Under the Montenegrin swamp.

Inside the Basilica of the Virgin.

"That's true, are you sure?"

The saint asked with a surprised look.

"It's true, the news from the imperial capital Pingxihou Mansion said that the old lady needs to use centipedes with more than four grades into medicine."

"So Yunzhou Zhen Mosi traded the centipede out, but during the transaction, there was an error, it seems that the centipede was taken away by a group of mysterious people, and the Zhen Mosi is currently being investigated."


An Elder Niu bowed and said.


Is it a coincidence?


Such a coincidence in the world, he just told Chu He here to save the centipede out, and the Pingxihou Mansion over there came to ask for it, but there was still a problem on the way to the handover, play....


There was only one result: that is, everything was Chu He's plan, including Pingxi Houfu.


The saint silently gasped.

"Unexpectedly, Chu He actually has a network in the imperial capital, and Pingxi Hou is also considered a real power marquis, and he will give him face."

Meng Po whispered on the side: "It seems that we still don't know enough about this Chu Baihu.

"Even the current exposure of the imperial capital network, perhaps, is only the tip of the iceberg among him."

"It's a bit of a good deal."

The holy girl nodded and said, "It is estimated that he has the support of a high-ranking person behind him, but it may not be a good thing for our holy sect." "

The Yunzhou Saint Sect is already weak, so instead of sitting and waiting to be annexed, it is better to fight for it."

"Each takes what he needs, he fights with the tiger, and who is the tiger is not certain."

Shut up.

The holy girl said coldly: "Send a message to Chu He: Just say to send the centipede as soon as possible." "


The shadow guard promised.


Reluctantly left the hall.


He didn't really want to go to Chu He again, because every time he went, he was always very sad.



The gate of the town magic camp.


The gate opened, and Lu Feng led several town demons out.

Brush! Brush! Brush!

A pair of eyes looked at Lu Feng and the others, all revealing fear, expectation, worry, and trepidation.


Because, Chu He's actions in the past few days have made the major forces in the entire Qingshan County extremely cautious.

I am afraid that Chu He is making some earth-shattering action and killing them again, after all: the family that can be mixed up is basically not clean, and it is impossible to forbid investigation. (including the Chu family)

fantasy world, really clean.

You don't make means, you can only become meat in other people's mouths, to put it bluntly: who is strong, who is reasonable, who is awesome.


Lu Feng waved his hand.

Leading several town guards to quickly walk towards the market in the middle of the city, along the way, all pedestrians gave way.


began to follow silently, and communicated in a low voice:

"What is this going to do, it's just been two days of stopping, is Chu Baihu going to have something shocking."

"Who knows, if you want to worry, it is also this powerful boss, and it has nothing to do with our ordinary people."

"Since Chu Baihu came, our Qingshan County City has been extremely calm, and not a single case of demon murder has happened."


Many people began to praise the Chu River.

This is not hypocrisy, but sincerity, because even when the hundred households of the iron army were in office.

There are occasional demons in Qingshan County, and the counties below are even more extraordinary.

But now:

not to mention the county town, the county town, even some villages have not been haunted by demons for a long time, and they are extremely quiet.

All this.

All because of one name: killing gods, Chu River.

That alone broke into the demon hall and killed one fourth-rank demon and ten three-rank demons.

Set downtown.

There were already several high-ranking officials of the forces waiting, and they saw Lu Feng's figure hurriedly greeting him and said, "

Lu Xiaoqi."

"How can Lu Xiaoqi have time to come out and walk today."

"But what orders does Lord Chu have."


Lu Feng looked at them, raised his big hand, and a scroll appeared in his hand, and said coldly:

"On the order of Lord Chu: there is an announcement to be notified."


The eyes of several high-ranking officials of the forces froze and hurriedly waved.

"Get out of the way, don't delay Lu Xiaoqi to do things."

"Hurry, run... Run up. "


The crowd quickly pulled out an open space in the center of the market, revealing the huge notice board in the rear.

Here: It was originally the place where the government announced the matter, but it was rarely used, so it was piled up by vendors all year round.


Lu Feng walked to the clipboard and opened the scroll to fix it on it.

Lang Sheng said

: "Lord Chu order: There are many demons and cholera people around Qingshan County, so the Zhen Demon Camp should be expanded, and the initial number of people:


"If you want to register, before noon tomorrow, go to the registration office outside the Zhen Demon Camp to register, it will not be too late."

Shut up.

Lu Feng turned around and led several Zhen Demon Guards to leave.


Everyone gasped as they looked at the contents of the scroll.


It turned out to be an army expansion!

"Obediently, I said that Lord Chu will not stop as long as he makes a move, and he actually wants to expand the Zhen Demon Camp, and there are still four hundred."

"It's also normal: it is said that in the past two days, many demon forces in Qingshan County are about to move, and they will destroy a few forces outside the city."

"But no, many forces that survive outside have recently moved to the city, and housing prices have risen with it."

The crowd began to communicate.


Some of the existences who have cultivation in their bodies and have not yet entered the product have revealed a hint of surprise, obviously, they are moved.

Of course, it is not because he can join the Zhen Demon Division, but because he can join Chu He as a Zhen Demon Guard.

As the saying goes: choose the right one, less than ten years of tiredness. ヽ(  ̄д ̄; The

same goes for ノ

joining the Jinmoji.

If they only follow the formal process, they will most likely fall in the first mission.

Joining the Qingshan Town Demon Camp is different, not to mention: Chu He's personal charm, just say: the resource is enough to make people envious.

To know.

Many of the Zhen Demon Guards who joined the Zhen Demon Division for a year have only killed one or two first-class demons, and the rest are unscrupulous.

And the hundred horses under Chu He: the worst ones have also killed five or six first-class demons, which has only been a few days.

If it accumulates.

It is difficult to increase resources and cultivate without improvement.

And what is the cultivation of a warrior, isn't it able to quickly improve his cultivation and ascend to a high position?


Joining the Qingshan Town Magic Camp is just what can be achieved.

"Let's go, I'm going to sign up."

"Help me report it too."

"And I..."

for a moment.

The outside of the Zhen Demon Camp is overcrowded, and there are people who want to join.


"Senior sister, we have a chance."

"Yes, I didn't know how to join Chu He, but it was a godsend."

"I just don't know if Chu Baihu will accept us, after all, we are sect disciples."


Several white-robed men stood behind a woman.

Exactly: Xueqing and others.

They have been thinking about how to join Chu He these two days, but unfortunately, they have no chance.

Right now.

Opportunities arise on their own initiative.

"Let's go, go register first!"

Xueqing said firmly.

Her intuition told her: Na Chu He would definitely not be allowed to join the Zhen Demon Camp because they were disciples of the sect.

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