In a port road on the west side of Jiuyou Town!

More than a dozen demons trapped a group of family disciples in the middle, and the demons led by them were the pinnacle of the second grade.

"Everyone must work together, don't leave the slightest hand, or you will all die here."

A white-robed youth shouted.

Everyone nodded one after another, forming horns with each other, constantly fighting with the surrounding demons, among them, an old man in the late second grade had to resist the demon led by the leader, but judging by the amount of blood he vomited, it obviously didn't last long.

"It's not good, Lan Bo can't hold it at all, we must find a way, otherwise we will all die here."

A pure girl said with an anxious face.

If Chu He was here, he would definitely be able to recognize that she was the group of people who were robbed in Jiuyou Town.


The white-robed young man looked around, and his eyes flashed with a fine light.

He said

, "Listen: I carry an attack secret treasure this time, which can kill the leading demon,

but it will take time to activate and help me buy ten breaths of time."


"You hurry!"

Everyone doubted that there was him, protecting the white-robed youth behind him, and desperately waving the blades in his hands to gain time.


The white-robed young man took out a paper stack of flying birds and pinched them: "Qiankun borrows his strength, Grandpa Zu shows his spirit, escape!" "


Birds shine brightly!


Shrouded in the white-robed youth, he slowly flew upwards!

"Brother Wang, how are you preparing?"

"Why don't you speak, I can't stand it anymore."

"How the hell... Groove, what about people... (๑ŐдŐ)b..."

As soon as a big man turned around, he found that the white-robed young man who was protected by them had disappeared for no reason.

He subconsciously looked left and right, raised his feet to look down, did not find it, and finally looked up.


A paper-stacked bird was holding the white-robed youth and flew hundreds of meters into the air, shouting to them:

"Thank you for your help, rest assured, my Wang Mengde is by no means an ungrateful person, and I will personally take care of your wife."


"Wang Mengde, you have to die well, and you actually use us."

"Wang Mengde, Lao Tzu cursed you for not being able to fly out of Jiuyu Town, and you were killed by demons, whipped corpses, crushed bones, and raised ashes!"

One curse after another resounded through the heavens and the earth.

And the pure girl was even more pale, originally, she admired Wang Mengde very much, thinking that the other party was a gentleman, but she didn't expect that the other party would lie to them at the moment of life and death.

"Burning blood, tiger burst fist!"

An earth-shattering shout sounded, and I saw that the qi and blood in the old man's body burned wildly, and he punched out with all his strength!



The dog-shaped demon was punched out of a big hole in his chest, hit hard, and roared up to the sky:

"Roar..., die!"

The dog demon grabbed the old man's shoulders with two paws and kicked his body fiercely.



A sound of gold and iron breaking sounded, and the old man's protective mirror was kicked and shattered on the spot, and most of his chest collapsed.


The dog-headed man fell wildly with another blow, directly throwing the old man out tens of meters, lying on the ground and vomiting blood in his mouth:

"Wow... Come on! "

Lan Bo..." the

pure girl quickly ran to the old man's side, helped him up, and took out a large pile of pills and stuffed it into his mouth:

"Lan Bo, you will definitely not die. It won't die. "

Ahem: Ahem...

Lan Bo, who was already seriously injured, was so strong that the pure girl was stuffed with medicine, so he didn't choke to death on the spot.

"Quick... Come on!

Lamber said anxiously to the girl.


The demon was faster than him, and coupled with being injured by Lan Bo's stimulation potential, he completely lost his mind.


He opened his mouth and directly bit Lan Bo and the pure girl, intending to smash their heads on the spot.

"Wicked beasts dare, Hugh wants to hurt my junior sister..."

"If you have the ability to kill me, what is the ability to bully the old and weak."


When the others saw this scene, they were immediately dazzled, and they all yelled and roared at the demon.

There were also many people who attacked, but they all knew that it was useless, the demon was the existence of the peak of the second rank, and even if it was seriously injured now, it was not something they could resist at all.


The fate of Lamber and the girl is basically known to them.

Just when everyone is desperate!


A penetrating sound sounded.


The dog-headed demon, who had pounced less than a foot away from Lan Bo and the two, suddenly stopped and looked at his chest with an incredulous expression.


A black knife passed through the chest!

Moreover, the above contains the ability to destroy and suppress demons, so that it is already seriously injured and completely destroyed.


The demon fell weakly to the ground.


A man wearing a flying fish suit with a grim face appeared in everyone's field of vision, it was Chu He.

Ignoring everyone's consternation, because the voice of the system sounded in his mind

: "Ding, congratulations to the host for killing the second-grade peak demon, although it is a sneak attack and a leak, but it is also very Nais, and obtained the demon points:


"The third, from breaking through the middle of the second grade, you only need forty demon points, and then kill a second-grade peak demon."

Chu He said secretly in his heart.

That's right.

This was already the third demon he sneaked in, and every time it was after the others seriously injured the second-grade peak demon, he only struck.

As for the reason:

Now he is very difficult to deal with the second-grade peak demon, even if he can kill it, he will definitely be injured.

At that time: don't say that you are killing other demons to obtain demon points, I am afraid that it is very difficult to survive.


The current Jiuyou Town is simply comparable to the best place for Chu River to improve its strength, here, there are a large number of demons, many of whom have been injured by warriors, which is completely suitable for mending swords.

"It's you..."

a young disciple recognized Chu He as the one who robbed them, and was just saying something more, but was stopped by an older man, who turned his hand to Chu He and said,

"Thank you Lord for saving us."

This one.

It can also be regarded from the heart, without the appearance of Chu River, they will definitely be killed by demons just now.

"Sir, please save Lamb." The pure girl begged to Chu River, and the pear blossoms on her face cried with rain.


Boom! (ノ_ _)ノ

knelt directly against the Chu River.

"Can't save it, all his internal organs are severely damaged, and he can't save it without five pindan." Chu He put the knife into its sheath and said coldly: "As for the five-pin pill, don't say that this general banner does not have it, and it will not be given to him." "


the innocent girl cried helplessly.


As if thinking of something, he suddenly raised his head and shouted:

"You were just right, why don't you strike in advance, then Lan Bo won't have to die, and the demon guard shouldn't protect our safety." Seeing death and not saving it, is this the code of conduct of Zhen Moji? "

Not good."

Hearing the pure girl's words, several sect disciples immediately felt wrong, but it was too late to stop it.


Think of moral kidnapping!

Chu He's eyes were disdainful, and the principle he had always adhered to was: I'm sorry, I have no morality.

His face was cold: "The duty of this general banner is to guard the stability of Daqian, and your sect is also considered a chaotic element.

"Besides: who stipulates that the Zhen Demon Guard needs to see death and save you, and also, this general banner to save you, why listen to your questioning, this can be regarded as a lesson for you, and next time, there is no amnesty for killing."

Shut up!

I see...

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