What the?

Hear the words of the old man.

The onlookers were all shocked, they couldn't imagine why a general flag could be so domineering.

"Elder Zhang, you are not fooling us, the Zhen Demon Guard should not be so domineering in the past ten years."

"What have you done..." The

old man stomped his foot and tried to defend again.


The crowd also completely ignored him.


They all looked into the distance, because they all heard the deafening sound of horses' hooves in their ears.

The sound is so loud that it is like thousands of troops rushing.


In the distance, dozens of Zhen Demon Guards wearing brocade robes and carrying black knives on their waists riding spirit horses were coming at great speed!

Among them: the leader is a town demon guard general banner with a cold face, and his body exudes a trace of killing intent!

"Chu He, it's the Chu River who killed the disciples of the Divine Sword Sect!"

The old man shouted in surprise.


He recognized Chu He's identity!


Everyone in the patrol outside the town also saw Chu He and others.


The captain at the head walked out and blocked the city gate, saying,

"Stop coming, please register!"

Card pool!

Chu River and the rear town demon guard stopped at the city gate!


"Who gave you the guts to intercept my family's adults, quickly get out of the way, otherwise you will be raised to heaven today..."

Lu Feng said coldly with the Zhen Demon Knife in his hand.


Dozens of demon guards in the rear exuded killing intent at the same time, and for some reason, they followed Chu He for a short time, and they already felt that solving problems with violence was the coolest existence!

After all: they were originally violent organs!

The cold killing intent made the patrol leader's face pale, and his trembling body said:

"The rules of Jiuyou Town must be registered before entering the city, this is an order set by the sect master, and it must not be violated."

"Sect Master!"

Chu He looked at the patrol leader and said coldly: "

Jiuyou Town is the Great Dry Land Realm."

"Ahhh... Be! "

Daqian City, the Zhen Demon Guard does not need to register, you think your family's sect master is bigger than Your Majesty."

"Nothing. No!

"Then you still dare to stop it, why, does the Tianyuan Sect want to rebel."

"Nope: No, no..." The

patrol leader was frightened and incoherent, and said in a hurry:

"That, Jiuyou Town is an important town, and now it is in the Dabi period, and the town mayor has ordered it to be registered, in line with the Great Dry Law, unless there is an order from above, it must not be violated."


The patrol leader's eyes grew brighter.

He found that he was too clever to come up with such arguments, and now, they were completely in line with the law of Daqian, and the other party had no reason to break in, otherwise, he was looking for trouble.


The onlookers also discovered the cleverness of the patrol leader, and they all knew that Chu River was the famous Zhen Demon General Banner in Yunzhou recently, and he had always acted domineeringly and never suffered losses.


They would like to see how the other party will solve the problem!



Chu He looked at the patrol leader with a sneer.

Stretch out your big hand.

Next to Zhao Yuan, he immediately handed over a pen and paper, and Chu He quickly wrote two big characters on it: Command!


Paper flung in the face of the patrol leader!

"This is the order, the Zhen Demon Guard listens to the order: those who dare to stop entering the city have already been demonic and killed!"

Chu He pulled the horse rope and headed towards the city.



Dozens of Demon Guards unsheathed and followed behind!

Trample! Trample! Trample!

The patrol leader was frightened and quickly gave way to the road, and the others did not dare to block it, and even dared not fart more.

Whip! Whip! Whip!

The horse stepped on the city and frightened everyone!

At this time!

Looking at Chu He and the others who entered the city strongly, the onlookers exchanged in surprise:

"Good fellow, old man, I believe what you said, he is really crazy, even crazier than you said."

"I just don't know if this guy was born with this personality, or there are other reasons, so rampant, how many people he offended."


Everyone was a little unable to understand Chu He's style!

At the city gates!

The patrol leader held the "Order" note, his face was constantly unhappy, and then hurriedly ran towards the city.

After half a column of incense!

About the matter at the gate of the city, it spread throughout Jiuyou Town, and for a while, the word Chu River was known to everyone!


Some other news about Chu River also spread:

what is rampant in the Zhen Demon Division, whoever opposes him will be crippled at best, and die on the spot at worst!

The rumors are also getting more and more outrageous, plus he killed the disciples of the Divine Sword Sect in the late second grade in one move in the early stage of the second product, and he is practicing the strongest technique of the Zhen Mo Si and the Dragon and Elephant Zhen Hell Gong, and they all think: The Zhen Mo Si is a peerless Tianjiao!


Tianyuan Sect Station!

An old man was sitting at the head of the palace, opposite several cloaked beings, the old man was the Sect Master of the Tianyuan Sect: Tianliu!

Trample! Trample! Trample!

A sound of hurried footsteps sounded.


A white-robed disciple quickly ran to Tianliu's side and whispered a few words.

"Zhen Mowei, Chu River!"

Tianliu's face was expressionless, and he said in a deep voice: "Pass on the order, no matter how much trouble that Chu River has made in the past few days, just watch, don't make a move." "


The white-robed disciple nodded suspiciously, did not dare to ask more, and directly bowed out of the hall.

"Gaga, presumably attracting attention." A cloaked man laughed strangely twice and said, "According to the previous rules of the Zhen Moji, a battalion will be sent to maintain order!"

"However, this time they came with such fanfare, presumably to cover the other Zhendemon camps, but I don't know how many battalions came."

"Sixth Battalion!"

Tianliu took a sip of tea and said calmly: "There are two battalions of each of the three armies, personally commanded by Qian Hao, and they are also old friends. "

Qian Hao!

Hearing these two words, the killing intent flashed on several cloaked people, and one of them said coldly again:

"This time, I must let him have no return, and when he killed countless disciples of my White Lotus Sect, it should also be his turn to pay for his life."

Another cloaked man said: "Although Qian Hao is arrogant, his combat power is indeed strong, no less than ordinary fifth-grade powerhouses, and he even holds the Devil Slashing Sword in his hand, and non-fifth-grade late-stage powerhouses cannot be killed."

The third cloaked man nodded: "Indeed, we should plan more for him, and we must not let him break through the fifth rank, otherwise, our arrangement in Yunzhou for many years may change."

"No problem!"

Tianliu said with a flat face:

"Qian Hao's sect can personally take action, and the town demon guard, other sects, and family disciples can solve it."

"Don't tell this sect that the people you brought are not enough to solve it, but it has nothing to do with this sect."

"Gaa Rest assured, enough! The cloaked man laughed strangely, and said grimly again: "Qian Hao has the Sect Master of Lao Tian, and after the matter is completed, what the holy girl promised will definitely be offered." "Good


Tianliu waved his hand and said, "Go back and tell her that if you dare to play tricks with this sect, she will definitely not be able to leave Yunzhou." "


A powerful force directly threw several cloaked people out of the hall, and the breeze blew through, and the corner of the cloak fluttered slightly.

Revealing the inhuman bodies inside, it was clear that they were not humans, but: demons!

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