Name: Chu He

Position: Zhen Mo Si General Banner


: Third Grade Middle Soul: Third Grade Peak

Martial Arts: Dragon and Elephant Town Prison Gong Three Layers Mid-Stage (can be promoted), Yin and Yang Nine Emperors (Great Consummation), Thunder Dao (Great Consummation)

Skills: Pupil of Delusion, Soul Drill

Weapon: Zhen Demon Knife, A Copper Coin Demon

Point: 400

" In the middle of the third grade of strength, the peak of the third grade of soul power, the combination of two, ordinary fourth grade can also fight. Chu

He's face showed a hint of satisfaction.

Just one day.

His cultivation has broken through from the early stage of the second grade to the middle of the third grade, and this speed can no longer be said to be fast, it can be called perversion.


This is also the reason why he just took the initiative to jump off the cliff.

That's right.

When the tiger demon's tail pumped him, he could dodge, but instead of actively dodging, he used his strength to fall off the cliff.

Because, only in this way, he can avoid Zhou Cang's detection, otherwise the sudden recovery of his physical injuries cannot be explained at all, on the contrary, he is easy to be treated as a monster and imprisoned for interrogation.

And now!

After he fell off the cliff, he only needed to find a place to hide for two days, and then find a random reason: adventure, grandfather rescue, etc., to recover from his injuries and explain the reasons for his skyrocketing strength.

"This time, it can also be regarded as a fortune and danger, after the battle just now, not only the strength broke through extremely quickly, but also made great contributions to the Zhen Mo Si, which will definitely make the upper echelons pay attention and tilt a lot of resources."

And this.

It was exactly what Chu He had planned before.

It can be said that from the beginning, he fought hard with the tiger head demon, including jumping off the cliff.

"Time to go!"

Chu He raised his head and looked up, it won't be long before a large number of Zhen Demon Guards will come down to look for him, and he must leave before this.

"Huh..." Chu

He, who was just about to leave, suddenly found a black hole directly in front of him, and bursts of red light appeared inside.


He stepped out and entered the black hole.

The cave is not large, about ten square meters, overgrown with weeds, and there is no sign of life life.

Ahead of it!

A black mirror floated, and a burst of red light appeared above, and a trace of blood poured towards it from the rock wall above the cave.


Cliff jumping meets the best opportunity?

Chu He's eyes flashed as he looked at the rock wall, and such a strong smell of blood must be caused by a huge amount of blood.

The only thing that can produce such a large amount of blood is the Demon War above, that is: it must not be a righteous path treasure.

Evil Secret Treasure!

Still devouring blood!

The White Lotus Sect's plan turned out to be it, and Chu He immediately analyzed the key to the problem: "This black mirror is the core of the White Lotus Sect's plan. "


It seems that even the people of the White Lotus Sect do not know the specific location of this secret treasure, otherwise, it is impossible not to arrange demon guards.

However, since this black mirror can make the White Lotus Sect not hesitate to trigger the battle of Nine Ghost Town, it can be seen that it is extraordinary.

Chu He stretched out one hand:


A trace of soul power shrouded the black realm.


The black mirror trembled violently.


A black light shot out!

The speed was so fast that Chu He melted into his body before he could react, and at the same time an old voice sounded:

"Gaga... The Buddha-figure was born again, this body is very good, the soul power is also sufficient, and it will return to the Buddha-figure in the future... Gan... What the hell is this, let the Buddha-figure leave... Ahh

"System, finished with it?"

"Of course, there is not a little slag left, but your body is the territory of this system, and a humble ant wants to occupy and eat..." The

proud voice of the system sounded in Chu He's mind.

That's right.

From the very beginning, Chu He felt that there was an idea in the black mirror with his strong soul power, and then combined with the ancient routines in countless fantasy novels, he guessed the [Capture the House] routine.


This point: the easiest to break for the Chu River!

Because of the existence of the system, no matter how powerful the soul is, it is impossible to take the Chu River.


Chu He put away the black mirror.

Right now!

It was not time to check on him, but to leave this place so that the Zhen Demon Guard could not find himself.


One step out of the cave!


Grab the Zhen Demon Knife hanging from the cliff wall and fall hard!


Fireworks are flying again!

Ten breaths later!


When Chu River was dozens of meters above the ground, he jumped directly, kicking up boundless dust and frightening the surrounding birds and beasts to run.

Look around: not far away is a river, and the rest of the place is flat land and rocks at a glance.

No hesitation!

Chu He immediately cleaned up his own tracks on the ground, then threw two blood-stained shoes into the river, and finally, he also jumped into the river and swam quickly.

After half a column of incense!

Trample! Trample! Tread....

Hundreds of demonic guards appeared at the bottom of the cliff, led by Zhang Wei, who said with a heavy face:

"Check, even if you turn this valley floor upside down, you must give the Chu River to this hundred households to stand up."


Many Zhen Demon Guards nodded in reply.

Quickly dispersed and began to search, the earth, the swamps, and even people climbed up the cliff wall.

"My lord, there is a situation here."

A Zhen Demon Guard shouted.

The town demon guards immediately ran away, and saw that the town demon guard who had just spoken out was standing by the river, holding a pair of blood shoes, judging by its style, it was: the standard brocade shoes of the town demon guard general flag.


All the town demon guards looked at the river, since the shoes were next to the river, then the Chu River should have been washed into the river, and now they don't know where they were washed up, and they may even be swallowed by fish and shrimp.

This moment.

Everyone Zhen Mowei's face showed sadness.

The Chu River, which had run out of oil, fell into such a turbulent river, and the possibility of survival was even slimmer.

Zhang Wei took the bloody shoes sent by Zhen Mowei, a trace of despair appeared in his eyes, and muttered:

"It's really jealous of the talent, the era that belongs to you has not yet begun, but it fell here, you are too reckless, but, your death cannot be so quiet, this hundred households will definitely let you be buried."


Zhang Wei looked at the river and said firmly:

"Check, if there are not enough manpower, you will transfer the Tianwuwei of the surrounding counties, no matter what method you use, even if you drain this river, you must find the corpse of the Chu River."


The town demon guards immediately answered.

To this.

They didn't have any complaints, and the picture of Chu River fighting to the death still lingered in his mind.

Without Chu He's death, they may fall more, or even the entire army may not be destroyed.

Of course.

The subordinates led by Chu River are the most complicated!

Lu Feng and the others not only had a low face and a look of disbelief in their eyes, they did not believe that their general flag would fall so easily, but the fact was in front of them, so they could not believe it.


Although Zhao Yuan and the others had a low face, their eyes were strangely calm!


When the Chu River fell off the cliff, they saw each other with a special gesture, which was an exclusive code.

It proves that Chu He is not dead!

(PS: This book will not have the plot of frustration hidden after the protagonist suspended animation, and the protagonist will reappear immediately.) )

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