"Ahhh... Be!

Lu Feng immediately agreed.


Together with the other town demon guards, he quickly followed Chu He out of the courtyard and looked at the majestic and domineering figure in front of him.

Let the five of Lu Feng be in awe, can force the killing of the disciples of the sect into a major meritorious performance, and even let the sect explain, this is definitely a figure with enough intelligence and means.

Such characters, as long as they do not die, are destined to rise all the way, and they, if they can follow each other, will also be able to improve rapidly.

After all:

life choices are greater than effort.

Follow the right person.

It can save you decades of detours.

"Notify Tianwuwei to collect the body." Chu He turned on his horse and ordered, "Burn the entire village and go three miles to the ground."

"And Ben Xiaoqi plans to go back to home and Qingshan County, and you and the others will come with me."

"Yes, my lord!"

Lu Feng's five people answered in unison.

His eyes flashed with surprise, since Chu He was willing to take them home, it proved that he had treated them as his own.

This can be of great use to their future development, once the Chu River soars, this relationship alone can benefit them for life.

Halfway through!

One of the Zhen Demon Guards left the team and went to Tianwuwei in Feiyun County to tell the other party to collect the body and deal with affairs.

This is one of the duties of Tianwuwei, responsible for cleaning up the aftermath of Zhen Demon Wei and dealing with some idle matters.


Feiyun County is not far from Qingshan County!

Chu He and the others only five hours after walking quickly, they saw a city hub, although it was not as good as Yunzhou City, but it was also a big city.

Aoyama Castle!

As the main city of Qingshan County, it has twelve counties under its jurisdiction, with county guards, six gate branches, and even a second-grade realm catcher.

Moreover: There is also a battalion of the Zhen Demon Division stationed in the city, which also makes the inside of Qingshan City always very safe, and there are few evil demons.

Just entered the city!

There were many vendors shouting:

"Take a look, the sacred fish caught in the river has been psychic, and eating it will definitely prolong life and fish to life." Disease removal.

"Magical Strength Pill, Three Guarantees: Keep you rejuvenated, keep you standing, and keep you awake at night!"

"My lord, your house is really lively." Lu Feng said with a glance at the vendors next to him who were shouting hard.

"Everything is good, built under security!" Chu He replied and rode directly to the east of the city.

Lu Feng and the others also hurriedly followed, but from time to time, several people looked back at the vendors selling strong pills.


In front of a mansion that covers several miles!

When the guards at the two gates saw Chu He's figure, they immediately lifted their spirits and quickly greeted him:

"Family master, you are back!"


Chu He rolled over and dismounted, handed the rope to one of the guards, and pointed to Lu Feng and the others who followed: "Arrange for them to live in the mansion, and do not restrict freedom except forbidden land." "


The guard agreed, and led the five people of Lu Feng, who looked confused, to the luxurious mansion, all the way to the high-grade bluestone paving.


Chu He took a box from his horse and strode towards the inner courtyard.

He walked to the study in the center, and a smile appeared on his cold face.

If Lu Feng and the others saw this scene, they would definitely be surprised, because, in their impression, Chu He's face was either facial expression or extremely cold.


Chu He let out a breath of turbid air and pushed open the door!

"Brother, you're back!"

Inside the room.

A handsome-faced, elegant teenager immediately stood up when he heard the voice, looked at the door with a face full of surprise, and quickly walked out and gave Chu He a one-handed hug, as for why he was one-handed.

Because: he only has his left arm!

There is nothing under his clothes on the right side, he is Chu He's younger brother: Chu Nan, who has been dependent on Chu He since he was a child!

Chu Nan took two steps back and looked at Chu He in a flying fish suit:

"It's very in line with my brother's temperament, it's worthy of being my Chu Nan's eldest brother, and if you join Zhen Devil Guard, you will join."

"I'll order the kitchen to make a few good dishes in a moment, and tonight, we will definitely celebrate well."


Chu He nodded and said:

"Brother don't disturb you to study, this is a gift for you, it's cold, wear more."

Shut up!

Qi Chuhe walked outside the house, and when he reached the door, he suddenly turned around and said

, "Anan, remember: I will always be your brother, and if there is any difficulty,

my brother will help you solve it."


Chu Nan's face changed and he nodded.

Hearing Chu Nan's answer, Chu He's face calmed down a lot, and he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart and strode out of the study.


Inside the main room!

Chu Heduan sat on the main throne, recalling the scene in the study just now, and there was a copy on the desk: Heavenly Remnant Gong.

This was originally found by Chu He for Chu Nan, but Chu Nan said that he did not like to practice, but liked to read.

To this.

He did not force it, after all, within the Great Qian, Confucian cultivation also exists, although there is no combat effectiveness in the early stage, but once he has an epiphany, he can comprehend the true meaning of Confucianism and mobilize the mighty righteousness of heaven and earth to ward off foreign enemies.

But now: he suddenly took out the exercises to see.

"The form, manners, including the tone of speech, and the code words are all right, at least the body is the person."

Chu He muttered.

The last thing he asked was not casual, and the word {ok} was unique to Zuxing, and it was impossible for others to know, even Chu Nan learned it after teaching Chu He several times.

"System, you confirm that Chu Nan's soul has not changed."

"Host, don't worry, his soul is always the same, but there is a special existence in the jade pendant in his arms, which should be the remnant soul of a powerful being."


Remnant Soul!

Isn't this the protagonist treatment? Good guy, he turned out to be the protagonist of his brother.

Boom! Boom!

Chu He knocked twice on the table!


A man appeared in the corner, dressed in a black robe, his face was blinded by a ghostly light.


He knelt down on one knee facing Chu He and said, "

I have seen the lord."

"Are they all assembled?" Chu He's icy voice resounded in the room.

"Pray to the Lord: The disciples of all regions have been gathered, and there are a total of five hundred people with talents suitable for battle."

"Most of them have reached the edge of breaking through the martial artist, but they have not entered the martial arts, and if they want to break through strongly, it may take some time."

"Moreover, through ten years of training, they have all regarded the Lord as the only object of allegiance and will not betray it."

The figure said quickly.

"Very good!"

Chu He nodded.

These hundreds of people are all orphans he let him adopt a few years ago, and they are cultivated and trained all over Yunzhou!


What he thought was: if he couldn't join the Zhen Demon Division, he would lead this group of disciples to enter a sect and occupy it.

At the same time, he can also let his disciples step into the martial arts, and having this team can give him a trace of self-preservation in this world.

After all: this is a world where demons are rampant, being safe now doesn't mean being safe in the future, and if you want to protect yourself and Anan, he needs to keep getting stronger, and his soul that is getting stronger all the time is urging him to become stronger.

Right now!

But a trace of horror appeared in his mind, and it became stronger and stronger, and it could not be erased at all.

His eyes flashed firmly, and he said in a deep voice

: "Order:

Let them join the Zhen Demon Division in batches, pretend to know each other, and concentrate on cultivation."


PS: This is Xiaobai's new attempt, the protagonist is decisive in killing, what opinions can be mentioned.

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