What the?

Hearing Chu He's words, the old man next to him was angry: "Chu Zongqi is only in the early stage of the second grade, what qualifications do you have to say that they are children fighting."

"In the future,

some of them will definitely be able to break through the third grade, or even above the fourth grade, and why can't Chu Zongqi look at it."

"Just by virtue of this general flag, it is the Chu River!"

Chu He picked up the teacup and took a sip, and said coldly: "A group of greenhouse flowers that have not even dealt with demons a few times."

"As far as they are concerned, if they encounter a demon of the same level, it is enough for them to drink a pot, Yunzhou Sect, the way to cultivate disciples is completely wrong, and fighting is the fastest way to cultivate the strong."

"It's the same as raising a cheat, whoever lives is strong!"

"You... Off color! The

old man didn't know how to refute for a while, so he could only reply angrily, and then lowered his head and did not speak.


He knew that Chu He's words made sense!


The sect, the family and the Zhen Demon Guard are different!

The disciples and masters of the sect have deep feelings, and the family has family affection, how can they use this method!

Basically, when all the core disciples are killing demons, they are guarded by elders next to them, how can they exercise their true hearts!


The Zhen Demon Division basically implements the road of raising demons, all relying on the Zhen Demon Guard below to kill the demon himself to exchange merit points, so as to generalize and be promoted!

Therefore, everyone who can mix with the Zhen Demon Division is not an ordinary person, and it is more common to fight beyond the level.


Five hours later!

The competition finally came to an end, and the top three were: Small Daomen, Blade, Tianyuan Sect, Liuyuan, Dadi Sect, and Wukai.

The first place duel will be held tomorrow!


Tianzuo stepped out and came to the ring, saying:

"Since the selection of the top three has ended, today's big competition will come to an end, but

it is rare to be able to gather experts such as Yunzhou Dao Brother and Earth Brother today, I don't know, whether everyone should have a discussion, so that everyone can open their eyes."


Look at the old man on the side of the Chu River.


He didn't hesitate to hear Tianyun's words, slapped his seat directly to the ring, and shouted:

"Earth Sect, Earth Martial Arts, who will teach you!"

"Today, let's also let some of the errands see what the true strength of the disciples of the sect and family is."


A burly man got up from his seat, stepped on his big feet, appeared in the ring, and said, "Brother Di, let's give it a try." "


Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

The earth-shattering roar resounded all over the world, I don't know if it was intentional or unintentional, the two not only fought extremely fiercely, each blow could be called an all-out shot, and from time to time looked at Chu He, with a proud face!

As if to say: Look,

the sect and the disciples of the family are strong!


Chu He didn't pay attention to the two at all, but instead looked at Tian Yuan, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, and secretly said: "Interesting." "

Can he see that just now Tian Yuan was deliberately provoking several third-grade powerhouses to fight, the purpose? It should be that their preparations are about to begin, and they will consume the physical strength of the third-grade powerhouse.

Half an hour later!

In addition to Chu He and the knife next to him, the other third-grade powerhouses stepped forward to fight, and they all consumed a lot.


Even the ring below where the pure steel construction runes were depicted had cracks in the road, and it would collapse if you saw it.

At this time, Chu He's right hand was casually placed on the Zhen Demon Knife, and his index finger tapped it intentionally or unintentionally, and his face was extremely calm.


Zhao Yuan and the others were all staring.


They all seem to be chatting with each other, but quickly establish a military formation that can be attacked and retreated.


With the last two third-grade powerhouses one blow against each other!

The two of them each took a few steps back, looked at each other and smiled, announcing that this competition was completely over.

"Brother Zhang and Brother Wang really deserve to be the proud sons of the former heavens, and their strength is definitely the top in the same level in Yunzhou, which really makes them jealous."

Tianyun walked into the ring and smiled evilly at the two: "So, for the sake of Pingwuxin, you two will die." "

Shut up!

He shot at the two without warning!

Boom! Boom!

The two were knocked out hundreds of meters on the spot and fell to the ground, their faces were red, and blood kept gushing out of their mouths, obviously, the injuries were not light.


The knife sitting above appeared in the middle of the knife, and it was directly thrown out at Chu River, and the speed was unbelievably fast.


He is fast, Chu He is even faster than him!

To be precise: before he could make a move, Chu He had already dodged to the side, while swinging out his left hand.


A ghost light went straight to Dao Buji's eyes.

"Not good!"

Dao Buji's face changed, and he subconsciously hid back.


The ghost light brushed his eyelids, bringing out a trace of blood.

When he opened his eyes and regained his vision, he found that Chu He's figure was already hundreds of meters away, and a copper coin in his left hand flew up and down.

"Such a shrewd boy, I'm afraid I have already discovered something wrong."

Dao Buji said with an interesting face: "It's a pity, all the creatures in Jiuyou Town today have to die!" All come out, kill. His

voice fell!

Sou! Sou! Sou!

Black shadows jumped from the pavilions around the ring, densely packed with hundreds of them.




Hundreds of black shadows came towards the ring, and all the creatures that stood in their way were easily torn apart!


There are several three-pin black shadows rushing towards the top of the ring!

"It's not good, it's a demon!"

"How can there be so many demons in this Nine Ghost Town, and they can still conceal the exploration of the Tian Yuan Sect, no, the Tian Yuan Sect is also involved."

"No wonder we just let us fight, it turned out to consume our strength, damn it, Tianyuan, you and others actually colluded with the demon, aren't you afraid of the suppression of the Zhen Demon Division."

Several third-grade powerhouses roared angrily while resisting the demons.

"Haha... And what about collusion!

Tian Yuan looked up to the sky and laughed twice, and said in a loud voice:

"You better think about how to live first, as for the Zhen Mosi, you must also follow the bad luck."

At this time!

The entire Jiuyou Town is in chaos!

There are demons everywhere, constantly hunting and killing the creatures in the town, especially the warriors who come to participate in the competition, all of them are taken care of, plus taking advantage of their unpreparedness, in just a moment, they will be killed and injured!


Even the Zhen Demon Banner that was stationed in the middle of the town by another team was severely damaged, and no less than ten Zhen Demon Guards died as soon as they met!

It is also good that the Zhen Demon Banner led by Chu He is better, and after Chu He's reminder, he should take precautions in advance, plus the demons are mainly attacking the sect and family disciples, and there is basically no damage.

"Zhao Yuan!"

Chu He stepped on a mid-second grade demon and shouted: "Lead the Zhen Demon Guard to the east of Zhendong, where is our base camp, and after arriving there, listen to Zhang Baihu's dispatch."


Zhao Yuan did not hesitate and shouted: "Column killing formation, break through to the east with all your strength!" "


Chu He kicked on a second-grade demon, kicked its head to burst, and climbed to the top of a building with the power of countershock!

Looking at the fighting all over the town, there was a hint of excitement in his eyes, yes, excitement.


Such a large number of demons!

Or a demon who is fighting with the enemy, this is definitely an excellent power to eat chicken and pick up leaks!


Chu He's face showed an evil smile:

His hunting moment has begun!

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