
Chu He also had some understanding of Daqian, and his current age was still at the top level in Yunzhou.


There are not a few who are similar to him, and some disciples of great sects and families will not be born before the third grade, in case they die before they have fully developed.

Not to mention!

Yunzhou's status in the thirty-six prefectures of Daqian is not high, and some prefectures with strong comprehensive strength, at this age, there are not a few who have broken through the third grade, which is Tianjiao, and there are also some Zhen Mosi.


It is rumored that the emperor has less than twenty fourth-grade powerhouses!

It's scary to think about!


Chu He was also very confident that with the assistance of the plus point system, he would be able to catch up in a short time, and quickly leave them behind, and he would never be able to surpass them forever.


The demon points that had just become rich were once again exhausted, and it would take eight hundred points to break through the peak of the second rank.

"It takes eight third-grade early demons, or you have to kill higher-level demons."

Chu He looked to the east.

As the general banner of the town demon guard, he should also go and fight side by side with everyone, slashing, demon, exterminating, and demonizing!


Jiuyou Town East!

There are battlefields and rivers of blood flowing everywhere in a hundred miles, and the six hundred town demon guards are fighting madly with the demons!


There is a corpse of a demon and a demon guard!


One hit shocking collision!

The two figures each retreated tens of meters, and one person had a handsome face: Zhang Wei, a man with white hair and a densely black face, obviously an evil cultivator.

"Gaa I haven't seen it for ten years, Zhang Baihu's strength is still so tough, and he is close to breaking through the fourth grade, but unfortunately, today he is going to fall here. The

white-haired evil cultivator said with a smile.

"Sure enough, the White Lotus Sect made a ghost, but Bai Sha, you think that you can really eat me and wait."

Zhang Wei said with murderous intent.


Point in all directions of the battlefield!

I have to say that Zhen Mowei is worthy of being the elite raised by the cheat, and his combat effectiveness is far beyond the ordinary existence, and, plus he often goes out on tasks together, and he cooperates with each other more tacitly.

On the contrary, demons like to fight alone, and there is no cooperation, so they do not like to cooperate and are suppressed and beaten by the Zhen Demon Guard.

Long time!

Zhen Mowei must be a steady win!

In fact!

These are all within the plan of the Zhen Demon Division, it can be said that the approximate number of demons in the entire Jiuyou Town has long been explored, and the sixth battalion is considering whether the other party will jump off the wall in advance to decide the number.

Bai Sha's gaze scanned for a week, his face was ugly, and he didn't expect that only the six battalion of town demon guards could force them to such an extent.


He didn't have much expression, but instead scoffed:

"They are just appetizers, the crisis that really destroys you will come soon, I said, you will not survive today."

"Also, don't think I don't know that Qian Hao is also in the town, he has someone to solve it, and you all have to die."

Finish speaking.

Bai Sha didn't have much nonsense, and directly hit Zhang Wei with a palm, and a burst of gas emitting a highly toxic stench emerged.


Zhang Wei waved the magic knife in his hand.

A ten-zhang-long golden sword qi cut through the heavens and the earth, directly breaking the poisonous gas and heading straight for the white sand face gate.


Above the middle of town!

Two figures stood in the air, each of which was surrounded by a rushing momentum, and the oppressive space was exploding.

"Tianliu, it's really you old monster who made a ghost, you dare to betray Daqian and cooperate with the White Lotus Sect, are you really not afraid of being slaughtered by the sect, exterminated, and destroyed the Nine Races."

A man in a flying fish suit said coldly.

Exactly: Qian Hao!

On its waist!

With a sword and a sword, Qian Hao put one hand on the sword on his waist, and the sword intent emitted by the scabbard tore the surrounding void into tiny small cracks, proving that this sword was extraordinary.

"Slaughter the sect and destroy the Nine Races... Haha..." Tianliu

looked up to the sky and laughed twice, and said: "Yes, Zhen Mosi often does this, but you also have to be able to survive today, Qian Hao, you don't really think that you can stop the old man." "

Qian Hao, you said: If the Six Camps Town Demon Guards all fall today, then can the Yunzhou Town Demon Division still stabilize everything."

Hearing Liuyun's words, Qian Hao's face turned cold and said, "Just try it or not." "

Shut up.

Qian Hao's sword was unsheathed at the same time.

Zheng ——!

Zheng ——!

Two incomparable sword lights and sword lights went straight to Liuyun, especially the sword light in them, which was extremely powerful, and also contained a trace of demonic power.

"Good to go!"

Liuyun snorted coldly and slapped out a palm.

Tianyuan palm!


A hundred zhang void palm visible to the naked eye blocked the sword light and sword light, and the power was so great that it suppressed the void and trembled.



The earth-shattering collision resounded through the world.

The sword light was extinguished by the giant palm, but the sword light was penetrating the giant palm and continued to go towards the Liuyun Face Gate, although the power was weakened by half, but it was still not to be underestimated.

"Damn it!"

Tianliu's face changed, and his figure moved one meter out of thin air to the left.


The sharp sword light still left a trace of blood on his face.

"The Zhen Demon Sword is so sharp, it really deserves to be one of the top divine weapons in Yunzhou."

Tianliu touched the blood stains on his face and was surprised.

No wonder he was so surprised.

His cultivation was in the late fifth grade, but Qian Hao's cultivation was only the peak of the fourth grade, a full three levels behind.


Even if Qian Hao is a top Tianjiao and his combat power is already strong, he is not a vegetarian.


The reason why he was injured was because the Zhen Demon Sword in Qian Hao's hand was too fierce, and he was careless.

"Come again!"

Tianliu gulped.

Turning his palm into a fist and taking the initiative to attack Qian Hao, at the same time, several layers of protection were arranged around his body.




The sound of collision resounded throughout the heavens and earth, and the terrifying aftermath made all the demons in Fang Yuan dare not approach.

The houses below collapsed in large areas, but fortunately the residents inside had fled before, otherwise countless deaths would have occurred.

This is: immortals fight, mortals suffer!


The two bombarded each other again, Qian Hao withdrew hundreds of meters later, but Tianliu only retreated more than ten meters and made a judgment.


Tianliu's face is not very good-looking, because, with the constraint of the Zhen Demon Sword, let him attack and tie his hands, plus Qian Hao's combat talent is too strong, it will take at least several hours to completely take it.

Tianliu: "You're stalling for time.

Qian Hao did not refute: "Yes and how." A

sneer appeared on Tianliu's face: "I'm waiting for Commander Zhou, do you think that since I dare to make a move, how can I not be prepared." "It's

impossible, Yunzhou is currently unable to block the existence of Commander Zhou, you want to use this to distract me."

Qian Hao said expressionlessly.

"Distract you, haha..."

Tianliu laughed again: "Yes, no one can stop him, but it's okay to delay for a while." He


Tianliu shouted below: "Come out"

I saw ...

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