One day later!

Chu He said goodbye to Chu Nan, and then led Lu Feng's five people to ride the spirit horse to the Yunzhou headquarters.

Although there is no time limit for the Zhen Moji to perform the mission, it is not appropriate to not return for a long time after completing the task.

Yunzhou headquarters.

Inside the main hall of the Zhen Demon Battalion.

Sun Baihu sat on the main seat with a gloomy face, his left fist rattled straight, and he threw the scroll in his hand and said angrily:

"Chu River, the Zhendemon Xiaoqi who has just started in the late stage of the first product, actually completed the task of Yuegu Village."

"Then the Xiaoqi team we sent before is an idiot, but the whole army is wiped out, and no news comes back."


Looking at the angry Sun Baihu, the general banner below looked apprehensive.

"Adults are angry!"

Zong Qi took a deep breath and said, "According to the file from Tianwuwei, Chu He not only killed all the demons in Yuegu Village, but also designated them as the remnants of the White Lotus Sect, and killed two disciples of the Divine Sword Sect.

"Say: That Divine Sword Sect disciple has colluded with the White Lotus Sect, and wants the Divine Sword Sect to give an explanation."


Sun Baihu slapped the table, his face livid: "Why, do you want to say that Chu He acts decisively, or do you think that he is domineering." "

No, no, no..." Zong

Qi immediately guessed that Sun Baihu had misunderstood, and hurriedly said: "Sir, there are three people in the Excalibur Gate, one of them is an undead corpse bitten to death, and the other two died at the hands of Chu River, which is a bit contradictory."

"You mean..."

Sun Baihu guessed what he meant.

Since there are disciples of the Divine Sword Sect who died under the undead corpse, it proves that there is no collusion between the Divine Sword Gate and the White Lotus Sect, so Chu He must give an explanation when he kills the disciples of the sect.

Of course!

This may be strange, that Divine Sword Sect disciple may have died accidentally, but this is enough.

All he wanted was a reason: a reason that made Chu He unable to make meritorious achievements, and even implicated Zhang Wei was not treated from above!

"Go, contact the Excalibur Gate, and spread a lot of information about Yuegu Village this time." Sun Baihu said coldly, "I don't believe they won't come to Chu He's trouble." "


The general banner said yes and turned to exit the hall.

"Hmph, don't blame Ben Baihu."

Sun Baihu looked at the departing general banner: "The Tianfu Pool is about to open, if you want to blame, blame you and the wrong person." "



Outside the town of Moji!

Under the surprised gazes of the Zhen Demon Guards, Chu He led Lu Feng's five people to stride forward without the slightest convergence of momentum.

Many Zhen Mowei who recognized Chu He looked shocked, because they could all see that their strength had broken through the second grade.

"This is Chu He with our batch, how did he break through to the second grade, I remember that it was only the late first product half a month ago."

"I don't know, they all say that he is talented, but I didn't expect it to be so outstanding, and if it goes on like this, it won't take long to be promoted to the general banner."

Many new Demon Guards in the town secretly communicated.

To know!

They entered the Zhen Demon Division with the same group, and now they are not even official Zhen Mo Guard, and Chu He has the qualifications to compete for the general flag, and his life path is completely different!


A clear drink came from afar.


A young girl in a flying fish robe came quickly from afar. Finally, he ran to the front of the Chu River, blocked the way, pinched his waist with one hand, and raised the cold with the other:

"I remember you, it was you who saw death and did not save it, so that this girl was almost not swallowed by the leopard."

Hear the sound.

Many Zhen Mowei looked over:

"It's Li Wan'er, I heard that she has a very hard background, and a high-level boss came to visit her two days ago."

"Cultivation is also okay, in the late stage of the first product, although I heard that the trial was not very smooth, but a case has been officially completed."

"Strong background, high strength, good figure, she is really attractive enough, I just don't know how Chu He provoked her."

Daoist discussion appeared.


The voice is not loud, after all, casually discussing others can easily suffer in the Zhen Demon Division, and less talk and more action is the way they pursue.



Chu He frowned and looked at Li Wan'er in front of him, already remembering who the other party was, it was the daughter who asked him for help in the trial.

Looking at the eyes of the surrounding Zhen Mowei looking at her, it is no wonder that a general came to rescue her in the first place, presumably with a good background.


What does this have to do with him:

"Get out of the way!"

"No, you have to give me a hand today..."

Before Li Wan'er finished speaking, she suddenly stopped, because she felt a cold neck, and looked down: Chu He's

Zhen Demon Knife was pressing on her neck:

"Dare to say more, I will carve a Wang Ba on your face."


Li Wan'er's face turned livid.


People under the eaves have to get heads!

Although she is the daughter of Hou Ye, but this is the Zhen Mosi, her father's hand can't reach in, the other party really wants to make a move, she is miserable.

Trample! Trample!

Li Wan'er moved two steps to the left to get out of the way!


Chu He waved his hand to lead Lu Feng and the five to continue to walk forward, and when he walked to Li Wan'er's side, he said in a low and cold voice:

"Ben Xiaoqi has a bad temper, and the second time, you can't see the sun on the second day, the Zhen Mosi is very large, the water is deep enough, and it is normal to occasionally die one or two nobles."

Li Wan'er: ... (*`へ´*) ...

Her dignified daughter was threatened in person, looking at the distant Chu River, she stomped down fiercely and ran into the distance.

"Alas, I don't understand the customs."

A Zhen Demon Guard shook his head.

He believes that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, then Li Wan'er has an extraordinary family, as long as she makes amends for her sin, please eat, and there may be further opportunities to go back and forth.

It's a pity:

Chu He is not close to women, and he is ruthless!

The other Zhen Demon Guards also shook their heads and left with different faces, and no one wanted to stand out for Li Wan'er.

After all

: this is not a brainless TV series, and it is not certain that you can please Li Wan'er now, but:

it is definitely true to provoke Chu He.

A person who joined the Zhen Mosi broke through the second grade in less than two months, and dared to pull a knife in the Zhen Mosi station to threaten the ruthless existence of people with backgrounds, and no fool would offend for no reason.

As for the brainless second generation, there is basically no one in the Zhen Mosi, because no one wants to live the life of licking blood at the knife's edge, come here, it is better to join the army, there are more opportunities to make meritorious achievements, and the Feng Hou Bai will probably be greater.

"Sir, wasn't it a little..."

Lu Feng looked apprehensive behind the Chu River, looking like he didn't know what to say or not, and the other four were also a little.

They can all see that the woman's background just now is not ordinary, so rashly offending the other party, it is likely that the characters behind her will wear small shoes, and the gain is not worth the loss.


Chu He's advancing steps stopped, and said coldly:

"If you want to rise to the top like Hao Sun, you need to quickly improve yourself, until you make others despair, break ten thousand laws with one force, when you are strong enough, all conspiracies are."

"And: women, only affect the speed of drawing the knife."

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