Two days later!

The ring of the Zhen Demon Training Ground!


It can be described as a lot of people, because everyone knows that a general flag will be selected here today.

Therefore, whether it is the third battalion or other battalions, or even other armies have Zhen Demon Guards coming to watch, the battles between warriors, especially above the second rank, are very precious to the first-grade warriors.

You can not only improve your combat talent, but also learn some simple skills that you can use.

At noon:

Zhang Wei strode from afar and sat on the seat above the ring, while several other centurions sat around him, including Sun Baihu, who did not deal with him.

"Yuanbao's death, Brother Zhang needs to mourn!" Sun Baihu looked at Zhang Wei with a look of regret, but a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth: "I already knew that I should have sent a few more general banners in the first place, and this joint operation, Brother Zhang should plan in advance." "


Zhang Wei grabbed his big hand, cracks appeared in the teacup in his hand, and said coldly: "Don't let Brother Sun warn, just take care of your own subordinates, if something goes wrong in the mission, don't blame the ruthlessness of the Zhen Mo Si rules." "


Picking up the teacup and taking a sip, a hint of gloom flashed in his eyes.


The most proud general under him, the general banner of the peak of the second grade, is outstanding in the entire Yunzhou Town Magic Division, and breaking through the third grade is just around the corner.

It's a pity: but he fell in the chaotic battle of demons, which made Zhang Wei, who was accustomed to life and death, unacceptable for a while.


This result made Sun Baihu happy, he tried everything but could not win him into his hands, and when he was helpless, he heard the news of the other party's death.

Justly: flying hmm... Cool to the sky!

"When does Brother Zhang plan to start!" Another Hyakuto asked.

"Wait a minute!"

Zhang Wei picked up the tea and took a sip: "There is still one person who has not arrived." "

Didn't arrive?

Several hundred households looked down, and the small flags of the three battalions and five second-grade realms were coming, and they were all full of fighting intent.

Who else?


There are also hundreds of households who received news that Zhang Wei has newly acquired a powerful Tianjiao.

Only one month after joining the Zhen Magic Division, he broke through the second rank and also had the qualifications to compete for the general flag.

His name is: Chu River!


Many onlookers secretly communicated:

"I heard that there are six small banners in the third army and third battalion who are qualified to compete for the general flag, five in the early stage of the second grade, and one in the middle of the second grade."

"Not to mention, the comprehensive strength of the third battalion is stronger than the other battalions, and Zhang Baihu is the peak of the third rank, and his combat power is extraordinary."

"It is said that Chu He also participated, he just broke through the second grade, it is estimated that he came to experience it, and the talent is quite fierce."

"Chu He, was it the one who scared Li Wan'er half to death two days ago?"

"Who else but him, cold, iron-faced, ruthless, listening to his subordinates, the only hobby is: killing demons."

"Whisper, he's coming...,"

a Zhen Demon guard immediately reminded.

Everyone else looked into the distance.


Chu He was striding away.

A copper coin flew up and down in his left hand, and the right hand held the handle of the magic knife.

His face was cold, and his eyes contained a trace of killing intent, so that the many Zhen Demon Guards with a lot of blood on their hands did not dare to look at them.

"Get out of the way!"

Chu He said coldly.


The Zhen Demon Guards quickly gave way to the ring, and they all looked at Chu He with a surprised expression, the other party's killing intent was too fierce.

As if, as long as they dared to pause, the other party dared to kill them in full view.

Chu River!

The hundreds of households above saw Chu Hewen's eyes froze.

Their strength is stronger, and they can feel the indomitable fighting intent and killing intent on the other side.

This may be a defect in other sects, but it is a sign of a good seedling in the Zhen Demon Division, and the more murderous and less afraid of demons.


Chu He stood under the ring and said,

"Sir, the subordinates are not late."

"The time is just right."

Zhang Wei nodded, got up and said

: "Today, the three battalions of the three armies will select the general banner for the ring battle: two or two duels, and the one who wins the most:

the general banner is elected."

"In order to maintain fairness, you are also a witness, those who engage in favoritism, do not use the right law, and are disqualified."

"The game begins!"

Shut up!

Zhang Wei slowly sat down and signaled that he could duel in pairs.


The other small flags involved in the selection are still hesitating, and the first one to go to the ring is easier to be figured out by the back.

To be on the safe side, none of them wanted to be the first to go to the ring, but wanted others to go on first and prepare themselves.

Chu He looked at the ring above.

No hesitation!

One step out!

Jumped more than ten meters, directly onto the ring, his eyes scanned the other participating flags, and said coldly:

"Let's go together!"

What the?

Hearing Chu He's words, the onlookers were all stunned, what is it called to go together!


He can't single out all the other flags!


Think of this!

Many Zhen Demon Guards gasped one after another.

Silently exchanged:

"No wonder everyone says that he acts in a domineering style, and when I see him today, he is not worthy of his name, which can be called rampant."

"One person beats all the other small flags, where does this Chu River come from, it won't be too swollen."


Zhang Wei's eyes widened.

He was also shocked by Chu He's words, in vain he yesterday persuaded the other party not to be discouraged if he failed, and today the other party will give him: I

want to play ten pretend models!


No background, but so able to pretend, how did he live so big!

"Brother Zhang's Tianjiao is really full of personality!"

Sun Baihu mocked.

The tone is full of pride, Chu He pretends to be like this, it will inevitably provoke other small flags, it is best to fight to death in the ring.


The people's hearts are uneven, Zhang Wei will definitely lose face, and what qualifications do he have to compete with him for a place in Tianfu Pond.


Hearing Chu He's words, the other candidates turned livid.

"Arrogant, Zhou also came to ask for advice."


A small flag immediately jumped towards the ring, and his right fist swung out, and a black light flashed, emitting a tiger roar.

"It's Tiger Burst Fist!"

"This is a three-pin boxing method, can make such a sound, it has obviously reached Dacheng, this punch is afraid that there are thousands of pounds."

"Such a fierce punch, and the power of attack, it's not hard... Foggy grass. Before

a Zhen Demon Guard finished his analysis, he burst into a foul sentence.


Chu He was now in place, and he also punched out, and the sound of dragon groans and elephant roars resounded in the ring!


Two punches intersect!


A slight bone cracking sound sounded, and Zhou Ye's face was painful, but his will to fight was good, and his right hand was drawn towards the Zhen Demon Knife.


Chu He punched his long knife with another punch!

Boom, boom!

Zhou Ye's waist was just half unsheathed, but it was beaten back abruptly, and his right arm hung down weakly.


Watch a big foot kick in his chest!



The powerful impact directly kicked Zhou Ye off the ring, half kneeling on the ground, gasping in pain.

One breath!

With just one breath, he was defeated!


Chu He's icy voice sounded in the ring:

"Going together is your only chance!"

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