What the?

Zhang Wei's face turned cold.

He already knew what Chu He had done in Yuegu Village, and he also ordered to go to the Excalibur Gate to ask for an explanation.

In this regard, the Lord of the Excalibur Gate also specially wrote a letter of apology to Qianhu, originally thinking that this matter would pass.

But I didn't expect that

there were disciples who came to the headquarters of the Demon Division to make trouble!

These sect disciples are really becoming more and more lawless, thinking that now that the strength of the imperial court is declining and chaos is everywhere, they can provoke.

"What should I do, my lord?"

The three camp town demon guards all looked ugly, and Lord Qianhu personally ordered that this problem must be solved as soon as possible.

Also: the people of the Excalibur Gate shouted loudly at the door, clearly creating public opinion and trying to overpower people.

Let the Zhen Mosi severely punish Chu River!

"Let him into the camp." Zhang Wei's face turned cold: "Ben Baihu wants to see what he wants to do?" "


A town demon guard promised to leave.


But he was stopped by Chu He's voice:


"Sir, this matter started because of me, naturally I will personally solve it, this glass of wine, when I come back, it is not too late to drink."

Shut up!

Chu He turned around and walked towards the outside of the Zhen Demon Division, Lu Feng's five people immediately followed, and at the same time, some Zhen Mo Wei also followed out, intending to see how Chu He could solve this problem.


Outside the town of Moji!

Hundreds of people gathered, including some powerful people and family members in the city, showing their attitude of watching the play.

It's different!

The imperial court is in decline, and all over the world are rising together!

In addition: before, the Zhen Demon Division not only had the power to kill demons and remove demons, but also had the responsibility of supervising local sects, families, and officials!

Therefore: I have never been very friendly with local elites!

Naturally, I enjoy watching its jokes.

"Interesting, although the Excalibur Gate is nothing, this time the town demon guard kills innocents indiscriminately, and it is easy to arouse public anger."

"It depends on how the Zhen Mosi handles it, if it can calm down this matter, if not, it is easy to make a big accident, after all: Yunzhou is located in a remote area, and there are many people with thoughts."

The onlookers whispered.

They all came to see how Zhen Mosi would deal with this matter, whether to drive people strongly, or to punish Chu He softly.

"Come out, why didn't anyone come out!"

"Could it be that the Daqian Town Demon Division doesn't even have a place to be reasonable, my junior brother and junior sister are obviously killing demons and demons, how did they become the remnants of the White Lotus Sect and be killed by the Town Demon Division for no reason."

A bald man looked up to the sky and roared sadly: "They are only in their twenties, and they have just come of age."

"That dog is barking!"

An icy voice came from within the Zhen Demon Division.

Everyone looks!


A cold man wearing a flying fish robe and carrying a flag token on his waist strode out, his face was cold, and with each step he fell, the killing intent on his body seemed to increase by another point.

"My lord, you: What are you going to do about it?

Lu Feng quickly caught up with Chu He from the rear and asked anxiously, intuition telling him that his own adults had to use their own way of handling.

At this time!

The bald man looked at the Chu River who came out, and immediately said:

"Finally come out, but if you want to deal with this matter with a general banner, you can't do it, how can you have to come to a hundred households."

"Zhen Mosi is a department of the imperial court, and our Divine Sword Gate is here to ask for justice, as long as we hand over the Chu River."

Hand over myself?

Chu He stepped out of the gate of the Zhen Moji.

Looking at the bald man in front of him, he was in the late stage of cultivation to the second grade, and there was a heavy feeling on his body, which was obviously the way to cultivate the heavy sword.

"Lu Feng."

"The subordinates are here."

"Those who take the initiative to provoke the Demon Priest should be guilty."

"Lord Chan, His Majesty once said that those who take the initiative to provoke the Zhen Demon Master will be killed!"

Lu Feng hurriedly replied.


Chu He held the Zhen Demon Knife in his right hand and pulled it out directly.


A sword light flashed the heavens and the earth.

"Foggy grass, how can I fly?" The bald man felt that his neck was cold, looked down, and saw a headless corpse standing in place, kneeling weakly below.

"Huh: How could the clothes of the headless corpse be so familiar, as if they were exactly the same as the ones he was wearing today..." Before

the bald man could figure it out, he completely lost consciousness.


The sound of gasping for air sounded.

What did they just see?

That Chu He actually pulled out the knife directly, so that the bald man's head spiraled into the sky?

A late-second grade powerhouse fell on the spot right under their noses, and he didn't even resist.


It is nothing for the second-grade powerhouse of Zhen Mosi, but that is because Zhen Mosi represents the first force in Yunzhou.

In other places, the second-grade strong are all existences that can dominate one side, and there will be no shortage of glory and wealth, and the same status.

"Foggy grass, Lao Tzu won't be dreaming, this general flag is so ruthless, come up and kill directly without a word."

"Even if he has the slightest sign of making a move, that Divine Sword Sect disciple will not die so easily."

Everyone felt sorry for the bald man.

"This general banner, you may not be too ruthless, can it be that the Zhen Mosi can really ignore the law and kill people at will."

A middle-aged man wearing a robe came out and said leisurely: "Besides, people want to come to ask for justice, and if you kill him directly, are you shielding the Nachu River." "

His body is flickering, he is also a late-second grade powerhouse, and he is a disciple of a big family in Yunzhou.


Chu He sneered and said: "This garbage barks wildly at the gate of the Zhen Mosi, according to the law of the great dry, when beheaded" "

This general flag is Chu River, if you are still not angry, you can sue me, but before that, first touch the tumor on your shoulder, is it hard enough."

"Also, you dare to say more, today, it is next year's festival, do you want to try."

"You... I. The

brocade robed man who had just spoken out was a little incoherent, but he did not dare to say anything more.

His intuition told him: dare to say more, today, it may really be his festival day.

"Lord, let's solve the problem like this, Zhang Baihu is not easy to explain there, right?"

Lu Feng whispered to Chu He.

"Remember, the fastest way to solve a problem in the world is to solve the person who asked the problem."

Chu He said coldly.

Shut up.

Put the knife into its sheath, strode towards the Zhen Mo Division, and said coldly: "Clean the door."


Lu Feng hurriedly answered.

Looking at the headless corpse on the ground, his heart set off terrifying waves, although he had a conjecture: he could see Chu He directly kill with his own eyes, but he still couldn't calm down.

Lu Feng and the others, who were the Zhen Demon Division, were so shocked, not to mention the onlookers:

"How dare he do this with a general banner, isn't he afraid of becoming the target of everyone?"

"Killing someone on the spot for no reason at the gate of the Zhen Mo Division, is he unable to have some background that everyone does not know."


Everyone speculated and became more and more outrageous!

At last!

There is even a saying that Chu He is the illegitimate son of the town guard of Yunzhou.

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