2nd floor of the inn!

Seeing Chu He's cold face nodding in agreement, the weak man shook his head with even more disdain, and said, "Look, after all, you have to suffer yourself!"

"Could it be that I think too much!" The majestic man was also a little puzzled, but he didn't see anything wrong, at the

same time.

Also basically guessed the ending of Chu River, Zhao Yizhi's gambling skills are far beyond mortals, winning him, can be described as: more difficult.


Chu He is not old, and his cultivation is not weak, which proves that he has been cultivating hard before, and it is impossible to have time to cultivate useless gambling techniques.



When everyone heard Chu He agree, their faces immediately turned happy.

They're not stupid either!

The reason why he just took out the treasure and bet it was to recognize Zhao Yizhi's gambling skills and basically win.

In addition, Chu He was aggressive and aroused the anger in their hearts, and naturally couldn't help but come out.


Zhao Yizhi sat opposite the Chu River, pushed the dice cup in his hand to the center of the gambling table, and said: "Chu General Banner, how to come, who shakes first."

"Of course it's you,"

Lu Feng said.

After all!

In such cases, after knowing the amount of the other party's dice cup, you can shake it with a lot of peace of mind, and it is easy to suffer losses if you shake it first.


However, he was stopped by Chu He, and waved his hand to directly take the dice cup in his hand.

Soul power penetrates!


Blocked by a special energy!

"Sure enough, this Qiankun cup is not ordinary, even the soul can be isolated, and there is no induction at all when held in the hand."

Chu He said secretly in his heart.

This dice cup is completely hands-on, and can only be shaken by the gambling skills practiced for many years, and there is no other way.


Everyone was stunned when they saw Chu He's face, and guessed that the other party should have tested the dice cup and found that they could not sense the inside at all.


Their chances of winning are even greater!

"Bigger than whom, this general flag first!"

Chu He said and shook the dice cup.



Dice cup on the table!

Foggy grass!

Everyone looked at the dice cup on the table with a shocked expression.

What about playing?

Just shake it?

Who are you looking down on?

Even those who are not proficient in gambling know that just shaking it is a starting style, and they can't shake the number of dice they want, let alone use the Qiankun cup.

"My lord..."

said Lu Feng and the others worriedly.


Zhao Yuan and other adopted orphans also looked calm, because they were indoctrinated with the habit that Chu He was omnipotent.


Under the expectant gaze of all living beings, Chu He opened the hood.


One, One, Two!

Four o'clock, small!

"Haha, four points, only shook out of four points, just want to be bigger, I'm afraid it's not crazy."

"That's it, Young Master Ben can win with just two shakes

..." "Holy Blood Pill, this is a unique treasure of the Zhen Mo Division, today, it will belong to us."

The crowd burst out laughing.


They think it's a win!

Not to mention that it is Zhao Yizhi's gambling king who gambles against Chu He, even if he can't shake the dice, it is difficult to lose.

"It's your turn!" Chu He's face was still calm, and he threw the dice cup to Zhao Yizhi, and said leisurely: "There is a home in the world, there is no way to live in the dungeon, and the spider ghost in white is difficult to survive." "


Zhao Yizhi's eyes widened, and the hands holding the dice cup burst out, and just when he wanted to say something, he heard Chu He say again:

"Shake it well, let this general banner see the ability of the gambling king."


The copper coin in his left hand flew up and down.

Although everyone was puzzled by what Chu He said, they didn't care too much, and said to Zhao Yizhi one after another:

"Quick, shake the dice, easily win him."

"With this windfall, after I go back, I will propose a kiss to my distant cousin, and she will definitely be able to agree."

"Quick... Above! One

after another urged voices sounded.

Even Jian Wu nodded at Zhao Yizhi, and a smile of victory appeared on his face.

One, one, two!

Even if the dog goes up and shakes twice, he can win!


Zhao Yizhi stared at Chu River deadly!

The dice cup in my hand began to shake!




After shaking dozens of times, Zhao Yizhi did not stop, but the cold sweat on his face continued to flow.


He was worried that he was going to shake the points.

When everyone is about to wait impatiently!


The dice cup falls!

Before Zhao Yizhi opened the dice cup.

The onlookers said happily: "I'm sorry Chu Zongqi, your holy blood pill will belong to us, and there are still ten years left."

"We'll study how to distribute the Holy Blood Pill later..."

Zhao Yizhi opened the dice cup with a worried face, and everyone looked:

one, one, one!

"Leopards, worthy of being gambling kings, can shake out leopards... Fog grass, leopard three points, how is this possible. "


A sect disciple said with an incredulous look.

It's not just him!

Everyone else, including Jian Wudu, looked at Zhao Yizhi with a shocked expression, how could the gambling king shake out three points,

could it be that he heard it: smaller than small!

It shouldn't be!

How could a gambling king make such a low-level mistake!


"No, Zhao Yizhi, you're helping him." A sect disciple said angrily.

No one is stupid.

Zhao Yizhi, who has the title of gambling king, how can he shake out three points in Bida, then there is only one possibility:

he did it on purpose!

Immediately, they all said angrily:

"Zhao Yizhi, you are actually in the same league as the Zhen Demon Guard,

have you forgotten how your wife fell."

"We trust you so much that you betrayed us."

"This game can't be counted, it must be compared heavily..." Everyone

abandoned Zhao Yizhi, who was sitting on the ground in decadence, looked at Chu He, and asked for a heavy ratio.


Weight ratio?

Chu He showed disdain and said: "It's really waste, this general flag gives you a second chance, you are useless, Zhao Yuan collects the treasure." "


Zhao Yuanyi waved his hand.

Immediately, several Zhen Demon Guards stepped forward to put away all the treasures on the gambling table, and even, Lu Feng snatched the Qiankun cup in Zhao Yizhi's hand, and said with a cheerful voice:

"All the bets placed on the gambling table are bets, this is the rule!"

To this!

Zhao Yizhi is bitter and can't speak.


Chu He got up from his seat.

Walking to Jian Wu and patting his shoulder, he said with an evil smile: "Climb, don't afford to lose, or you will know."


Jian Wu's face was livid.


He knew that what Chu He said was true, and once he did not abide by the gambling contract today, the other party might take advantage of this.

It is small to die yourself, but you can't let the senior brothers suffer!

Boom! (ノ_ _)ノ

Jian Wu lay on the ground in full view, with no pride on their faces, and crawled towards the outside of the inn.

"Senior Brother, don't do it!"

"Senior brother, you hurry up, let's fight with them."

When the disciples of the Divine Sword Sect saw Jian Wu's move, they were about to draw their swords, but they were blocked by his wave.

He climbed all the way to the door of the inn, got up, and turned around: "Chu He, today's humiliation, the sword five must be returned tenfold." "

Shut up!

He led the disciples of the Excalibur Sect to leave in a big stride.

"Threatening Ben Flag, good!"

Chu He looked at the departing Jian Wu's face turned cold, turned around and walked towards the second floor, and at the same time said coldly: "Go to check Jian Wu's life and work, Ben Zongqi suspects that he has colluded with the White Lotus Sect." "

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