Zhen Demon Hall.

Chu Heduan sat on the throne, and his body was extremely strong.


If an ordinary third-grade demon steps into the hall, I am afraid that he will be seriously injured on the spot by the huge qi and blood.

"System, how many demon points are there at present."

"Host, the total number of demon points at present: 21,000 points."

"System, how many points do you need to break through to the middle of the fourth product at the beginning of the fourth product?"

"Host, you need eighteen thousand points."

Eighteen thousand?

Chu He's eyes froze, and his brain began to work.

He now has twenty-one thousand, and he needs to consume nine thousand at the beginning of breaking through the fourth grade, and there are still twelve thousand points left.

In other words: with another six thousand points, his demon points would be enough for him to break through to the middle of the fourth rank.


Chu He lifted his clothes and looked at his chest.


: there is a shallow crack, and it is gradually expanding at a slow pace, exactly:

the progress of the collapse of the flesh.

"It will take at least a month to spread to the face, and time is still enough, there is no need to rush to break through now."

Chu He said secretly in his heart.


He breaks through now.

Then, it will be more difficult to obtain demon points, and even the four-rank demon may not be able to provide much.

Therefore, it is better to accumulate demon points before breaking through the fourth product, and finally, break through together.

Of course.

If there is a treasure of heaven and earth, it can also alleviate the urgent need.

Boom! Boom!

There was a knock on the door.


Zhao Yuan slowly approached the hall, bowed and said, "

Sir, the matter of recruiting disciples is already being prepared, but this time, some sect disciples have joined, among them,

there are a few disciples of the Divine Sword Sect who destroyed the Hundred Demon Chamber of Commerce last time."

"Those who have passed the assessment can enter." Chu He's eyes flashed a cold light: "Those who have two hearts, kill."


Zhao Yuan nodded and said,

"Saint. The sect is urging about the centipede again, wanting us to send it as soon as possible. "

That's right.

Because Chu He was too lazy to receive, plus, the shadow guard is now extremely afraid of Chu He, so, now Saint . The communication between Jiao and Chu River was replaced by: Yingwei and Zhao Yuan talked.

"Just say that there is no time, continue to drag, this seat will see how long this holy girl can endure."

Chu He's face showed a trace of coldness.


Zhao Yuan promised and slowly exited the hall.


The black mirror in his arms shook twice.


As soon as Chu He stretched out his hand, the black mirror appeared in his hand.


In the chat box, someone sent private messages continuously.

Chaotang Future Star: "Gan, if you want to face, don't say that I will get that centipede demon for you, how to cut off your beard halfway, I don't care, you write it down." "

Killing God: "What are you talking about, what centipede demon..." Chaotang

Future Star: "Turn your face and don't recognize people, can you still play happily, why am I so miserable." "

At the moment.

Looking at the crying news that kept popping up on the black mirror, Chu He pouted helplessly.

After all.

He knew the identity of the other party.

A foot-picking scholar of nearly thirty actually cried here at all, and could only say: disgusting.

Kill God: "Say, what the hell is going on." Chaotang

Future Star: "Then I won't sell Guanzi, the Tianfu Pool will open immediately, there is a money sword, I need it." "

Kill God:" Benefits. Chaotang

Future Star: "I'll help you all for nothing, right... Okay, as long as you can get that money sword and ask you to carry it. "

Kill God:" Besides..."

Chu He slowly withdrew the black mirror.

His gaze looked in the direction of the imperial capital, revealing a glimmer of light, as if he could see through all the existence in the world.

"The future star of the court, the second prince of the waste who is not welcomed by the prime minister's family, has such a powerful network of connections, able to impeach a state pastor, command the Pingxi Hou Mansion, and even interfere in the intelligence in the Zhen Mo Division."

Chu He thought a little shocked.

That's right.

Just half an hour ago, Qian Hao sent him a message: saying that the name of this trip to Tianfuchi was determined, and he and Zhang Wei were two.

Zhang Wei occupies the place of the Yunzhou Town Magic Division, and Chu He is specially approved by the above because of his great merits.

Such a hidden thing.

The other party was able to know in such a short time, and sent a message to himself for help.

There is so much information in this.


Such a terrifying figure does not show mountain dew in the imperial capital, which shows how deep the water in the imperial capital is.

I'm afraid: the existence of the fifth and sixth grades will be submerged at any time, and the murder of people has been the most murderous since ancient officialdom.


Chu He slowly exhaled a turbid breath.

No matter how deep the water of the imperial capital is, it has nothing to do with him at present, what he needs to do now is to quickly improve his strength, and then, occupy the Qingshan Town Demon Camp and climb to the top of the Yunzhou Town Demon Division.


Only then can he gain a complete foothold in this world.

After all: no matter how deep the water of the imperial capital is, as long as it is strong enough, it can break through ten thousand laws with one force.


Inside the dungeon.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Accompanied by the sound of some body exploding.


One by one, the bloody demons lay in a pool of blood, and their eyes were all big, as if they were dead.

The other side.

Chu He was slowly wiping the blood on his hands with a handkerchief.

He muttered, "

Ten third-grade demons, they only provide eight hundred demon points,

which is really getting less and less."

"It seems that if the heavenly materials and earth treasures in the Tianfu Pool are useless, then they can only hunt the fourth-grade demons."

Shut up.

Chu He threw down the bloody handkerchief in his hand.

"Adult, are there enough of them!"

Wu Ma said in a deep voice on the side: "If it's not enough, I will go far away to catch it, it will be difficult to find demons above the third grade." "

The three-rank demons who often appear around have all been captured by me, and it may take some time to catch them again."


These ten three-rank demons were all captured by the snake and the noon horse around Qingshan County within two days.

These two days:

The entire Qingshan County demon world is panicked, saying that there is a male and female, specializing in killing demons, and there are no whole corpses.


Chu He said slowly: "I just want to make the saint. Teach to know that you two exist, and at the same time prepare materials for the sheep, where is he? "

Lord Yu, before the sheep can reach Qingshan County."

Wuma replied quickly.


Chu He turned around and walked out of the dungeon, and said in a deep voice: "Let him be optimistic about the corpse of the centipede, there must be no mistake." "


Nouma nodded in reply.


Vertical sun.

The door of the Zhen Demon Camp opens.

A spirit horse rushed out from within, and on its body sat a cold man wearing a red rust dragon brocade robe, it was Chu He.




It can be said:

horse pedaling on the main street, everyone is shocked!

Watch and discover the Chu River!

They all bowed their heads and did not dare to complain!

The prestige is so far, no one is convinced!

Outside the city.

Chu He looked in the direction of Qingshan County and said domineeringly: "When the main seat returns, it will be the day to dominate the side." "


PS: Let's say: The plot of Tianfu Pool is not too long, it is just a pedal for the protagonist to break through, and it is also a passage to lay the nickname of killing gods.

Also, I forgot to say yesterday: EDG Bull Batch!

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