
Hearing Chu He's words, everyone gasped one after another.

This is a complete slander of the above board!


As long as Jian Wu acts in his life, if there is a little impropriety, he will be put on the hat of the remnant of the White Lotus Sect, and thus be imprisoned.

This is simply lawlessness!


He thinks that Zhen Moji was opened by him!

A general banner, let them feel that the other party is more majestic than a hundred households, is it true: the illegitimate son of the big guy.

"Made, it's really rampant, but he has a lot of people now, let's take a step back."

"Chu He, in terms of his character, sooner or later he will be planted, and there are not a few general banners that fall every year in Zhen Devil Wei."


Many disciples whispered.

They were all angered by Chu Hegang's style and did not leave them a trace of affection at all.


Even if Zhen Mowei does not wait to see the disciples of the sect and the family, he will give a little thin face.

After all: there are also strong people among the disciples of the sect and the family, and the relationship is complicated, and they basically adhere to the choice of not sinning each other.

But today!

Chu He's style is completely different, and it is simply overbearing!

It is comparable to the domineering of the Zhen Moji in the past, just like now he is so unreasonable, saying that if you are guilty, you are guilty.


Second floor!

The two brocade robed figures looked at Chu He who went upstairs, their eyes froze, and a strange light flashed one after another.

"Zhao Yizhi obviously hates the Zhen Demon Guard to the bone, why would he help him, and deliberately shake out the three ones."

"It's the sentence just now: the end of the world has a home, the dungeon has no way to live, and the spider ghost in white is difficult to survive."

The majestic man frowned, he couldn't think of why he let Zhao Yizhi take the initiative to help him with just one sentence.

"I really underestimate him, I'm afraid that when he first stepped into the inn, everything he did was paving the way for gambling, and he actually designed to involve everyone in it, which is really terrifying."

"Brother... You mean. The

weak man was startled and looked at Chu He's room again.


Everything is as they guessed!

This person is really terrifying!

The weak man folded the fan in his hand: "Go, this county... Gongzi must see all his information when he gets up tomorrow. "


A guard bowed in response.


The inn was originally in the dispenser room!

Chu Heduan sat on the bed.

A figure in a brocade robe stood below, it was the inn treasurer, who knelt down on one knee facing Chu He and said,

"The subordinate has seen the family master!"

That's right!

He is a subordinate of Chu River, and the inn is also one of the properties of the Chu family.

To be precise

: when Chu He stepped into the inn, he had already laid down the plan, first: to complete the tasks explained above, and second:

to fight for a benefit for himself, it is also considered to be the best use of things.

"Recently, there are no traces of demons in Jiuyou Town." Chu He's icy voice resounded in the room.

"Patriarch, in recent years, there have been no demons in Jiuyou Town, but in the past few months, many hidden demons have been found."

"There are quite a few of them, which were discovered by Lord Dogu during his trip here not long ago, and have left archives."


The treasurer took out a file from his arms and handed it to Chu He.


Chu He took the file and opened it to take a look:

"The drunkard ghost, the three-pin demon, hidden in a pub on the east side

of the town..." "The blood explosion spider and the three-pin demon are hidden in the woods in the south of the town..."

There are no less than dozens of demons, no less than ten of the third grade alone, and as many as dozens of the second product, which can be described as terrifying!

Such a large number of demons, let alone gathered in a small town, even a county can bring disaster.

"Jiuyou Town is the residence of the Tianyuan Sect, and with the strength of the Tianyuan Sect and the number of years of control over the town, it is impossible not to find it."

Chu He's eyes flashed: "Then there is only one possibility, the demon is related to the Tian Yuan Sect, and it is even summoned by the Tian Yuan Sect." "

It seems that the

so-called joint mission of the Zhen Demon Division should be related to dozens of demons, but why did he hold a Tianjiao competition.


Tianjiao Dabi opens!

Jiuyou Town will definitely attract countless lights, and there may be many Tianjiao who may come, and there will be some guardians.


These dozens of demons are likely to be exposed!

Still is!

They are not afraid of exposure at all, or in other words: the goal of these demons is to participate in the Tianjiao of the Great Competition.

"No, there's a problem!"

A strange light flashed in Chu He's eyes.


The joint mission of the Zhen Demon Guard this time is to destroy the demons in the town, and the demons are already in the town, so why not strike directly.

Instead, he wanted to hide his figure and pretend not to know anything, this is not to let many sect disciples fall into the mouth of the tiger!

Could it be....

Chu He seemed to think of something!

He muttered in his mouth: "Good one: kill two birds with one stone!" "


The treasurer just left!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

There was another knock on the door outside the room.


Chu He's majestic voice resounded.


The door opened, and an old man walked in with a complicated face, walked to Chu He in two steps, and said angrily:

"Say, what have you done to her, if you dare to touch a hair of her, the old man will fight with you..."


Chu He held the Zhen Demon Knife directly on Zhao Yizhi's shoulder, and the powerful force made the other party's legs weak!

Kneel on the spot! (???_ _)???

"You... Such a humiliation of the old man! "

Humiliate you... An old man in the early stage of the second grade, his qi and blood are drying up, do you think it is worthy of being bullied by this general banner.

Chu He looked at Zhao Yizhi with disdain.

When he first came to Jiuyou Town, he had checked the information of the disciples who had come to participate in the sect in previous sessions.


There is something about Zhao Yizhi, and there is an important piece of information, that is, his dead wife and a sister also have a leg with Zhao Yizhi.

The two have a good relationship, and even, when his wife was killed, it was the two who conspired to make her ascend to the White Lotus Sect, her name: Blood Spider!

Among the remnants of the White Lotus Sect captured by the Demon Division of Yunzhou Town a month ago, she was currently being held in a blood prison.

This is also the reason why he specifically said that poem, that is, to tell Zhao Yizhi that she was in the hands of Zhen Mosi.

"Chu He, what kind of hero are you who are the general banner of the Zhen Demon Division in vain, and you actually threaten the old man with a woman."

Zhao Yizhi gritted his teeth and said.


What he ushered in was a big foot, directly kicked him several meters away, and said coldly:

"I'm too lazy to go around in circles with you, if you want your blood spider to survive, take out the treasure that makes Ben Zongqi's heart move."


Chu He slowly picked up a cup of tea and took a sip:

"Don't blame this general banner for not giving you a chance, remember, one month is a month, one day later, just draw a town magic whip, whether your blood spider can live depends on your performance."


Zhao Yizhi's steel teeth clenched, looking at Chu He's gaze as if he wanted to kill, but he did not dare to make the slightest move.

"Well, I hope you keep your promise!" Zhao Yizhi said to Chu He, turned around and walked outside.


Chu He looked at the departing Zhao Yizhi, and did not have any mercy, an existence that could kill his wife for Xiaosan, if it were not for some use value, he would have killed him on the spot.


The corner of his mouth smiled evilly:

"Ben Zongqi didn't promise you, he will definitely save her."

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