
The old man quickly got up and glanced down at his abdomen.

It had completely collapsed, his inner abdomen was a mess, and with the knife wound he had just had, he had reached the point where the oil ran out.

Even on the run.

It is also impossible to avoid the pursuit and killing of the Zhen Mo Si, since the horizontal and vertical are all dead, he must definitely kill

this hope that destroys his life, Zhen Mo Si Tianjiao, and also count it as a potential opponent for the cult.

"Yoyo Cangsheng, only the White Lotus, Lord Virgin, please grant me your strength and help me to kill my enemies."

The old man squeezed the seal with both hands and drank quickly.


Chu He's eyes, who had just been struggling to recover due to too much consumption, were cold, and he knew that the old man was using a secret method.

Don't dare to delay.

Quickly click on several large acupuncture points around the body with both hands, which is a means of stimulating potential that I have figured out before.


He clenched his fist in one hand and felt a trace of strength restored.


Kicking the ground with both feet, he immediately rushed towards the old man, punching out, carrying the sound of dragon groans and elephant roars.

"Damn it!"

The old man's face changed.

His secret method has not been fully stimulated, but he did not expect that this Chu He would rather damage his body than forcibly stimulate his potential and kill him.

"Block the old man!"

The old man stepped down with his right foot, his robe was windless, and his hands crossed to block him.


An earth-shattering crash sounded.


Chu He was knocked away by the force of the countershock, and used his last strength in mid-air to throw out the copper coin.


The copper money disappeared into the night, and the sound of breaking the air disappeared.

The old man subconsciously went to the top of his head.


He only felt a chill in his chest, looked down, and a small hole appeared in his heart, directly penetrating the heart.

Cough... Ahem....

The strong pain made the old man's face pale, but there was no despair of death in his eyes, but a trace of madness:

"I have to admit that you are the most ruthless and decisive demon guard that the old man has ever seen."

"However, you are still a step slower, rebellion..." a

sneer came out of the old man's mouth.

Not only did blood not flow from the heart, but a special power emerged, causing the momentum on his body to expand again.


From the early stage of the second product to the peak of the middle of the second product, and, relying on the deep heritage, even the late second product can be killed.




The old man walked towards Chu River step by step, and the victory was in his hands:

"Although the old man's secret method has not completely worked, it is not a problem to kill you a small flag at the peak of one pint."

"Do you have any last words to say..."



After exhausting his energy and activating the secret method, Chu He stood on the ground, his face a little pale.

He looked up at the old man, and there was no trace of fear in his eyes, as if he didn't care about the old man's words.

"System, are you sure that I can get demon points by killing him."

"Yes, the host, although he is a human, but he walks with an evil demon, and his body has long been infected by demonic qi."

"That's good..."

Chu He nodded, looked at the old man and said coldly: "Old fellow, do you know that the villains all die of talking too much. "


Chu He kicked the ground and slammed the remaining bit of energy in his body towards the rotating aura in his mind!


The talisman mark around the rotating light mass trembled with the impact, briefly cracking a thin slit.

Subsequently, the soul power visible to the naked eye continued to pour into Chu He's body, frantically increasing his soul power.

Card... Kaka....

Due to the influx of a large amount of soul power in an instant, the skin on the surface of Chu He's body began to crack, giving people the feeling that they were about to explode and die.


Chu He drilled some fists, feeling the surge in the power of the soul in his body, and an evil smile appeared at the corner of his mouth:

"About ten breaths will explode and die, but it's enough!"

"Come on!"

Chu He shouted loudly, borrowed the power of the stomp just now, rushed towards the old man, and the figure continued to draw phantoms in the air.

"This: No way? The

old man looked at the erupting Chu He with a shocked expression, just now it was clear that there was basically no energy in the body, why did it suddenly erupt now.

However, then the old man regained his calm, and the ants that broke out were just ants after all, and they also punched out.

Two punches collide!

There was no imaginary earth-shattering noise, because Chu He immediately moved three inches when he just touched the opponent's fist.

"What kind of routine is this?" As soon as the old man guessed why Chu He suddenly retreated during the confrontation, he felt an unimaginable pain coming from his fist, making him couldn't help

but scream:

"Ah..." I

can't imagine what kind of pain can make the old man who cultivates the path of demons scream and distort his face.

"Soul... You actually have a soul attack. The

old man shouted in horror.

But what answered him was a sound of breaking the void, boom, a loud noise, he felt a cold in his chest, and looked down

: a hole the size of a copper coin appeared again, although it closed quickly under the strong recovery force, but the pain from it was several times stronger than just now, making him let out an inhuman roar:

"Roar... The old man wants you to die... Yes... The old man's eyes" "

Five breaths!"

Chu He quietly landed behind the screaming old man, kicked towards the old man's right thigh, and at the same time the figure floated to the left.


A soul-shattering sound sounded in the old man's mind, and his right leg knelt down uncontrollably, followed by his left leg.

Six breaths!

Boom! Boom!

The old man's two arms hung down weakly!

Seven breaths!

The old man was deaf and his throat was dry and he could not make a sound.


Chu He stretched out his big hand, and the Zhen Demon Knife that fell in front of the mountain temple vibrated and quickly flew towards it!


One of his kicks kicked the Zhen Demon Knife towards the old man!


The Zhen Demon knife entered the chest, and the endless Zhen Devil power cut off the old man's vitality, making people raise their heads to the sky and roar twice, and their heads were crooked and burped on the spot!

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing the demon in the middle of the second grade, obtaining fifty demon points, and looking forward to continuing to work hard and create brilliance again."

"System, add some dragon elephant town prison gong."

"Ding, the Dragon Elephant Town Prison Gong has been successful, and the current level is the early stage of the second layer of the Dragon Elephant Town Prison Gong."

As the system sound falls.


Chu He's body exuded terrifying devouring power, constantly devouring the heaven and earth spiritual energy around the mountain temple.

The momentum on Chu He's body became stronger and stronger, and at the same time, the crack that had spread to the neck began to gradually close.

After a breath!


Chu He's body surged with momentum, officially stepped into the second product, and the attribute panel was refreshed again

: Name: Chu He

Position: Zhen Mosi Xiaoqi


: Second Grade Early Martial Arts: Dragon Elephant Town Prison Gong Second Layer Early Stage (can be promoted), Nether Nine Imperial (Great Consummation), Thunder Dao (Great Consummation)

Weapons: Zhen Demon Knife, a copper coin

demon point:


"Second grade, it can be regarded as barely making a living."

Chu He felt the surge of power in his body and muttered.


Sou! Sou! Sou!

A burst of breaking sounds came from afar, extremely dense, obviously quite a large number of people, at least no less than a hundred.


A loud shout came:

"Demon, Ben Baihu is here, Hugh must be released... Foggy grass. "

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