One night without words!

Early the next morning, when Chu He walked down the stairs, the entire inn was cold and empty.


Those sects and family disciples had already learned Chu He's domineering yesterday, and they were afraid that they were making some kind of moth this morning.

Therefore, they all took advantage of the dawn to hurriedly leave the inn and go to Jiuyou Town, they thought that it was a safe place.


They don't know that it's where it's most dangerous.


Zhao Yuan and the others were already waiting at the door of the inn.

"Go, next, it's the matter of Jiuyou Town, where the dispute begins."

Chu He waved his big hand.

Many Zhen Demon Guards immediately turned on their horses, although they did not know the specific steps of the joint operation, but they also knew that there must be great danger in Jiuyou Town, and they should have the will to die here.

I have to say:

Although the Zhen Demon Guard does not deal with the sect and the family, it has always been his duty to kill demons and remove demons, and countless Zhen Demon Guards have fallen silently because they protect the city from being killed by demons.

No one knew they existed!

No one knows their brilliance!

Even if a hundred families die, they are silent!

They cannot be like battlefield generals, famous and returned home, on the contrary, they will bring disaster to their families.

For countless years!

There are a large number of families of the Demon Guard: threatened by demons and the remnants of the White Lotus Sect, and destroyed!


But no demon guard flinched, because this was their fate.


Just when Chu He and the others were about to leave!

"Chu General Banner, wait!"

A shout came from inside the inn.


Yesterday, the white man on the second floor of the inn came out, and he shook the folding fan at Chu River and said

: "In the bottom, I am very interested in Chu Zongqi, I don't know: can I take a step to speak."


Chu He looked at the white man, and aggressively scanned up and down: no Adam's apple, Danfeng eyes, ear eyes, chest and a slight bulge of Nana, female!

"This general flag has no effort." Chu He immediately refused, and joked: "I advise you not to imprison your only capital and disappear." "


Chu He looked up to the sky and laughed twice, unusually free:

"Zhen Demon!"


Dozens of town demon guards rushed in unison, and at the same time, they shouted in unison:

"Zhen demon!"

"Zhen Demon!"

"Zhen Demon!"

This moment!

The only remaining guys in the inn, as well as the majestic men in the inn on the second floor, looking at the distant Zhen Devil Guard, can all feel:

the wind is bleak, the water is cold, and the strong man is gone!

This is!

He also reported death and left.



the weak man was about to scold angrily.


Looking at the distant Zhen Demon Guard, for some reason, there was a thought that he did not dare and did not want to insult.

"It is worthy of being one of the two pillars of Daqian!" The majestic man sighed: "The three parties are calm and calm, and the demon is out of the world!" "


Zhen Devil Guard!

It is the real pillar of Daqian, and it is also because of their existence that the residents of Daqian can be saved from disaster.

"Brother, what kind of person is he." The weak man asked to the majestic man who walked beside him.

"I don't understand!"

The majestic man shook his head and said, "

However, if the disaster strikes and the others escape, only they will go retrograde and keep the people alive."

"In history, every dynasty army is worthy of awe, and in the Wudaqian dynasty, when the Zhen Demon Guard was added."

Rampant and overbearing!

Slay demons and destroy demons!

The weak man's eyes fluctuated continuously, and then disappeared in an instant.

"Brother, since the affairs of Yunzhou have been completed, when the Tianjiao competition in Jiuyou Town is over, let's go home."


The majestic man nodded.


He looked deeply at the departing back of Zhen Mowei, and his intuition told him that something was going to happen to Tianjiao this time.

Otherwise, Zhen Mowei would not be able to show the momentum he had just had, and he was clearly going to complete a dangerous task.


Jiuyou Town!

It is said to be a small town, but it covers an area of no less than a small city, surrounded by majestic walls.

On the walls!

With hundreds of armored disciples fallen, they are all outer disciples of the Tianyuan Sect, not so much a small town as a city that can be self-sufficient!


Recent decades!

The town mayor and other court officials in the town were also disciples of the Tianyuan Sect, and the senior officials of Yunzhou ignored this.


This is no wonder that Yunzhou is like this, the entire major prefectures of the Great Dry Land Realm currently have an attitude of giving three thin noodles to powerful sects and families, and rarely interfere in internal affairs!

Matching this: the sect and the family must not disturb the world, and must not hinder the demon guard from slaying demons and eliminating demons.

Entrance to the castle!


Open in the city!

Two teams of Tianyuan Sect disciples came out and set up a registration office at the corner of the city gate to register those who entered the town!

Many disciples who had rushed to the entrance of the city and waited walked towards the city gate one after another, nodding to each other.

"Divine Sword Gate Sword Five, bring six junior brothers and junior sisters to participate in the Tianjiao Conference."


Jian Wu arched his hand and said to the guard disciple.


There is a rule in Jiuyou Town:

the city gate will be closed at night and no one is allowed to enter or leave, so although Jian Wu and the others left the inn last night to reach the city gate, they waited until the city gate was opened to register.

"Okay, senior brothers go in."

The guard disciple nodded and said in a friendly manner.


He is a disciple of the Tianyuan Sect, but he is only a disciple of the outer sect, and his cultivation is only in the early stage of the first grade, and he naturally will not show any malice towards the sword fifth in the late second grade.


Excalibur Gate is in Yunzhou, and its name is not small!

"Dadimen, Zhang Kai, bring junior brothers and sisters

..." "Axe Gang, Nine Splits..."

A person began to register into the city.

At the city gates!

There are also some residents who have entered the city, coming to the city gate to see the liveliness!

It can be said that only

a small number of the disciples who came to Jiuyou Town this time came to participate in the competition, and the rest either came to see the world or came to see the excitement, after all: it is not an easy task to see so many Tianjiao at once.

"You see, that's Sword Five, he is one of the two most talented disciples of the Divine Sword Gate's generation."

"And that Nine Splits, it is said that he can split Hua Shan with one hand, and he can cross the level and kill the enemy."

The audience exchanged words.

"However, how angry Jian Wu, who just entered the city, did he make people beat up on the road." A gray young man asked suspiciously.

"You still don't know, his senior brother was just killed by a general banner at the gate of the Zhen Mosi two days ago, and it's strange to be happy."

One person immediately replied.


As soon as he finished speaking, he saw an old man next to him shake his head and whispered, "Your news is outdated.

"Just last night, in the inn outside the town, Chu He, who killed his senior brother, won all his treasures, and let him crawl out of the inn like a dog, which can be described as extremely humiliating."

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