
Chu He's elegant but ruthless behavior seemed so strange that people did not dare to look directly at him.

Especially in sharp contrast to the corpse king who was crawling on the ground and full of brain pulp.


It gives a sense of Sven scum.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing the fourth-grade peak corpse demon, extremely sadistic and spicy enough, and obtained demon points: 1000."

Ignoring the ridicule of the system.

His gaze looked at the Zhen Demon Guard, who was fighting madly, and did not have any intention of interfering.

After all:

the main purpose of his killing of the two demon forces this time was to train the five hundred town demon guards.

Even if they fall a lot because of this, it doesn't hurt, so this level is a level they must pass.

Only by mistakenly surviving in this battle can they truly be considered qualified demon guards.


If it falls in this operation.


It can only be counted as its back.


Hundreds of ragged-dressed Terrans gathered together, looking at the fighting around them with horror on their faces.


They looked upwards.

But I saw that

Chu He, dressed in a big red cloak, was sitting on a high seat, and on the side, a small white beast was holding a tray with fine wine and various melons and fruits placed on it.

He held a wine glass and drank the turbid wine lightly, his face was cold and flat, as if he didn't care about the fight below.


Everyone swallowed their saliva in unison.


"Grandpa, who the hell is he, it's so terrible, in this situation he is still in the mood to drink."

"He is so strong, that corpse king seems to be played by him like a monkey, and he will be killed in two strokes."

"But he obviously solved the corpse king, why didn't he come down to help the army of demons kill other corpse demons."

A young man said suspiciously.

It's not just him.

The others were also a little puzzled, it was clear that Chu He's move could quickly solve the battle, and even: reduce the casualties of the Zhen Demon Guard.


Why didn't he make a move.


Just drink and watch from above, isn't this afraid to make many Zhen Devil Wei cold?


But several old men had solemn expressions.

Although they are not in the product, they are also a good hand in martial arts, plus: age is enough.

Therefore, it can be regarded as having a certain amount of experience, and it can be seen that although this batch of Zhen Demon Guards has been imported, many of them seem to have not experienced battle at all, and they are restrained.

Even: a mid-first-grade demon guard was chased and beaten by a corpse demon in the early first-grade period.

This scene.

Completely unrealistic.

You know

: Zhen Devil Wei's original combat effectiveness should be stronger than that of demons, plus teamwork, in theory:

they don't say that they skip the level and fight, at least they can be invincible at the same level.


They guessed that this group of Zhen Demon Guards was fighting for the first time.


Chu He's approach is self-evident.

He is training troops!


This is a bit cruel and even causes some unnecessary casualties, but it is undoubtedly the most effective.


For Zhen Mowei, this level cannot be avoided no matter what, and it will have to be experienced sooner or later.

At this time!

The battle between the Zhen Demon Guard and the Corpse Demon has entered a fever pitch.


Many Zhen Demon Guards looked upwards.


His eyes suddenly froze.

The gaze changed several times in a short moment: doubtful, puzzled, clear, fierce...

After all:

they had been vaccinated by many old town demon guards before they set off, and they knew the purpose of this visit.

The second thing to kill demons is to train them and make themselves and others qualified demon guards.

Tear pull....

Lu Feng draped the opposite corpse demon in half with one sword.


He shouted,

"Gentlemen: The adults have killed all the top corpse demons."

"If we can't even face this group of little corpse demons, what kind of demon guard, why should we accompany the adults to fight on the battlefield."

"It's masters, kill with Ben Baihu!"

Lu Feng shouted loudly and killed. (Lu Feng is currently a temporary hundred households appointed by Chu River.)


The other Zhen Demon Hundred Households had already understood Chu He's intentions, and coupled with Lu Feng's words, they roared even more.


Their eyes were extremely red.

They all began to line up according to the pace of their previous training, killing one demon after another in front of them.


A corpse demon was beheaded, and black blood was inferior.

The faces of many Zhen Devil Wei Bang around them, but they did not have the slightest fear, but instead drank:

"Three steps and one kill, the heart does not stop!"

"Thousands of miles of blood, corpse pillow demon mountain!"


Kill" "



A huge murderous aura surged out from the five hundred town demon guards.


With the help of poetry, they became more courageous, and the overall momentum of Zhen Mowei increased.

Probably: This is the importance of the military soul, and their military soul is the Chu River above.

As long as the Chu River does not fall, they will not lose!


There was a gasp from the crowd.

"What's wrong with them, how did just sing two lines of poetry suddenly become so crazy."

"However, those two poems are so familiar, isn't this the poem made by the God Killing Chu River?"

"Foggy grass, Chu River.. Big Red Cloak: Murderous... He won't be Chu He. "

At this time.

Everyone subconsciously looked upwards.


They have already roughly guessed Chu He's identity, which makes them even more unable to calm down in their hearts.

After all: if you want to say what Yunzhou is most famous in recent days, it is definitely the word Chu River.

It can be said that

it has been placed in the position of the first demon in Yunzhou.

Exactly: the existence of the Billboard NO1.

Right now.

How can you not be excited to be able to see such an existence appear in front of you with your own eyes, and save yourself and others.


Chu He was untouched by their adoring gaze.


I am very satisfied with the changes in the Zhen Demon Guard, only such a Zhen Demon Wei who dares to fight and kill can be regarded as elite.

Moreover, with people he arranged in advance, there is no need to worry about loyalty.


They will be a supreme weapon.

Shaking your head.

Chu He didn't think about this, his eyes closed slightly, and he began to absorb the memories of the corpse king who had just searched.

Since the enhanced version is used for the first time, the memory that allows it to absorb is a little too strong to be observed in a few breaths.

The memory picture emerges:

the corpse king crawled out of a mass grave, it is a congenital corpse demon, and the initial strength has been in the product.


It was discovered by the corpse mountain and began to evolve step by step, the process was very slow, and it took hundreds of years to break through the peak of the fourth grade.

In the middle of this, the old corpse king fell (killed by his sneak attack), he ascended the throne and began to cooperate with Hou Li.

Of course.

None of this is the main thing.

After all: the rise of a corpse king made no sense to Chu He at all.

Its attention is: corpse mountain treasure, heavenly silver vein...

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