


With a sound of breaking the air, hundreds of figures appeared in front of the mountain temple, all wearing flying fish brocade suits and carrying town magic knives on their waist, which was the town demon camp in Qingshan County.

The first one is a burly man with a resolute face, and he is: the hundred iron army guarding Qingshan County.


Tie Jun looked at the lifeless old man kneeling on the ground with a frozen face, and looked at Chu He again:

"Zhen Demon Guard? You are from that army, that battalion. "

Three armies, three battalions, small banner Chu River!" Chu He did not salute, but replied to the iron army without humility.

The rules of the town of Moji!

If it is not a direct superior, it is not necessary to obey his orders and salute unless he has crossed the third rank, and nothing else.

That is: with the position of Chu River Xiaoqi, as long as it is not a direct superior, Qianhu needs him to salute, otherwise, it is not necessary.

This is to prevent the high-level of the town demon guard from pretending to be public and private, and at the same time to increase the flexibility of handling cases, otherwise: the three major armies are in one state, and they all act separately and independently.

Once encountered: it is easy to have the possibility of the general flag bullying the small flag, which will greatly weaken the work efficiency.

"Three armies, three battalions, you are under Zhang Wei." Tie Jun heard Chu He's self-registration number, nodded and said:

"A few days ago, I heard him boast to me about a new Tianjiao under his command, it should be you, it's really not ordinary."

"Thank you for the compliment."

Chu He said with his hands, and his face also eased down, after all: in this wilderness, it is not impossible to kill people and steal merit.


There were many people present, and this probability was not large, but it was not impossible to happen, but he did not expect that Zhang Wei had such a wide range of friends, even the hundreds of families sent abroad knew him.


"Chu He, what mission did you come to Qingshan County to perform, and why did you suddenly appear in the mountain temple."

A general banner behind the iron army asked.

You know: In order to find the leader of the White Lotus Sect, they can be described as: all the members set out and searched for half a month to find clues.

But now!

Chu He arrived before them, and he obviously had only stepped into the second rank, how could he kill the old man without being harmed.

There are many people who can't explain it, and even think at worst, it may not be that Chu He is a pawn of the White Lotus Sect, and the death of the old man is just paving the way for him, of course: all this needs evidence.

At this time!

Sou! Sou...!

In the distance, several figures swept up again, it was Lu Feng's five and Zhou Tao of Tianwuwei, and the other Tianwuwei couldn't keep up at all.


Lu Feng's five people immediately ran to Chu He's side and bowed and said, and then looked at the hundreds of demon guards around them and swallowed their saliva wildly.

Zhou Tao vaguely heard the general banner speak at the beginning, and immediately said to Tie Jun and the others: "

Lords, Chu River Xiaoqi's trip is to go home, and I personally went to beg him to help solve the strange corpse case."

"Later, Lord Chu He chased a demon to this place, and this old demon should be the head of that demon."

"Moreover, this matter has been reported to the headquarters, this is an approval." Zhou Tao took out an approval document from his arms and handed it to Tie Jun.

"Sir, I was ordered to come and solve the case in Yuegu Village, and by the way, I will accompany Lord Chu home to take a look."

Lu Feng also said quickly to the iron army.

At the same time, he and the other four people stood behind Chu He, apparently, willing to stand on the same line as Chu He.

"So it is."

Iron Army nodded.

Zhou Tao knew that as the deputy commander of Tianwuwei in Qingshan County, he often dealt with Zhen Mowei and would not lie about it.

The Yuegu Village case he said must also be true, because this can't lie at all, it is recorded in the Zhen Moji, and it can be found out directly if you want to check it.

"Chu He, you did a good job."

Tie Jun pointed to the kneeling old man and said: "This person is a protector of the White Lotus Sect, and his true cultivation is the peak of the third grade, but he will only regress if he is severely damaged, and it seems that he should still have the middle of the second grade."

"Since it has been killed by you, then naturally it will be counted as your credit, and this matter will be truthfully reported to the headquarters of the Zhen Moji." Specific credit needs to be approved and decided by the headquarters. "

Thank you, my lord."

Chu He nodded.

He could see that the iron army was not the one who robbed the merit, otherwise, he would have just said: The old man was already seriously injured, and he had laid a net of heaven and earth, and Chu He just happened to kill him.

If it is reported like this: then the credit of Chu River will be much less.


"Since Chu Xiaoqi is from Qingshan County, I don't know if he has any ideas to stay in Qingshan County to serve, this is also a matter for Guangzong Yaozu."

The iron army began to dig into the wall on the spot, and when he saw Chu He's brows furrowed, he said again:

"Regarding the dispatch, you don't have to worry, I will personally talk to Zhang Wei, and I can ensure that you are quickly promoted to the general flag."

This is not the iron army is empty words, after eliminating the remnants of the White Lotus Sect, the Qingshan County Town Demon Camp suffered heavy losses.

Not only did a large number of Zhen Devil Guards and six small flags fall, but even the general banner fell one, and the combat power was greatly weakened.

And since Chu He can kill the White Lotus Sect Protector, although it is only a directly seriously injured protector, it is enough to show that its strength is not bad, and recruiting him into his command can be regarded as recovering a trace of strength.

"Thank you..." Chu

He was just about to say something, suddenly his eyes were cold, and his left hand immediately flung back: Swoosh


A ghost light cut through the night and disappeared.

"Roar..." a

scream came from the darkness of the night.


Chu He waved his hand.

Lu Feng immediately led the other four to run towards the darkness, and not long after, he dragged a blood-red monster back.

Exactly: the Vampire Ghost.


Many of the town demon guards in front of the mountain temple were shocked, they didn't find this monster just now, and Chu He not only found it, but also directly shot and killed.

Even the iron army was a little shocked, just now he only discovered the figure of the monster after Chu River made a move.

"Shot with the sound of the dragon and elephant, the clouds and flowing water used by the dark weapon, this is the scene of the dragon and elephant town prison practice to a high depth."

"No wonder you can just enter the second product and kill the middle of the second product."

The iron army felt that he was on the right side.


He didn't know that Chu He had killed the remnants of the White Lotus Sect before breaking through the second grade, of course, he wouldn't explain this.


The Chu River Town Magic Knife came out of its sheath, slashed at the abdomen of the Blood Devouring Spirit Ghost, and took out a pocket similar to a cloth bag from the inside, which was the main material for refining the storage yuan bag, and it was also of some value.


Said to the iron army:

"Thank you for your kindness, but Chu He has no idea of joining other battalions at present, take your leave."

Shut up!

Without waiting for the iron army to say anything, he directly led Lu Feng and the others to sweep away into the distance, after all: he didn't have the strength to stay and fight back and forth.

"Alas... This kid.

"It's really cheap Zhang Wei, but so Tianjiao, as long as he doesn't fall, he can't stay for a few years."

The iron army looked at the departing Chu River and said leisurely.


Let the town demon guard take away the corpses of the old man and the blood devouring ghost, they still need to go back for examination.

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