
Chu He looked at the battle below, his face was extremely calm.

After all!

Whether the sect disciples die or not has nothing to do with the Zhen Demon Guard, on the contrary, the more serious they consume, the better it is for the Zhen Demon Guard.

To this!

Chu He even suspected that the reason why Zhen Mowei did not directly surround Jiuyou Town, but had to wait until after the big competition to make a move, may not have the intention of weakening the strength of the sect.


The battle also entered a white-hot phase.

Many sect disciples were forced to the brink of death, and had to start taking out the treasures at the bottom of the box, frantically attacking the two third-grade demons, plus the assistance of the third-grade martial artists, and achieved miraculous results.

Just in a demon covered in a secret treasure.

The third-grade martial artist immediately took the opportunity to sneak attack:

"Babel Cannon Hammer!"


An earth-shattering crash resounded through the world.



The demon flew and hit the city wall on the spot, entering the wall for three points, a deep pit appeared in the abdomen, and his face was distorted.

Obviously, it has been hit hard and has no power to fight again!


Not waiting for everyone to rejoice!


The arm of the third-grade warrior who shot was directly bitten off, and at the same time, his body was raised above his head by the demon, and he was about to split the corpse.


"Master... Whoever quickly saves my master, I am willing to promise with my body, I beg you..." A

woman fell to her knees and cried bitterly.


But no one answered, but took this opportunity to quickly run towards the city gate, and each of them hated to give birth to two legs.

After all: this Jiuyu Town is full of demons, they don't want to stay for a moment, now, what heroes save the beauty and help each other is all bullshit, only to save their own lives is the most important.

The moment when the demon's arms are going to be forced!


A sound of a head piercing sounded!


A round hole appears on the demon's skull!

A ghost light flew out from within, and if there was a strong person here, he would definitely be able to find that the ghost light was a copper coin!


When everyone heard the voice, they subconsciously looked back, but saw the demon kneeling weakly on the ground, with two lines of blood and tears flowing from his eyes, and his unwilling gaba gaba mouth, and finally there was no life.

The third-grade martial artist in his hand was also subconsciously dropped to the ground, and immediately turned over and looked at a corner tower in the distance.


Above stood a man wearing a flying fish suit, carrying a magic knife on his waist, with a grim face, his figure flashed in front of everyone like a slide, and the ghost light flew into his hand and turned into a copper coin.


Its big feet dodge!

A broken sword flew up on the ground and was kicked by its foot!


It turned into a ray of light and inserted into the heart of the demon on the city wall.



Everyone subconsciously swallowed their saliva wildly, and an incredible expression appeared on their faces, as if they had seen a ghost.

The demons that they had desperately failed to solve were all killed by a town demon guard general banner with two breaths.

When was the Zhen Devil Guard General Banner so powerful!

To know!

The injuries on the demon strength of the demon strength that had just lifted the third-grade martial artist were not serious, at least not the warriors below the third-grade warrior.

But the other party is obviously only a second grade, but he can kill in one hit, even if it is a sneak attack, they can't believe it.

Subconsciously communicated:

"We won't fall into the demon illusion realm, otherwise how would we see such a scene."

"The general banner of the town demon guard, relying on the secret weapon to kill the three-rank demon in seconds, this spread out, enough to resound in Yunzhou."

"I remember, isn't he Chu He, the guy who pretends to be compared endlessly in public."

"However, shouldn't he fight with demons in the east, how could he come to the city gate, is it..."

There are already speculations that Chu He may also want to escape!


They admired Chu He's strength, thinking that once the other party participated in the competition, they would definitely be able to get the top few.

Not only the others were shocked, but even the white-robed old man of the third-grade martial artist who was indirectly rescued was full of horror.

"He is only in the middle of his second grade, how can he be so strong that he actually gives me an intuition of death..."

the white-robed old man sighed inwardly.

He has been more sensitive to his intuition since he was a child, and since Chu He can bring him a sense of death, he must have the strength to kill him.

In addition, Chu He's one-hit killing move just now naturally made him a little unable to calm down.

"Thank you Chu Zongqi for helping."

The white-robed old man said with his hands, obviously, he also recognized the identity of the other party, after all, it is difficult to recognize it, the most famous person in the entire Jiuyou Town these days is him, and the portrait is flying all over the sky.

"My lord... The slave's words count. The woman who had just promised to make a promise also said to Chu He with a coquettish face.


Chu He looked at the woman who threw a wink at him, and his face turned cold.

If others use their body to give permission, it can be regarded as a reward, and she, I am afraid, must be counted: in the previous life, she carved her family's ancestral grave.

"If you dare to throw a flattery at this general flag, this general flag will make you not see the moon at night, and do what you say."

The cold words entered the woman's ears, matched by endless killing intent, which frightened her and hurriedly closed her eyes.


Chu He's big foot stepped hard!

The bluestone on the ground shattered, and with the help of the force of the countershock, it climbed to the top of the building tens of meters high and swept into the distance.

At the same time, a flash of light flashed in his eyes.

The reason why he was able to kill the three-rank demon in seconds just now was: firstly, by surprise, the other party did not find him at all, and secondly: the concealment and unprotectability of the soul attack.


He found that the copper money was far more suitable for soul power than the Zhen Demon Knife, and just now, if he used the Zhen Demon Knife, the third-grade demon was likely to detect it, and might not be able to complete the one-hit second kill.

However, the harvest made him very satisfied.

Chu He looked at the system notification page

: "Ding, congratulations to the host for killing the demon spirit wolf in the early stage of the third grade, although he took advantage of it, but it was enough to pretend to be compared, and obtained demon points:


"Ding, since the host killed the three-pin demon for the first time, I hereby reward the demon points: 100, I hope to continue to pretend, don't stop."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing the dying three-grade early stage demon, ghost wolf, this knife supplement, can only be said to be beautiful, get demon points: 100."

Look at the three pieces of information on the system page.

Chu He's face showed a hint of satisfaction.


Each leapfrog first kill will have a special reward.

"Now there are a total of 320 demon points, and the difference is only 80 from four hundred, that is, four second-grade peak demons."

Chu He's heart quickly calculated, and then, he swept towards the sound of fierce fighting not far away.

After a pillar of incense!

"System, add some dragon elephant town prison gong."

"Ding, add points successfully, the Dragon Elephant Town Prison Skill is upgraded to the late second layer, consuming four hundred demon points."

As the system sound falls.

The momentum on Chu He's body increased sharply again, officially breaking through to the late stage of the second product, and the attribute panel was refreshed again

: Name: Chu He Position:

Zhen Mosi General Banner.

Repair: Click to load more in the later stage of the second product


It's less than half a day!

His cultivation broke through from the early second grade to the late second grade, a full two levels, however, Chu He's face was not very satisfied.

That's right!

Just not satisfied!


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