
Looking at Zhou Ye, who was still panting on his knees, many Zhen Demon Guards gasped one after another, and their eyes were madly shocked:

"Zhou Ye didn't even hold a breath, both arms were all wasted, and he couldn't use force at all today."

"Decisive and merciless, I think if it weren't for Zhou being a teammate, he would have died just now."

"Didn't he say: he just broke through the second grade, how can his combat power be so strong, is it the Dragon Elephant Town Prison Gong."

A Zhen Demon General Banner seemed to have discovered something.


He had just vaguely heard the sounds of dragons and elephants.

This is a unique symbol of the Dragon and Elephant Town Prison Gong, and after cultivating to a certain extent, the shot has the sound of dragons and elephants.

"Dragon Elephant Town Prison Gong?"

Sun Baihu stood up abruptly and looked at Chu He with an incredulous expression.

It's not just him!

Several other Baihu, including Zhang Wei, were a little shocked, far more shocked than when they defeated Zhou in one breath.

They are the middle level of the Zhen Moji!

Naturally, I know how difficult it is to cultivate this Zhen Prison Gong, and many people who practice this skill are stuck for more than ten years with just one product.

Above the second grade can not be measured in time, and it is necessary to support several times the resources.


Although many Zhen Demon Guards are qualified to watch this skill, they will give up cultivation in the later stage, after all, everyone has three grades, you are only one product, no matter how strong the combat power is, it is useless.


There are always some gifted people!

Their cultivation of this skill is like a divine help, they can quickly improve their cultivation, and the last time Yunzhou appeared was eighty years ago.

He has long been transferred from the headquarters, and is now a town guard of a state, a bigwig-level figure.


Once a talented person appears, it is very valued by the high-level of the Zhen Demon Division, and it is likely that it will be focused on cultivation.

"Good, good!"

Zhang Wei slapped the table excitedly, looking at the other hundred households with a look of envy, and it was also a great achievement to have a figure like Chu He.


In the future, once the Chu River soars, with this relationship, Zhang Wei can also gain a lot of benefits.


Sun Baihu sat a little decadent in his chair.

He felt that all his plans disappeared like ashes after Chu He showed his talent.

"Let's go together!"

The few small flags below glanced at each other, did not give up, and rushed to the ring together, and the magic knives in their hands were unsheathed.





They had learned the lesson that they hadn't drawn the Zhen Demon Knife just now.

"Force Split Nine Ghosts!"

"Devil Slaying Mad Saber!"

"Kyushu slashed!"

"..." A

few small flags did not spare their hands at all, and launched the strongest attack on the Chu River, although it was a bit invincible.


In order to win the flag, they are willing to try!

Good luck!

Fleeting, giving up such opportunities for face, they would never choose to do so.

"Good to go!"

Chu He's eyes froze.


The Zhen Demon Knife was unsheathed and attacked to the right, and the long knife slashed away.


The left foot jerked out to the rear, and kicked the small flag that attacked from the rear.

The copper money in his hand disappeared, turning into a ghost light and heading straight to the two in front of him.



The two only felt numbness in their hands.

The hand holding the Zhen Demon Knife involuntarily loosened, and before he could react, he felt a huge force coming from his chest.

"Demon Zhen, chop!"

A loud shout came from above Chu He's head.


The only mid-second grade flag appeared above his head, and a knife was directly aimed at his skull.

The earth-shattering killing intent enveloped the entire ring, and when he caught Chu He's shot, he couldn't pull his hand to resist.


Chu He's only way to live was to immediately dodge to the left, at that time he would only be injured in the shoulder and lose his combat power.

Otherwise: it will fall under the long knife.

When everyone thought that Chu He was overpretending!


Chu He raised his head sharply, his robe was windless and automatic, his momentum burst to the extreme, and his mouth opened:


is like a thunder on the ground!

A trace of sound waves that can be seen with the naked eye rushed towards the mid-second grade small flag that shot upwards like substance.


The shot Xiaoqi only felt that a truck hit him, his internal organs were displaced, his seven tips were bleeding, and his body was directly hit by sound waves and flew out of the ring!


Fall in front of many Zhen Demon Guards!


He reluctantly raised his head and pointed at Chu River!


A mouthful of old blood spews out!

White eyes, burp on the spot... Syncope!


Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

The other four small flags who shot were also thrown off the ring, but the injuries were not too serious.


But no one wanted to go up and challenge again!


They knew that if it weren't for the ring competition just now, with the other party's terrifying killing intent, they would have died.

"Brother Chu is powerful, I admire it!"

"The quota is Brother Chu's, I'll wait for Gan to bow down."


several small flags immediately said.

A posture of throwing in the towel!

This scene:

The onlookers, including the hundreds of households above, were shocked and could not calm down!

Don't look at it just seems like a long time!

In fact!

After Chu He landed in the ring, it was less than five breaths, and he had defeated the joint attack of many small flags one after another!

This makes them a little unacceptable:

it's like you are passionate about humming with your lover, and as a result, as soon as you lie down here, the other person tells you that I am finished, and asks you if you are angry.

Simple: so fast!


Enough for two!

Zhang Weicai reacted and clapped his hands sharply: "

Well, it is worthy of being a disciple of my third camp!"

"The winner of today's competition is Chu He, and from now on: Chu River is the general banner of the third battalion and is officially conferred."

Shut up!

He took out a general flag token from his arms and threw it into Chu He's hands, and the token instantly appeared in Chu He's hands: the word Chu River, and at the same time, its original small flag token name disappeared.

"I've seen General Banner Chu!"

"I've seen General Banner Chu!"

Many small banners of the three battalions said together.

There is no contempt, or a bloody plot that someone stops when it comes out, but congratulations everywhere.

After all!

Just now, Chu He's talent is seen by everyone, and it won't be long before he will be valued from above, and his status and strength will rise rapidly.

At that time: it will be too late for them to think about it, so they can only communicate more while the above has not paid attention, at least not offend.

"Come, drink a glass of spirits, and the demon will live forever!" Zhang Wei poured a glass of spirits and sent it to Chu He.

This is the rule of the Zhen Moji, and anyone who is promoted will be personally poured a glass of strong wine by the superior.

Right now!


A cracking sound sounded!

A Zhen Demon Guard quickly ran into the front of the ring from

outside, and said to Zhang Wei: "Sir, there is a disciple of the Divine Sword Sect outside the Zhen Demon Division, shouting: I want us to hand over the murderer:

Chu He."

"It is said that Chu He killed innocents indiscriminately, and killed the disciples of the sect who helped suppress the evil devil, and asked us to give an explanation to the heaven and earth and the people of Li."


He pointed out and said

, "The movement made is very large, and it has attracted many people to watch around the Zhenmoji,

and Lord Sennohe has made you have to solve it immediately."

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