Chu He and the two walked to the Zhen Demon Prison, and the guards at the door did not block it, because the waist tokens of the two had already indicated their identities, and:

This is the headquarters of the Zhen Demon

Siyunzhou, countless strong people are sitting in the town, no one dares to mess around, besides,

the real guard is inside.

Once in the town of the devil's prison.

The temperature plummeted, the smell of blood hit the nose, and there were wistful roars and screams.

"Brother Chu, Jing..." Yang

An was just about to say Jing to Chu He, don't be affected by the environment here, but found that Chu He's face was calm, and his eyes revealed excitement, longing, and greed.

Foggy grass.

Another madman.

The first time he entered the Zhen Demon Prison, he could be so calm and reveal his longing, and he was definitely a killing maniac.

"A lot of one-pin demon breath." Chu He greedily took two deep breaths of blood, turned his head and smiled: "What did you just say?" "

I said... Quietly, I will leave you, you go and find a suitable target to solve yourself! Yang An pouted and walked directly into the depths.

He muttered softly in his mouth:

"Mad, Qiqi, I thought I could use it for the upper existence, but I didn't expect it to be a killing maniac, and I love to accept the little brother."

"Gangs and factions, not on the table."

Chu He looked at Yang An's back and shook his head.

The other party's approach is obvious, it is nothing more than finding a few of the same Tianjiao to reach an alliance of interests and gain a foothold in the Zhen Mo Division.


When they grow up, they will form a small force, not to mention how much power they can have, but they can steadily obtain some small benefits, which is also a way to survive.


For Chu River, it is very useless.

He wants to rise madly as a supreme demon, break through like a broken bamboo all the way, and reach the peak.

As the saying goes: different ways, do not conspire against each other!

Simply put: you are too weak to play with you!


Chu He quickly explored on the first floor of the Zhen Demon Prison, and in the middle he also encountered many Zhen Demon guards who came here to kill demons.

But there was no communication, everyone looked nervous, because in this level, the mortality rate was not low, and even, according to statistics, one-third of the Demon Guards who entered the town died in the prison.

The first floor of the entire town demon prison is roughly divided into four areas: demons, demons, ghosts, and weirdness.


There are also living areas, such as demons in the water will be one level higher, because the Terrans are not suitable for fighting in the water.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

In the office of the Demon Spirit District, the Zhen Demon guard, who was sitting cross-legged and cultivating, heard a knock on the door and closed his eyes: "Enter."

"Participate in the customs assessment and collect the keys."


"Central District: No. 335, Red Flame Leopard."

"Red Flame Leopard?"

The Zhen Demon Guard opened his eyes, looked at the figure in front of him, and finally fixed on the small flag token on his waist, and said in surprise: "

You are Chu River?"

"You know me."

Chu He was a little puzzled, although he was brilliant in this trial, it should not spread so widely, could it be that Sun Feng's instructions to secretly trip him.

As if seeing Chu He's doubts, the Zhen Demon Guard said:

"It was Zhang Wei Baihu who told me that I joined the division with him, but the talent is average, so I came to guard the Zhen Demon Prison."

"He said: This time he recruited a good seedling, and his future achievements can be above him, and he said: If you come here for assessment, let me take care of it."

The Zhen Demon Guard smiled: "But I didn't expect you to come so soon, in the middle of the first pin, the previous accumulation was strong enough."

Although he was a little shocked by Chu He's breakthrough speed, he didn't care too much, similar to this, it was very common in the history of Zhen Mosi.

Usually relying on the accumulation of more than ten years in the past, once the Dao, the breakthrough is rapid, and there are even legends of martial arts masters breaking through the peak of a pint in one day, but it will be normal later.

"The Red Flame Leopard is also a top-notch existence in the middle of the first product, it is a little challenging and dangerous, otherwise, you first choose a weak attack to try, such as: flame pig, ice rat..."

The Zhen Demon guard said a dozen in one breath, and it was easier to deal with the demon as soon as he heard the name.

"Lord, I don't know if it will have an impact if a few demons die for no reason in the prison."

Chu He suddenly asked.

The Zhen Demon Guard waved his hand: "This is not true, there are hundreds of demons who die here every day, some are killed by trialists like you, and there are others who die inexplicably, as long as there are not too many, they are all normal attrition."

"That's easy."

Chu He smiled dangerously and said, "

In this way, I will first challenge the Red Flame Leopard, and if I am defeated, I will immediately withdraw and challenge the other weak ones."


The Zhen Demon guard nodded, and directly took out eight or nine keys and said: "This is the key to the detention of that demon, you take it together, save the trouble back and forth, and try to select the weak ones." "


He is really taking care of Chu River.

"Thank you, my lord."

Chu He took the key, he was still thinking about whether it would arouse the suspicion of the other party if he took the key frequently, but he did not expect that the problem would be solved by the other party first.


In fantasy novels, this situation is not generally the protagonist is embarrassed, to his own, the painting style is a hundred million points wrong.


Prison No. 335.

The Red Flame Leopard was lying on the ground taking a nap, as if sensing something, looking up, and a low roar came out of its mouth.

"Red Flame Leopard: A mid-grade demon, extremely good at speed, slightly poor endurance, and strong lethality!

Criticism: With your combat power, as long as you don't wave, you can kill him, what else to see, Kaigan! "


Chu He opened the cell door.


The Red Flame Leopard instantly pounced, and its claws and blades went straight to Chu He's head, so fast that an afterimage appeared.


Chu He's right hand flicked, the ghost light flickered, straight to its special part, and at the same time kicked the prison door with his right foot, using the power of the countershock, jumping three feet high.


The Red Flame Leopard felt a chill underneath, and then an indescribable pain poured into its whole body, and its paws subconsciously covered downward.


The severe pain made the Red Flame Leopard have no time to turn, directly hit the wall, and was rolled in place by the force of the countershock.

"To die."

Chu He fell from the air at great speed and punched the leopard's head.


A loud bang.

The Red Flame Leopard burped on the spot and died a miserable one.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing the mid-grade Red Flame Leopard, although the means are made, but it is perfect, and the demon points are obtained: 5 points."

"There are 5 points to kill demons in the middle of the first product, and to break through to the late first product, it takes twelve points, and the peak of the first product requires twenty-four points."

"Together, that's 8 mid-grade demons."


Chu He grinned, his gaze swept towards the other cages!

"Oh..." "Hmm

..." "Oh..."

Many demons saw his gaze, only felt a cold somewhere, and roared madly!

(Demon: Don't come here!) d(ŐдŐ๑) )

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