
A cold smile appeared at the corner of Chu He's mouth.


Stride into the vestibule.


An old Tianwuwei was sitting on a chair, and when he saw Chu He appear, he immediately got up and said, "Qingshan County, Zhou Tao, deputy commander of Tianwuwei, has seen Master Xiaoqi." "

Deputy Commander?

Chu He looked at Zhou Tao and nodded, the team that Tianwuwei stationed in the county was a large team, about a hundred people, and there was a commander and two deputy commanders, all of whom were first-class martial artists.

However, Xiu Wei is only in the first product, and he is too old and his combat power is not strong, so he can only solve some small demons.

As for why he is old: nonsense, who is young and has a good talent will come to Tianwuwei to mix.

"What's the matter!"

Chu He walked to the top and sat down leisurely.

"Pray to Lord Xiaoqi, there are suddenly demons in the east of the county, and three murders have been caused."

"The subordinate took people to investigate and found some traces, but they were injured by the other party during the pursuit, and they also broke a lot of hands."


Chu He took a sip of tea and asked in a deep voice: "Why don't you go to the Zhendemon Camp in the city to report or go to the Six Gates." "

You know.

Since Zhou Tao was able to make simple contact with the other party, but returned unscathed, it proved that the demon was not strong.

At least: it will not go beyond the second product, or even the middle and late stages of the first product.

And demons of this strength, whether it is the county town demon camp or the six gates, there are people who can suppress it.

"My lord, I'm going."

Zhou Tao's face showed bitterness, and he shook his head and said, "However, at present, neither the Zhen Demon Camp nor the Six Gates can send people.

"Why is that?"

Chu He asked a little puzzled.

"Don't hide my lord, not long ago, the remnants of the White Lotus Sect appeared in the county town, which was very loud and caused a lot of turmoil."

"The Zhen Demon Camp and the Six Gates sent a large number of masters to suppress it, and many masters are still chasing the remnants."

Zhou Tao quickly explained: "The masters who stayed in the county town also have their own tasks and cannot make a move.

"So, I heard that the adult had returned to Aoyama County, so I specially came to ask the adult to help."

White Lotus Sect?

Chu He's eyes flashed with a trace of essence.

He just killed a White Lotus Sect holy girl here, although it seemed that it was most likely to be fake, but he didn't expect that Qingshan County also had the remnants of the White Lotus Sect, and it was huge.


The saint girl she killed by herself is also the pinnacle of one pinnacle, and the white lotus here can make the Zhen Demon Camp and the six doors go all out, and there must be a three-rank strong.

"Perhaps, the saint girl who killed herself escaped from Qingshan County and wanted to accumulate strength in Yuegu Village."

"No wonder they do things so carefully, they have a pinnacle cultivation, deal with some ordinary pints, and also take drugs."

Chu He immediately figured out the key.

He looked at Zhou Tao and asked, "Are there other counties that are similar to the remnants of the White Lotus Sect?"

"This... The villain does not know. Zhou Tao shook his head.

After all, he is only the deputy commander of the county town of Tianwuwei, and Tianwuwei is only a department that assists the Zhen Demon Division, and his status is much worse than that of the six doors, and the natural news channels are not very good.

"Tonight, Ben Xiaoqi and you will go to the place of the incident to take a look." Chu He nodded at Zhou Tao's expectant gaze.

"Thank you, my lord."

Zhou Tao immediately bowed: "This matter will be reported to the prefecture town demon master, and the adults will not be allowed to do this in vain." "

This is the rule of the Zhen Moji.

If you kill a demon outside the mission, the credit point is only half, or even lower, in order to prevent some demon guards from doing the task, go to the mountains where the demon is rampant to kill the demon.


As long as the local Tianwuwei reports the situation, it can treat the demons here as a temporary task, so as to obtain credit points normally.




Chu He led Lu Feng's five people to a remote street in the east of the city, and as soon as he arrived at the entrance of the street, Zhou Tao led a few Tianwuwei to greet him:

"I have seen adults."

"Tell me about the situation."

Chu He asked coldly.

"Yes, my lord."

Zhou Tao nodded and said, "This street is the most remote street in the east of the city, and it is inhabited by residents who have no money, or homeless people.

"In the beginning: the demons were all going to the homeless, so although they had been cholera for many days, no one found it."

"However, the day before yesterday, he killed a normal resident, and the death was a bit tragic, so people reported to the officials, and I waited to investigate."

Speaking of which.

Zhou Tao's pupils also vibrate, obviously, the extremely tragic death he just said should not be simple.

Chu He quickly asked, "Is the body still there?" "

My lord, here!"

Zhou Tao waved his big hand, and suddenly several Tianwuwei moved up a corpse covered with white cloth.

The white cloth is lifted:

a thin and dry body, bloodless, with protruding eyeballs, and the body is densely packed with small black holes, making the scalp numb.


Lu Feng and the others gasped.

They all looked away, but the state of this corpse was too difficult to look at directly, and they felt very scratchy in their hearts.

"Sir, that's how it was when I waited for this person."

Zhou Tao said.

And waved his hand to let people cover the white cloth, although he had been dealing with demons for many years, he did not want to see this scene.


but was stopped by Chu He's wave.

In Zhou Tao's shocked gaze, he directly pulled out the saber on his waist and plunged into the corpse.


There are no obstacles.

Chu River swayed left and right twice, and the bones inside were like tofu dregs, shattering when touched.

This is not the sharpness of the Tianwu Wei sword, but the fact that its bones are already weathered.

"All the qi and blood, shouyuan, and protective flesh and bone qi have been devoured, and this demon is a ruthless means."

Chu He drew out the long knife and returned it to Zhou Tao.

Zhou Tao: (ノಥ益ಥ)

(His inner words: Why do you want to use my knife, such a disgusting corpse, can I still ask for this knife, is it not for the official to bully people.) ╯▂╰ )

Chu He: The knife is okay!

Zhou Tao: Adults use it easily.

"That demon killed a lot of people."

"Because the front are all homeless people, it is impossible to count specifically, but the number should be no less than fifty."

"No less than fifty?" Chu He frowned and said, "Are the corpses all the same as him, devoured essence yuan?"

"Yes, without exception."

Zhou Tao nodded and asked suspiciously, "Sir, is there something wrong?"

Chu He's face turned cold, and he said, "What's wrong, if he really devours more than fifty people, then his strength is at least second-grade or more."

"How can you chase it and come back alive, either there is more than one demon, or there is someone behind the demon."

Chu He instantly analyzed the connection between things.


Looking up at the night, he suddenly asked, "Is the slum on the north side of Qingshan County still there?"


"Not good, go with Ben Xiaoqi." Chu He's face changed, and his figure immediately swept towards the north side of the city.


Lu Feng's five, Zhou Tao, and other Tianwuwei hurriedly followed.

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