"How are those twelve lately?"

Chu He asked again.

"Lord, except for the ugly cow and Yin Hu, there has been no news for a long time, and the others are currently mixing well, do you need to dispatch them?"

"It's not time yet, let's go down!"

Chu He shook his head.


The black-robed man promised.

Then the figure retreated into the corner, slowly and strangely disappeared, just like a ghost, I don't know what kind of exercise.

"System, did you get it?"

"Forget it, ten years ago, I found twelve top demons in this world and bound them to you, afraid that you would fall early."

I see!

Chu He nodded, a few years ago, when he was collecting orphans, twelve gifted people appeared, and the talent was so good that he was a little envious.

At first, he was worried about what was going on and whether someone had discovered his secret and came to investigate.

Later, after a series of temptations, it was found that these twelve people were not undercover agents, and they admired and respected him very much.

Now it seems: the system is making trouble!

"Huanghuang is the great trend, only to become stronger!"

Chu He looked up and muttered.

After joining Zhenmoji, he knows how important a force is to development, no matter how strong you are, you need the help of a force.

As for the protagonists like some of the protagonists in the book, they do everything by themselves, not to mention whether there is a forced qualification, just say: doing so will waste more time and completely affect their own cultivation.


Zhen Moji is from the imperial court, he is just a small banner of Zhen Moji, even if his position is promoted later, there is a risk of being kicked out at any time.


He decided: to seek skin with the tiger, get the people and horses he cultivated into the Zhen Mo Division to cultivate, and use the resources of the Zhen Mo Si to help them grow.

Later, take the opportunity to join his subordinates, in this way, his foundation will be extremely stable, even if one day the high-level of the Zhen Demon Division, and even the imperial court want to move him, he needs to think twice.

"However, everything needs to be strong in itself, in order to keep getting stronger in order to do all this."

Chu He's eyes flashed a domineering and said:

"System, add points!"

"Ding, the Dragon Elephant Town Prison Skill has been successfully improved, consuming 24 demon points, and is currently at the peak of the first layer of the level."


Chu He's momentum increased sharply, and the attribute panel was refreshed again

: Name: Chu He

Position: Zhen Mo Si Xiaoqi

Cultivation: Yipin Peak

Martial Arts: Dragon Elephant Town Prison Gong Level 1 Peak (can be promoted), Nether Nine Imperial Grand Perfection (non-promotional) Thunder Dao Grand Consummation (non-promotional)

Weapon: A copper coin, Zhen Demon Knife Demon

Point: 4

"It's a pity that the Zhen Demon Point is not enough, otherwise I can break through to the second-grade martial artist today, and I can compete for the position of the general flag."

Chu He said a little regretfully.

But this word!

If you let others in the outside know that I am afraid that he will be angry and killed, how many people have spent years, even more than ten years, to break through to the peak of the first pin, and he, less than a month, is still not satisfied.


Inside the study!

Chu Nan sat on the chair and frowned, holding the book but not looking at it, as if he was entangled in something.

10 days ago!

He went out to worship in the temple, but accidentally got a piece of jade pendant, which hid the soul of a strong man, called: Meng Lao.

He said to himself:

he can make himself stronger, even strong enough to catch the stars and take the moon and break the stars, and he has no interest in this.

Until, the other party said to him: Don't you have someone to protect, the world is complicated, only strength can protect your relatives?

This moment.

He hesitated!

Because, he remembered some explanations before Chu He went to participate in the Zhen Mosi this time, and he vaguely felt that something was wrong.


A lot of words seem to be explaining the aftermath.

However, he didn't know

that at that time,

Chu He had not yet awakened the system, and his body had reached its limit, and he could explode and die at any time, so he would talk to him as if he were explaining the aftermath.

"Anan, there's no need to get tangled, your brother didn't ask after all!" An old voice sounded in Chu Nan's mind.

"You don't understand, with my brother's IQ, he must have found something, and my brother has asked, but I didn't say."

Chu Nan immediately retorted.

Obviously, he admired and knew Chu He very well, and knew that the other party had found some problems, but he didn't ask more.


The old man's voice hesitated a little for a few breaths before he said again:

"If you go to cultivate an apprentice, it can also be regarded as worrying about your brother, and growing your right arm in the future can also be regarded as solving your brother's heart disease."



Chu Nan didn't have any reaction, and kept muttering in his mouth:

"Do you want to tell my brother..."

"I'm sorry for Elder

Meng..." "No, although Elder Meng promised to help me cultivate, but I cultivate for my brother, yes, I can't hide it from my brother."

Shut up!

Chu Nan got up directly and walked out.

He planned to tell Chu He about his experience of cultivating and obtaining a piece of magical jade pendant.


"Master, someone in the front hall is looking for it, saying that it is a person from Tianwuwei." Outside the door, there was the sound of a nursing home.


Chu He, who had just finished cultivating, frowned, although he did not hide his identity when he returned.

But: Tianwuwei does not have the habit of worshiping mountains, and there is a camp of town demon guards in Qingshan County, and Baishan cannot take this turn.


Chu He opened the door and followed the guards to the front hall.

"Big brother!"

As soon as he was halfway there, he heard Chu Nan's shouting from behind, and when he looked back, he saw that he was running towards him.

Chu Nan ran to Chu He, ignoring the voice of Meng Lao's crazy stop in his mind, he directly picked up the

jade pei and said, "

Big brother, this is the jade pei I got two days ago, inside..."

Chu He waved his hand to stop him from continuing.

Patting Chu Nan on the shoulder and said, "Anan, everyone has their own chances, there is no need to tell others."

"But you have to remember that you have to keep your heart when you do everything, and no matter how strong an external object is, it is not as good as itself."

"If he dares to be presumptuous with you, come to Brother, Brother will directly let him disappear and never be able to live beyond life."


Chu He also deliberately looked at Yupei, and the cold light flashed.

"Yes, big brother!"

Chu Nan nodded happily.


His heart knots have all been untied, and he was originally entangled in telling Chu He: Will he not be very kind to Elder Meng.

Right now!

His brother has already picked him out, making him extremely comfortable!


He was relieved, and Meng Lao in Yu Peni was completely confused, what was the situation? Was he discovered or threatened?

"It's impossible, but what he just said is obviously aimed at me, no, I'll take a look."

Meng Lao studied for a long time, but still decided to investigate the Lower Chu River.

It exuded a trace of thought and came towards Chu River, but its mind was just an inch close to Chu River.

The vision changes:

it is a vast world, the heavenly dome is torn, the earth is bleeding like a river, countless demons, foreign corpses lie on the ground, each corpse is powerful and suffocating.

In the center of the world: a domineering figure stands in the sky, under his feet is a mountain of demons and alien corpses, his eyes are up to the sky, his hands are up, although his back is like a peerless giant.


The domineering figure seemed to feel something, and its eyes looked back, what kind of gaze it was: cold, domineering, nostalgic, indifferent.


The picture disappears!


An old scream sounded in Chu Nan's mind.

"Wucao, Elder Meng, what are you doing, you want to die?" Chu Nan was startled by the screams in his mind.

"It's impossible, how can he become that kind of existence in the future, and the eyes of space and time almost wipe me out."

"The killing intent in that space is too fierce, even the fallen demon corpse can be immortalized, it is really unimaginable."

Elder Meng kept roaring in the jade pei, and he had completely lost the calmness that a pair of golden fingers should have.


Qi Cai slowed down and said leisurely:

"Chu Nan, your brother, well, it's not simple."

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