Thirty miles outside Jiuyou Town!

A hidden barren mountain!

Dozens of black shadows gathered, and standing at the top was a beautiful woman in a white robe.


Their eyes were fixed on a blood-red altar in front of them, which was square in shape, and the edges depicted countless flying beasts, human ghosts, and demons, all worshipping a black shadow.

The black shadow has a blurred face and a blurred figure, but it is vaguely visible that it should be a life-like spirit.

"How can the Holy Lady and the altar still be like this, is it that our method is wrong?"

"Ghost Elder, this method is the epiphany of the Holy Lady's understanding of the holy relic, how can there be a mistake."

"So, why is this the situation now..."

said several grim figures in front of him.

Everyone exudes an endless demonic aura, obviously, they are not humans, or rather: they used to be, now they are not, cultivating into demons.

At this time!

The white-robed woman frowned and muttered, "No, there is no mistake in the way of sacrifice, but why didn't Lord Saint Ancestor wake up, is it wrong to find the place?"

"It shouldn't be, if Lord Saint Ancestor is not here, how can the altar emit light..."

Before the white-robed woman could think clearly: Boom


An explosion shook the barren mountain.


The altar, which had just been shining, suddenly went out, and a slight crack appeared above, comparable to scrapping.

"Fog grass, the altar actually self-destructed!"

"How is it possible, even if Lord Saint Ancestor is not here, the altar should not be damaged, or is it true that the altar has been used too many times and has reached its limit before it is destroyed."

"No matter what the reason is, now that Lord Saint Ancestor has not awakened and the altar has been destroyed, I am afraid that our team will not become the target of the White Lotus Sect."

An old woman frowned and said, "Holy girl, the news must be blocked and no one can spread the matter. "

Shut up.

The crutch in the old woman's hand pressed down!


Endless black mist shrouded the surrounding demons!

Boom! Boom! Boom....

With the sound of falling, there were less than ten dozens of demons standing on the barren mountain, all of them were existences above the late third grade.


Even if the demons in the middle of the third grade were lying on the ground and gradually turned into a pool of blood, there was no difference in this regard.

As the old woman said: If the altar is destroyed, once it is spread, their branch will surely suffer, so the secret must be sealed, and the best way to seal the secret is the dead.

"Holy Daughter, what next."

A ghost-faced demon asked.

The white-robed woman looked at the broken altar and said leisurely: "The thirty-six branches of the white lotus are our worst strength, and now, the losses in the battle of Jiuyou Town are not small, and the priority is to recruit troops."

The old woman knocked on her crutches and said, "That said, but this time, our White Lotus Sect has suffered a great loss, and many idle demons may not be willing to turn to us, and the ones they cultivate are not very useful."

"Then Liwei!"

The white-robed woman said coldly: "Take the Zhen Demon Si to establish power, and let the demons all over Yunzhou know that even if the White Lotus Sect is severely damaged, it is not weaker than the power of the Zhen Demon Division." "

Ghost Elder, tell me who is the Zhen Demon Guard who is blocking our plan this time, and who has the most influence."

"Chu River, a Zhen Demon General Banner."

"If it weren't for him, we would definitely be able to destroy all the forces of the six battalions of the Zhen Demon Division this time, and he also killed the Demon Envoy with his own hands, but he himself is dead."

The ghost elder said quickly.


He knew the situation in Jiuyou Town very well.

"Okay, just him!"

A trace of cruelty flashed on the white-robed woman's face, "Slaughter all his family and hang it on the city wall." "

This holy girl wants to let those town demon guards know that they can't even protect their families if they work for the imperial court."

"Yes, the old man will arrange it." The ghost elder nodded.


The figure disappeared as if it turned into a puff of black smoke.

"Holy girl, let's go too." The old woman looked into the distance and said, "It won't take long for Zhou Cang to find this place and deal with him, and the old man can't guarantee that he will retreat all over." "


The white-robed woman waved her hand with a gloomy face.

A group of demons disappeared on the barren mountain, including the mysterious altar, leaving a dozen demon corpses lying on the ground alone.



Chu family!

Chu Nan was sitting on the bed, a trace of mist shrouded in his body, and his momentum was climbing rapidly.


With a bang!

His cultivation was stable at the peak of the first pin, but the next moment, he was shrouded in Haoran righteousness.

"Elder Meng, your method is really easy to use, it actually allowed me to break through from nothing to the peak of the first pin in less than a month, can this method be used by my brother, and let him break through faster."


Elder Meng's voice came out:

"You can break through so quickly because I am helping you stabilize the route of the exercises, and it is only with Haoran Zhengqi Protective Body that it has an effect."

"And your brother, although he has a strong talent, he does not have a Haoran righteous qi to protect the body, and it is easy to go crazy with this method."


Chu Nan nodded dissatisfied.

Although he had already guessed, he was still a little unwilling to hear that the method could not be used.

Boom! Boom!

There was a knock on the door, and then the housekeeper walked in quickly with a tray and said with a smile:

"Second master, it's time to eat!"


Put the dinner plate on the dining table in front of Chu Nan, and signal Chu Nan to eat with a smile.


Chu Nan nodded, got up and came to the dining table.

He smelled the food on the tray, and then said to the housekeeper: "Butler, this meal tastes a little strange." Butler

: "What's the blame?" Chu

Nan: "It's a pity, shit stew!" "

Shut up.


Chu Nan raised the yellow soup in the bowl to the butler, and at the same time, he immediately pulled out a long sword from under the dining table and stabbed it at the butler's heart.


A sound of flesh penetrating sounded.

"Ah..." let

out an inhuman scream from the butler.


A crack appeared on the top of its head, and gradually expanded to the point that the entire skull was divided into several tentacle-like monsters, two eyeballs erected on the tentacles, and fine fangs appeared.


Its entire body also quickly stretched to two meters, his palms turned into claws, and the cold light above flashed.


One of his claws pulled out the long sword on his body.

He yelled at Chu Nan: "Roar..." Endless

saliva spurted out, making Chu Nan, who was already as clean as Chu He, hurriedly dodge.

A trace of doubt flashed in the monster's eyes, and he roared: "You... How to discover the disguise of this demon.

"You're also a disguise."

Chu Nan's face showed a hint of disdain, and said, "Don't say that the housekeeper of my Chu Mansion doesn't laugh at all, just the smell of shit on your body, three zhang away, I can smell it's wrong." "

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