
It is the largest state capital in the east of Daqian!


It is one of the prefectures with the strongest power in Daqian, and its comprehensive force is far more powerful than that of Yunzhou.

Even: If you don't count the iron hand, maybe Yunzhou is nothing in the eyes of Dongzhou.

Tianfu Pond is a secret place in Dongzhou, owned by the Town Demon Division, originally, only the Dongzhou Town Demon Guard could enter.


Fifty years ago, I don't know what happened: ten of the twenty places were taken and distributed to the surrounding prefectures.

It is turned on average every three years.

Dongzhou Capital City!


There are many people, and its lively city is far from being comparable to Yunzhou, and even: first- and second-grade martial artists can be seen everywhere.

Such warriors can sit on one side and establish a family in the county towns below Yunzhou, but it is very common here.

It can be seen from this how strong the strength of Dongzhou is, or how low the strength of Yunzhou is.

Trample! Trample! Trample!

A sound of horses' hooves sounded.


From time to time, a town demon guard rode a spirit horse into the city, and his momentum was relatively fierce.

Many people communicated:

"What's the situation, it seems that the few town demon guards who just entered aren't our Dongzhou, why haven't I seen it."

"I don't know this, the Tianfu Pool will open immediately, and it was sent by the surrounding Fuzhen Demon Division to participate."

"It turned out to be Tianfu Pond, although it has slipped to the fourth-grade secret realm, it is definitely the top of the fourth-grade, as long as it enters once, there is an eighty percent probability that it can directly break through the fourth-grade martial artist."

A middle-aged man said enviously.

Don't blame him for that.

It's true: it's too difficult for the third product to break through the fourth product, it's a completely indescribable gap, and if you get enlightenment, you can break through one day, and you can't realize it for life.

His father, at the age of eighty, broke through the peak of the third pin, was full of spirit, and then, until death, did not go further.

And that Tianfu Chi was a supreme secret realm that could help a third-grade peak martial artist break through the fourth grade.


Such a secret place.

Even if it is, some true disciples of great forces are not qualified to enter, let alone ordinary family disciples.


At the city gates!

There was a young man in a Chinese robe, and on either side stood several guards dressed as predators, one of whom held a scroll in his hand, and there was a portrait on it, and on its portrait it was: Chu River!


Thirty miles outside the city.

Chu Heduan was sitting on the spirit horse, and a thief-eyed man in front of him was kneeling on the ground, constantly begging for mercy:

"Sir, spare your life."

"The small ones are also a last resort, and they threaten the small ones with the lives of the villains if they don't steal your tokens."

"Pray for the grace of adults, there are still eighty-year-old mothers in the small family who need to be taken care of, spare your life... Spare your life. He


He began to kowtow frantically and beg for mercy.

"Who is it, what to do by stealing this hundred household tokens, give you three sentences, do not understand the explanation, and bear the consequences."

Chu He asked coldly.

"My lord, it's Wu Hao, he is the centurion of the Dongzhou Town Magic Division, and his background is extremely deep, I don't dare to offend at all."

"He only said let me steal your token, and the others didn't tell the villain at all, the villain really doesn't know."

The man said quickly.


I was afraid of speaking slowly and was killed by Chu River.

"I don't know."

Chu He's face turned cold, and the glow in his hand flashed.


The kneeling man's eyes froze, and he let go of his hand in disbelief.


There was a white powder, which was a special kind of superstition, and it was obvious that he had just wanted to use it against Chu He.

It's just that he really took a slow step and was killed by Chu He on the spot, so he was so unwilling.

"From the moment you dare to steal something from Honza, you are already a dead person." Chu He said with a cold face.


An evil smile appeared on his face:

"Wu Hao, no matter what the reason, since you dare to take the initiative to provoke this seat, then you are a business."

Shut up.

He picked up the token on his waist and slowly put it into his arms.


The spirit horse quickly galloped towards the city gate.


At the city gate.

The brocade robe youth waited sleepily.

Impatiently said:

"He can't come in the end, if he doesn't come, Ben Shao will have to go back to catch up on sleep, and he fought with the three "goblins" last night, very tired."

"Second Major, don't worry!"

A catcher quickly bowed and said: "According to the information we received, it should arrive immediately, and we can take it down directly." "


The brocade robed boy nodded and continued to wait.

"Look, here it comes."

A catcher said quickly.


Everyone looked into the distance.


A horse was galloping towards it, and at the top of it sat a cold and majestic robe wearing a red rust dragon brocade robe.

This scene:

attracted the eyes of the entire crowd entering the city, looking at the original scene with a shocked face.


"This is not the legendary red rust dragon brocade robe, it is also too handsome and majestic, I haven't seen it for a long time."

"It is said that only the Zhen Demon Guard who has made immortal merits can have this reward, and there are only two living in the entire Dongzhou."

"Those two are all big guys, we can't see them at all, but which one is this?"

A Terran questioned.

A soldier guarding the city next to him replied, "You don't know this, this person is the Demon Hundred Households Chu River in Yunzhou Town. "

He turned the tide in the battle of Jiuyou Town to obtain this reward, and it has only been two months since he joined the Zhen Demon Division, and he has killed more than a hundred demons with his own hands, and he is nicknamed: Killing God."

Kill God?

There was a cry of surprise from the crowd.


I was shocked by this name.


At this moment, the young man in the brocade robe brightened his eyes and muttered:

"A handsome robe, unfortunately, only the Zhen Demon Guard can wear it, but with a third-grade martial artist, it is also worthy."


He waved his big hand:



A few catchers in the rear quickly stepped forward to block the way of the Chu River.


Chu He rode to stop in front of the crowd, and said coldly:

"Which grandson dares to intercept this hundred households."

"It's me... No, I'm not your grandson, what grandson is not a grandson, who do you scold? The

brocade robe youth looked angry.

"It's Li Er, how can this guy stop Chu He, could it be that Chu He has offended him before."

"Who knows, but it is estimated that Chu He is guilty, and this Li Jianke is known for being unreasonable and fond of trouble."

"Who let the family have a good father, if you don't have any skills, you can chase the wind and catch the wind in the six doors, where to reason."

Everyone shook their heads and sighed.


The gaze that looked at Chu River was full of sympathy.

Although the other party is the centurion of the Zhen Demon Division, he is really offended by Li Jian's identity.

His father is Li Yuan, a six-rank Confucian Dao powerhouse, and is also regarded as the number one Confucian Dao figure in the entire Daqian.


According to rumors, he is close to stepping into the seventh rank, and it is unknown when he will be transferred back to Kyoto and promoted again.

And Li Jiannai is his second son, who has been arrogant and domineering since he was a child, and the person who is targeted by him is not good.


They seemed to have anticipated the end of Chu River....

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