Three armies and three battalions of Zhenmo!

Chu He strode into the hall and looked left and right:

different from the empty space last time, today's

hall is full of figures, among which fifteen figures sit on both sides, the top on the left is a general flag with a second-grade token hanging on the waist, the others are small flags, and Zhang Wei is sitting with a scroll on the top.


Everyone in the hall also looked at Chu He, with different eyes: some welcome, some jealous, some hostile.

"Zhen Devil Little Banner Chu River, come to regain life!" Chu He said to Zhang Wei.


Zhang Wei put down the file in his hand and said with a smile: "Sit quickly, I really didn't expect you to do so beautifully on your first mission." "

When I just received the scroll, Ben Baihu thought that he was mistaken, he went out to complete two tasks at once, and also killed a White Lotus Sect protector, Chu He, your credit this time is really not small."

Zhang Weiyue said that the smile on his face grew, obviously, he was very satisfied with Chu He's ability to achieve such results.

"Thank you for the compliment."

Chu He nodded and sat in the seat on the right.

"Your task has been declared, and the reward can be issued in these two days." Zhang Wei nodded at Chu He, and said aloud again:

"This time, the reason why I recruited all of you here is that there are two major events to be announced, one of which is that it is ordered from above, there is a joint mission to be sent, the specific task is unknown, but we must be prepared for a hard battle."

Second: it was the unfortunate fall of the ingots in the last mission, so before the mission, a general flag needs to be selected among you. "

Joint mission!

Selection of the general flag!

There was a faint panting sound in the hall, and obviously, these two news made everyone a little surprised.

First, joint missions, must be more than several battalions dispatched to be called so, but also must be extremely dangerous, often in a joint mission, dozens or hundreds of town demon guards fall is very common, even hundreds of households are in danger of falling.

Of course!

Dangers and opportunities coexist, and it is often easier to get credit and rewards from above in joint missions.

Rumor, the head of a thousand households of the three armies!

At that time, it was just an ordinary small banner, with average talent, because of his great achievements in a joint mission, he was appreciated by the headquarters, and he was given many cultivation treasures, as well as a treasure that could improve his physique.


He has risen all the way, and in just a few decades, he has become a five-rank powerhouse, and is likely to become the next commander.

Yunzhou Town Magic Division position

: First: town guard envoy, under the command of two commanders, and the leader of the three-way army, Qianfu Commander.

Usually, the commander of a thousand soldiers is a strong person of the fourth or fifth rank, the commander must be a strong person of the fifth rank, and the envoy must be above the sixth rank.

Of course!

This is a clear rule, and strong states may be more demanding, and weak states may be lower.

In this regard: the imperial court did not think of balancing it, but the decline of national strength and the disagreement of the various states and the demons of the states did not agree.


A small banner stood up and said:

"Sir, I don't know if there are specific requirements for merit points and strength in this selection of the general flag."

"No request!" Zhang Wei waved his hand and said, "As long as the second grade is above the second grade, you can participate in the selection and discuss the level with martial arts."

"The day after tomorrow, the ring selection: other camps will also have strong people come to watch, the first place: the elected general flag."


Everyone stood up and bowed.

There is momentum in both eyes, and the general flag not only represents status, power, but also resources to match.

Heavenly Blood Pill!

For the necessary elixirs for martial artists to cultivate, Xiaoqi can receive ten pills per month, while the total banner can receive fifty pills per month, which is five times more.

Wealth is the first!

"Let's all go down and prepare!" Zhang Wei picked up the scroll in his hand again, and then said, "Chu He stays." "


Everyone left in response, and many of them took a deep look at Chu River.

"Chu He, congratulations on breaking through the second grade, I didn't believe it when the iron army sent me a message, it's really talented."

Zhang Wei shook his head and sighed:

"It's a pity, if you are born in a wealthy family, you must already be in the third grade now, and the future is promising."

In this world!

Except for some special existences, they will generally build the foundation at the age of eighteen and officially open the impact warrior.


After breaking through the martial artist, the physical body will be extremely strengthened, and the various meridians in the body will also be fixed, and breaking through the martial artist in an hour will make the meridians set in advance, affecting future cultivation.

Therefore, except for some wealthy families, they will use secret methods to let their disciples break through the martial artists a few years in advance, and the rest are after the age of eighteen.

If Chu He is in a wealthy family, with his talent, he should have broken through the third grade by now, and the future is immeasurable, and Zhen Mosi, although his status is good, but it is too dangerous, and it is easy to be precarious.

"Sir, I don't know what happened to my subordinates."

Chu He asked straight to the point.

"Chu He, this selection, I just want to give you a fair chance and don't have too much pressure."

"It's not nice to say, the fall of the Zhen Mosi is too ordinary, and there will definitely be a place in a year at most."

Although his words are ugly, it is an indisputable fact, in the Zhen Demon Division, as long as he does not fall and his cultivation is promoted, he is not afraid of having no position, because there is a real shortage of people.

"Thank you, my lord."

Chu He arched his hand and said, "However, I only strive for the position of the general banner, and I will deserve it, without exception."

Zhang Wei: ???_???

he was originally afraid that Chu He would lose if he could not become the general banner, but now looking at this situation, he did not think that he would lose from beginning to end.

"Okay, go down!"

"Your contribution this time is not small, although the reward has not yet come down, you can go to the treasure building to choose a fourth-grade martial art."

Zhang Wei waved his hand helplessly.


Chu He nodded and left directly.


Go directly to the Zanggong Building, and after being reviewed by the old gatekeeper, climb to the second floor for the first time and look left and right.

It is much more empty than the first floor, and the exercises of the fourth and fifth grades are stored here, and usually, only more than 100 households are eligible to step in.

No hesitation!

Chu He went directly to the martial arts area, and the Dragon Elephant Town Prison Gong is one of the best exercises in the Zhen Mosi, and there is no need to change it.

At present, the only thing that can quickly improve his strength is the dark weapon, and with the help of powerful soul power, he can use the dark weapon far more powerful than ordinary people.


Chu He selected the "Yin and Yang Nine Emperors" among many versions, which is an advanced technique of the Nether Nine Emperors, and it is relatively easy to use.

Out of the library!

After Chu He instructed Lu Feng and the five to train separately, he returned to his residence and began to retreat and cultivate:

"System, add points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for cultivating the first layer of Yin and Yang Nine Emperors, consuming two demon points."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for cultivating the second layer of the Yin and Yang Nine Emperors and consuming two demon points."


A series of system prompts appear in his mind.

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