Time is like a boo, and the body passes with a bang!

Jiuyou Town Central!

Erect a huge ring with seven positions above, which is prepared for the big guys of all parties!


Countless onlookers have gathered around the ring, and there are no less than a hundred Tianjiao in front of them, all of whom are participating in the big competition.

At this time, the faces are different: expectant, apprehensive, nervous, firm, plain and other people, which can be called all kinds of people in the world.


A white-robed figure appeared in the ring, and said loudly:

"I am Tianyun, I am the master of this big competition, and now, I invite all VIPs to take a seat to watch."

His voice just fell!




Five figures passed through the tall buildings in the distance, and in an instant, they ascended to the seat above the ring and sat down!

Looking at the momentum on their bodies, the weakest ones also have the power of the three ranks, all of which are famous existences in Yunzhou!

"Hiss... Isn't that the master of the small knife gate, the art of throwing knives in one hand can be described as supernatural, comparable to the five-grade martial arts.

"There is also the Sect

Master of the Heavenly

Evil Sect, who is said to have broken through the third grade as early as fifty years ago, but unfortunately he did not have the fourth grade."

An old man said regretfully: "However, it is normal, the fourth grade is a chasm, and it is not easy to break through."

Everyone else nodded after hearing this.

Throughout the ages: how many demons and Tianjiao stuck in the third product could not break through, thus ending up depressed!

"There are still two vacant seats, one must be Tianyun's, then whose is it, why hasn't it come yet."

Again, doubts were raised.


But before anyone could answer, there was a loud shout from the rear!

"Get out of the way!"

Everyone looked back!



The Fifty Towns Demon Guard opened the way in the crowd, and Chu He strode in the middle, his face cold and domineering!

"It's Chu River!"

"Get out of the way, don't provoke him, this horse is an unreasonable madman, pure pervert."

Seeing Chu River, many people's backs were cold air.


In the past two days, Chu He has done too much in Jiuyou Town, which can be described as: bullying men and bullying men, running amok!

For example: gambling on the neck of the knife frame in the gambling house, if you can lose, your mother is out of the ghost, but also shake out a three-point, stunned to force the other party to smash the dice, and dare not win!

Another example: singled out with others, stunned is to let the other party, 1V50, to the other party to play on the spot doubtful life.


Tian Yuanzong didn't care about this, making people guess that his background was not ordinary, and the other third-grade powerhouses did not dare to stop him.

In this way, Chu He's arrogance is even more arrogant!

"It turned out to be Chu Zongqi, welcome!" Tianyun saw Chu He walking above the ring and said calmly.


Chu He didn't even look at him, and went straight to the empty seat in the center above!


Sitting down on the spot, he said domineeringly:

"Lord Baihu has something, today, this general banner will watch the battle instead of him."


Chu He looked at Tian Yuan and said, "

Now you can announce the start!"

(Tian Yuan: You mother is in my place, and you are the commander brother!) ╰(‵□′)╯ )


Tian Yuan's face changed several times before he stabilized!


Although Zhen Mosi will send a battalion to watch the battle, most of them are on the distant peak tower, and rarely come to the scene!

Not to mention that he will sit in the position of the organizer, this is simply a slap in the face in public, uncle can endure, aunt can not endure!

"Why, you are not satisfied with Ben Zongqi sitting here."

Chu He patted the seat and said evilly: "Still say: You think that the Zhen Demon Division is inferior to the Tianyuan Sect, so I should give way to you."

"No, use!"

Tian Yuan flicked his sleeves and said, "Since General Banner Chu represents the Zhen Mosi, it should be in the first place."

"Now, Ben Shaozong announced that the Tianjiao Great Competition has officially opened:

those who rank in the top ten can get ten Tianyuan Pills, those who rank in the top three can enter the Tianyuan Sect to cultivate a four-grade secret art, and the first can ask the family father three questions."

Shut up!

He turned around and walked towards the empty seat!


Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at Chu He with killing intent, and secretly said:

"Let you have to sit for a while, today next year, it will be your time of death, what can it be."


At this time!

Sitting in the first place, Chu He's eyes flashed a light.


He was already punching his face in public, but this time Tianyuan still did not make a move, but forced himself to suppress his emotions.

Obviously, it is not normal, you must know the current prestige of the Zhen Demon Division, but it will not make the Tian Yuan Sect so afraid.

"It seems that what the Tianyuan Sect is planning should begin, maybe at the moment of today's competition in the ring."

"Therefore, the other party does not dare to act rashly, for fear of striking the grass and snakes, but they really don't notice it at all."

A trace of doubt appeared in Chu He's heart.

Five Camps Town Demon Guard!

For five hundred, even if you are careful, it is impossible to show no trace at all, not to mention that this is a small town that the Tianyuan Sect has operated for hundreds of years, and it is difficult for even a fly to hide.

Or is it that the Tianyuan Sect is deliberately pretending not to know, leading snakes into the urn, and secretly spreading the heaven and earth net!


Qian Hao should not be so stupid, is it playing:

Mission Impossible within a Disc!


Chu He seemed to have guessed the core of the incident, but he didn't continue to think about it, no matter what the plan, what he had to do was how to profit in this plan, kill more demons, and break through!



All Tianjiao looked at the cold Chu River above the ring, and the roots of many people's hatred teeth itched!

By what!

Obviously, everyone was about the same cultivation and age, and Chu He could sit on the watch table and judge them.

However, let them rush up and question, and few people have the guts, either they don't dare, or it doesn't matter!


Everyone is afraid of unreasonable madmen!


They suspect that if they dare to do so!

Chu He would immediately charge them with the remnants of the White Lotus Sect, and then let the fifty town demon guards rush up, and beat them to death on the spot without speaking of martial virtue.


Yunzhou is now in turmoil, and Zhen Mowei is not as good as before!


It is definitely not the existence below the fourth grade that dares to touch the tiger's whiskers!


A Tianjiao jumped towards the ring and shouted:

"I will throw bricks to attract jade, bronze door white trumpet, a pinnacle cultivation, please come and teach!"

"The Black Dog Gang and Gou Dong are coming to fight!"

Immediately, a Tianjiao jumped into the ring.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The two fought dozens of rounds, and finally, Gou Dong a black dog kicked egg to solve the battle!


Once again, Tianjiao is in the ring!

On one side, there are Tianyuan Sect disciples who are scoring each Tianjiao, and the final ranking will be decided according to the level of the score.

Ding, pop, bang, boom...

The sound of weapons clashing resounded around the ring.


The crowd of onlookers let out a cheer from time to time, as if the competition was so exciting!


Chu He, who was sitting in the first place above, was drowsy!

"General Chu feels that the fight is not exciting enough, this is the elite existence of Yunzhou, the pillar of the future Daqian."


The master of the small knife gate asked when he saw Chu He, who lacked interest.


Chu He's face showed disdain, and said, "

It's just a group of children fighting!"

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