Name: Chu He

Position: Zhen Mosi Xiaoqi

Xiu is: First Grade Early

Martial Arts: Dragon Elephant Town Prison Gong First Stage (can be promoted)

Weapon: A copper coin

Demon Point: 8

"Continue to improve."

"Ding, the Dragon Elephant Town Prison Skill has been successfully improved, consuming 6 demon points, and the current level is in the middle of the first layer."


Chu He clenched his fist and emitted a slight explosion.

This moment.

Chu He felt that he could break the void with one punch.

Of course.

This is just due to the illusion of improving strength too quickly in a short period of time, and it will be good to stabilize in a few days.

"However, if you face the King Kong Leopard a few days ago, you can easily kill yourself."

Chu He muttered secretly.

This is not that he is arrogant, but that the Dragon and Elephant Town Prison Skill is already strong, suitable for fighting, cultivating to the peak of the first grade, fighting the ordinary second grade, it is not too difficult.

Shaking your head.

Chu He began to look inside the body, which is a function that only martial artists of one grade or more can have.

After careful scanning three turns.

Chu He finally found a rotating light mass in his skull, and a large number of sealing talismans appeared densely on it.

And the light rotates every turn.

There will be a trace of strong soul power emanating, which will be passively absorbed by Chu River and enhance the soul power.

"System, he is the reason why you are ten years late."

"Host, this body originally has a soul that is strong to the extreme, when you first came, if I hadn't sealed it with the only remaining energy, you would have burped."

"No, I remember that when I first came, this body was dead, how could there be such a powerful soul."

"Maybe like you, crossed over, but not as lucky as you, who let you have the assistance of this system."

Chu He: Don't face! (▼皿▼#)

"Is the soul here still conscious, he will not wake up again and break out to take me."

"Rest assured, it was worn out by this system ten years ago, and the current soul power is only a blessing given to you by this system (tell you: when this system just killed it, I was tired and fainted!). (ˇ╮ˇ) "

It's definitely okay to hear the system.

Chu He nodded in satisfaction, as long as he could quickly enhance his physique all the time, the improvement of soul power would only benefit him.

"Next, it's time to cultivate the Dark Weapon: Nether Nine Emperors."

Chu He closed his eyes again and cultivated.

A copper coin in his hand began to fly up and down, and then a series of ghost lights continued to flicker all over the room.

As a traverser.

Of course he knew.

If you want to reach the peak, you can only practice hard and take one step at a time, so that you can walk steadily.


This dark weapon exercise, he intends:

"System, add points!"

System: Look down on you. ←_←

"Ding, the Nether Nine Imperial Emperors have been successfully promoted, consuming one demon point, and are currently the entry of the Nether Nine Imperial Palaces."

"Ding, the Nether Nine Imperial Promotions have been successful, consuming one demon point, and it is currently the Nether Nine Imperial Xiaocheng."

"Go on!"

"Add a fart, no more!"

"I said: This host uses it on the first day, you can't give a little!"


received no reply from the system.

Chu He shook his head helplessly and took out an ancient book from the side!


The Great Dry Wind and Clouds.

Fifteen hundred years ago, the Central Plains were lined with countries, and the Great Qian Dynasty rose, unifying the Central Plains, establishing 36 prefecture capitals, and the world under peace.

Eight hundred years ago, demons were rampant and countless sects were in turmoil, in order to stabilize the country, the new emperor established the town of the Demon Division, leveled the demons, deterred the sect, stabilized the chaos, and the people could live in peace.


It is precisely because of this that although the major sects do not dare to openly oppose the imperial court, they do not wait to see the Zhen Mosi.

Behind the scenes, they are called imperial court eagle dogs, of course, they don't dare on the surface, after all, in the past few hundred years, there have been too many sects to destroy the Zhen Mo Si, and they can't count them.

Record the way!

It is the biographies of some characters: there was a certain town demon senior official who grabbed the demon and went to prison, the disciples of the great sect broke through the cultivators, which single saint girl was suddenly exposed to have two children.


Chu He put it in the booklet and his eyes froze.

Zhen Devil Prison.

The Zhen Demon Guard's shots are not all killing missions, some are to be arrested, sent to prison to ask them useful news in their mouths, or some novel demons will be studied and restrained.

And where he is in Yunzhou.

As one of the thirty-six states, although it is remote, there are also a large number of demons in the prison, and if you can kill all the demons in the prison, how many demon points will you get.

Cough.. Ahem...

Chu He shook his head, shook off this unrealistic idea, and got up and walked towards the direction of the Zhen Demon Prison.


Countless Zhen Demon Guards were walking quickly, either holding scrolls or blades in their hands, and each of them had a cold face.

In Zhang Wei's words:

A formal demon guard is basically either destroying demons or on the road to destroying demons, and as for cultivation, it is basically hard squeezed time.


Every demon guard, within a year, has a requirement and must have participated in enough demonic extermination, otherwise, he will be punished until he becomes a thousand soldiers.


The result: busier.


Newcomers like Chu He have a half-year newcomer period, and within this half year, as long as they break through the first product, they will start to join the formation and perform the task.

If you don't enter the first product for half a year, you will be kicked out of the Zhen Mosi and need to pay 1,000 taels of gold as compensation.

After half a column of incense.

Chu He looked at the Zhen Demon Great Prison in front of him.

A pitch-black statue of a thousand zhang monster stood on the earth, its open blood basin and roared up to the sky, as if to devour all the creatures around him, and his body was connected to the underground, obviously, the underground is the real hell.

"You actually broke through the first product so quickly."

A voice sounded from behind the Chu River, followed by a feminine man with a small flag token in his waist coming quickly.

Seeing Chu He's frowning gaze, he immediately explained: "

In Xiayangdong, it was your previous batch that joined the Zhen Demon Division, and I have been hearing of Brother Chu's name in the past two days, and I wanted to meet him many times, but I didn't expect to meet here."

"Brother Chu, your talent is really strong, this has only been a few days since you joined the Zhen Demon Division, and you have broken through the first product, and the future is really limitless."

"So, you decided to mess with me."

The corners of Chu He's mouth rose slightly.

Cough.. Ahem...

Yang Dong was choked half to death by Chu He's words, and looked at Chu He speechlessly, God I want to mess with you.

I'm just going to say something scene.

You want to accept me as a little brother, should you say that you have a big face, or should you say that you can't understand words.

"Brother Chu really can joke."

Yang Dong waved his hand, immediately changed the topic, and began to introduce the situation of the Zhen Demon Prison.


This monster was personally carved by the town guard of Yunzhou, and various demon runes were engraved on it, even if it was a demon of the fourth or fifth rank, he did not dare to approach.

Inside, divided into seven layers, there are countless demons imprisoned, and Yang Dong came here to complete the task of slaying demons.

According to the rules of the Zhen Demon Division:

Only after killing a demon in the Zhen Demon Prison, can it be enrolled, mainly to prevent some, although to the first product, but the combat power is very good, the heart is very poor Zhen Demon

Guard go out to carry out tasks.


In order to reduce the chain drop at critical moments, after all: not afraid of opponents like gods, but afraid of teammates like pigs.

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