At last!

After crossing many unsightly pictures, Chu He finally saw an important picture in the depths of his memory.

Among them:

most of them are about the place where the treasure of Corpse Mountain is stored, and the rest is trading with Ghost Ya and so on.

At the same time, there is also the address of the Tianyin vein, as well as its size and scale, and the current mining situation.

"It's a windfall."

Chu He muttered in his mouth: "The full ten miles of Heavenly Silver Vein has only been developed by less than one-tenth, and the rest is also considered valuable." "

After all.

Tianyin ore is relatively rare, and it is a necessary material for forging many weapons.

Therefore, even if ore veins are found from time to time in the Daqian prefectures, they are simply not enough.

What's more:

it's a troubled time.

Various gates, families, gangs, and even the imperial court forces are constantly hoarding weapons.

Therefore, the Tianyin vein has become a resource for a strange commodity for a while, and any appearance will definitely make waves.


During the cooperation, Hou Li also repeatedly tested the address of the Tianyin vein.


The corpse king is not stupid, and there is no disclosure.

Hou Li sent many people to probe around here, but none of them found anything.


He never imagined that

the location of the Tianyin vein was not in the territory of Daqian at all, but in the misty forest outside the

Ghost Mountain and Corpse Mountain!

"It seems that it takes a lot of effort to mine this silver vein, or it is better to sell it directly."

An evil smile appeared on Chu He's face.

That's right.

He didn't plan to develop it himself, because it would be too laborious and not worth the loss.


Chu He wants to take the road of officialdom, so his future will not lack weapons at all.

On the contrary, it is better to package and sell the entire vein directly, so that it can be regarded as a small fortune.


Chu He was not thinking about this.

He turned his soul power in his brain a few more times, recovered the loss just now, and began to think:

"The darker the eye color of memory, the more attention is paid to it, and the light color is some irrelevant trivia."

Also, the larger the fragment, the closer the time, and the smaller the fragment, the farther the time.

So, he can probe as needed. "

After summarizing.

Chu He's face showed satisfaction.

After all:

if you have to digest the complete memory of a living being every time, this is simply not realistic.

Even if the power of his soul is strong, he will be confused by the massive amount of memories.


Finally, he completely lost himself and became a multi-personality form.

That is: psychosis.

"System, don't you already know this?"

"Host, you're such a smart guy."

Chu He: "Why didn't you say it earlier?" System

: "You didn't ask either?" Chu

He: "......."

did not fight with the system.

Chu He looked at Da Hei on the side and said, "

Under the third cave bed in the back cave, there is a dark room with a special treasure chest inside."

"The password is: I am the corpse king and I am the most handsome, there is a green bead inside, you go and take it out."

This thing.

It is one of the most important treasures of the Corpse King, and it is also the treasure passed down from the generations of the Corpse Mountain: the Corpse Bead.

It can emit huge corpse poison, which is the most precious treasure for corpse demons, or cultivators who cultivate poison path.


There is also a special heritage inside.

It is said that the ancestors of the corpse mountain accidentally obtained it, but no one knows whether it is inherited or not.


Under the gaze of Chu River.

After hearing Chu He's words, Da Hei did not look like he wanted to enter the cave to search for treasure, but was a little embarrassed.


He slowly took out a green bead from his arms and handed it to Chu He.

"Boss, I want to say that I didn't intend to steal you, do you believe it?"

"I just went in and found that this green bead could be seen in this cave, so I took it out."

"I was going to give it to the boss on the spot, but I just went to drink and forgot. ???x_x??? Said


Da Hei lowered his head embarrassedly.


Chu He took the green bead, and his mind probed in.

A huge stream of toxins filled the entire interior, and even began to invade Chu River's intention to penetrate.


The mind emits bursts of light to repel toxins.


Chu He's mind withdrew, and he didn't observe it too closely, took it into his arms, and looked at the big black under his feet.

A flash of light flashed in his eyes.

You know:

By probing the memory of the corpse king, he knows how hidden this corpse bead is stored, not only is there a hidden formation, but the treasure chest may not be able to open even if the seven products are without a password.


Da Hei definitely didn't have more than half a tea time when he entered the cave.

Not only did he get the orb easily, but he also had the kung fu to get him fine wine and spirit fruits, which was really... Outrageous.


This pet beast himself is not ordinary.


The battle has reached its final stages.

Even the old corpse demon who was hiding was discovered, and then beaten to death by hundreds of demon guards, and there was no chance to escape from the air.


With the last corpse demon falling to the ground.

The huge corpse mountain became extremely quiet, and there was no longer a standing corpse demon, nor a roar.


But it is full of endless murderous and bloody aura.


Zhao Yuan stepped out and shouted, "Sir, the corpse mountain has been destroyed, and there is no life left." "


Chu He's gaze swept down.

The five hundred demon guards stood in the sea of blood in the corpse mountain, all covered in black blood and murderous.

At this moment, they are like soldiers coming out of hell, trying to kill all enemies in the near world.

This battle.

Let them complete the transformation completely!


No longer afraid to attack the enemy, let alone self-chaotic.

Of course.

There was also a small number of Zhen Devil Wei who fell.


This is a process that the team must go through, and no one has fear or regret, it can be said that from the moment they choose to join the Zhen Demon Division, they are ready to sacrifice.


Chu He slowly got up and said coldly: "The pension of the Demon Guard of Death is three times, and it will be paid by the main seat."

"But, it's not enough, after cleaning the battlefield and half a column of incense, go to the next station, and then kill."


Zhao Yuan promised.


Beginning to command the Zhen Demon Guard to clean up the battlefield, it was nothing more than going to the nest of the corpse mountain to start searching for treasures, and with the guidance of Chu River, the process was extremely fast.

The other side.

An old man in the crowd of hundreds walked out.

He bowed his hand to Chu He:

"I wait to thank the adult for saving his life, and in the future, I am willing to worship the adult tablet at home and worship it every day."

"Thank you for saving your life."


the hundreds of people in the rear were all very grateful.


Many people shed silent tears because some of their relatives and friends had been killed and died.

After half a column of incense!


Chu He stepped out and appeared on the spirit horse.




A rein descended towards the peak.

In the rear, five hundred town demon guards followed closely, and hundreds of Terrans also walked down the mountain under the leadership of two town demon guards.


A glow glided across the summit.

After two breaths!

Several big words emerged:



the Corpse Ghost


- Chu River

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