu was shocked. It turned out that her sister could really improve her strength by eating!

This ability is amazing!

You know, any resource that can directly improve the strength of summoned beasts is hard currency in the ninja world.

For example, the essence of the thunder god that Jun Qianhe gave to the little Qilin to absorb is a resource that directly improves the basic values of thunder-type summoned beasts.

Of course, how much it can be improved depends on the potential of the summoned beast itself.

Each individual is also different.

Moreover, if the same type of resources are taken multiple times, the improvement effect will be diluted.

Even so, direct Resources that directly increase chakra or physical strength are highly sought after by the ninja world.

After all, no matter how powerful other fancy ninjutsu are, they still depend on the basic values of the ninja and the summoned beast.

Therefore, improving the basic value is the most practical.

And the radish is only an exclusive feed for some summoned beasts, which is equivalent to a higher-end dog food.

It just caters to the tastes of some summoned beasts.

As a result, my sister can improve her basic value by eating this thing! It's like you can upgrade by just drinking water.

After all, although the radish is expensive, compared with the real training resources, it's almost free.

Think about the essence of Thunder God, it's actually a three-and-a-half-star resource, which is even rarer than the essence of Shentong. Generally, even the Ninja Sect rarely touches it.

"I feel like I've gotten a little stronger, is it a psychological effect? "

Looking at her slightly bulging belly, Luo Qingyu showed shyness.

"Sister, I won't disturb you, just go back to sleep."

Luo Yu gently covered his sister with a blanket, closed the door, and called Teacher Ning.

In the past few weeks, the Imperial Capital University Science Academy has been studying moon beasts, and Teacher Ning is one of the main research members.

He may be able to give an answer to this phenomenon.

After the call was connected, Teacher Ning's voice came,"Luo Yu?"

"Are you having any difficulties in your studies?

Luo Yu asked humbly,"Yes, I want to ask, after the Moon Beast eats the radish, will its basic value increase?"

Teacher Ning was very pleased.

As a newly discovered psychic beast, normal people would wait for professionals to finish their research and announce the results before understanding it.

Luo Yu's concern must be due to his thirst for knowledge.

"Through further research on ancient books of the Moon Worship Sect, we found that the Moon Beast does exist in this regard."

"The consumption system of the Moon Beast is very special. The radish contains the essence that is difficult for ordinary spiritual beasts to digest, but it can be absorbed by it."

"However, only Moon Beasts with legendary potential can absorb the essence of the radish and thus improve themselves."

"For Moon Beasts below Legendary level, the radish is just a snack."

Luo Yu laughed. Even Legendary Moon Beasts have this effect. Then the digestive system of the quasi-divine Moon Beasts can absorb it better.

"And it's not just the radish, many special ingredients have this kind of essence, but the one in the radish is more in line with the legendary moon beast."

Halfway through the conversation, Teacher Ning suddenly froze,"How did you find this problem?"

"Did Su Ying tell you?"

Since he devoted all his time to the study of the Moon Beast and had no time to surf the Internet, he didn't know about Luo Yu's contract with the Moon Beast.

"In fact, I also contracted the Moon Beast."

Luo Yu sighed. Now that he and the Moon Beast had caused a lot of trouble, he had to find a suitable excuse to cover it up.

He couldn't just say that my sister might be the reincarnation of the Moon Mother Goddess.

In that case, let alone the evil Ninja Research Association, I'm afraid that there will be people in the association who covet this power.

Even Teacher Ning might turn evil on the spot, and his inheritance would be upgraded to Orange Orochimaru, and he could capture my sister for research in a minute.

"This is what happened. I was using the toilet at the Moon Beast Temple when I accidentally found a Moon Beast Egg."

"Then I took it home and made scrambled eggs and gave it to my sister to try."

"After that, my sister inexplicably turned into a moon beast in human form."

"I took her to school today to register, and it turned out that she has the potential to be a quasi-divine beast."

"Hello, teacher, are you listening?"



At the Imperial University experimental base, Mr. Ning, dressed in a white coat, stared blankly at the nearby columnar culture dishes and the moon beast eggs inside.

Can this thing turn a person into a moon beast after eating it?

It's so shocking!

His scientific view was completely destroyed.

Originally, they suspected that the Moon Mother Goddess and the Six Paths Manifesting Saint were just religious products of the first generation of the Moon Worship Cult.

Now he really believes that there are gods in the world.

Otherwise, how to explain the inheritance of ninjas?

These moon beasts were born from the power of the Moon Mother Goddess. After eating them, humans can take over this power and obtain the form of moon beasts. It makes sense when you think about it.

"The next research goal has been determined!"

Suddenly, Teacher Ning was ecstatic.

"Lao He, next we are going to study the edibleness of Moon Beast Eggs!" On the side, Lao He, who was observing the test values of Moon Beast Eggs, was confused,"What the hell?"

A scientist is studying recipes?

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