
Zhang Wei sat down a little decadently, picked up a token on the table, with [Hundred Households Sun Shang] written on it, and while rubbing the token, he waved his hand and said: "Go down."

"Also, take a set of clothes for the general flag and put it in the coffin of Chu River, and set up a crown grave."


Lu Feng nodded in reply.


Exiting the hall with a decadent face, although he had only followed Chu He for a short month, he worshipped each other very much.

Their arrogance, domineering, and style of acting are far beyond human understanding, but they are excellent to them.

At the very least:

for the treasures looted last time, he only took a piece of jade pendant, and the other part was divided equally among them as a reward.

Can follow such a leader: short-guarding, domineering, promising, and also generous leader, who can not love.


Town Moji North!

Over here!

There was no palace or a single town demon guard stationed there, only bluestone steles everywhere, and they were like a stone forest, erected on the earth within a radius of ten miles!

Exactly: Hero Tsuka!

Since the founding of the Great Qian People's Republic of China, all the town demon guards in Yunzhou that have fallen to more than 100 households, and the bluestones on both sides are hundreds of zhang, and at the same time depicted the town demon guards under the general banner, densely packed with no less than 100,000.

They all died in the slaying of demons, so every ten years there would be worship organized by the Demon Lord.


There are hundreds of demon guards in front of the hero tomb, many of them still have injuries on their bodies and crutches, but they still stand straight!

Because: Today is the day to bid farewell to their fellow soldiers, to those who fight with them.


Qian Hao stood quietly, his gaze scanning the stone stele forest

: [Tong Wei:

Three armies and hundred households, Daqian entered the town demon division in 956, and died with the demon in the late Sanpin demon in 975 in the Northwest Ping Demon War, dying at the age of 45. ] 】

【Deng Lun: Three armies and hundreds of households, Daqian entered the town of Moji in 966, and in 985, in the battle to destroy the ghost pool, he relied on self-explosion to drag the fourth-grade ghost. Dying age: 43 years old. 【

Zhengzhou: Deputy Thousand Households of the Three Armies...


One by one, familiar names appeared in his field of vision, making Qian Hao's eyes turn red.

These people!

All of them were once his subordinates, each of them was Tianjiao and elite, but they all fell in the prime of life.


In the past hundred years, the average life expectancy of the entire Yunzhou Town Demon Guard has not exceeded 25 years, which is really too frequent.

Such a number, even the Zhen Demon Division, who is known for raising cheats, is a little unbearable, and all this is because the demon calamity is becoming more and more frequent and more and more.

It can be said that

everything outside is now as usual, and the world is peaceful, but Yunzhou Town Demon Division paid several times the death in exchange for this, which few ordinary creatures know.

However, the sects and families who knew thought that they had seized the opportunity, hyped the danger of the Zhen Demon Division, and snatched excellent disciples, so that the strength of the Yunzhou Town Demon Division was much weaker than before.

This time, the Tianyuan Sect dared to collude with the White Lotus Sect, which showed that the prestige of the Yunzhou Town Demon Division was now much worse than before.


Qian Hao sighed helplessly.

The Great Qian Imperial Court is in decline, and at present, they can only try their best to stabilize the situation, and it is too difficult to turn the tide.

At last!

Qian Hao looked at the three new stone tablets in front of him, namely: Sun Shang, Zhang Yuan, and Chu He!

Among them: only Chu He is the identity of the general banner, but, because of his great meritorious service, he was personally ordered into the hero grave by Zhou Cang.

And the general banner has been put into the hero tomb, Yunzhou Town Demon Guard has been less than a hand since its establishment for hundreds of years.

"Let's go!"

Qian Hao said in a deep voice.


Zhang Wei strode to the front and shouted:

"In the 996th year of Daqian, the battle of the Jiuyou Town Demon, a hundred families of Sun Shang, a hundred families of Zhang Yuan, and the general banner Chu He sacrificed their lives for the country."

"Its general banner Chu River, with the strength of one person, the blood vein, the gas blood, the pain that ordinary people cannot understand, and the demon envoy of the late fourth rank, he died together with the late demon envoy of the fourth rank, and won a decisive role in the victory of the battle."

"Now: After the decision from above, posthumously seal Chu He wearing a red robe, entering the palace without worship, and being a Burmese hero."

With Zhang Wei's speech.

Lu Feng held the brocade plate in both hands, and above it was an unusually gorgeous red brocade robe, with a big red cape, made of cold ice silk, gold silk rusty dragon, knife and gun, water and fire inviolation.

It is a real treasure!

"Coffin, burial!" Zhang Wei gulped.


Several town demon guards stepped forward to open the coffin under the stone tablet of the Chu River and put the red brocade robe into it!

Zheng ——!

Qian Haoqi raised the Zhen Demon Knife in his right hand and roared: "

The Zhen Demon lives on!"

Zheng ——!

Zheng ——!

Hundreds of Zhen Demon Guards raised their Zhen Demon Knife at the same time and shouted in unison: "

Zhen Demon Eternal!"

"The demon lives on!"


the earth-shattering roar resounded throughout the entire Yunzhou Town Magic Division.


All the Zhen Demon Guards looked at the hero tomb, no matter how big or small the position, high or low, or what they were doing, they silently raised the Zhen Demon Knife in their hands.

Firmly: "The town demon lives on!" "



Just when a Zhen Demon Wei had just lifted the stone tablet and pried open his clothes, intending to put the red brocade robe into it.

A loud shout came from afar: "Slowly." "


Hear someone stop it!

Immediately, all the Zhen Demon Guards were furious, and now, Chu He is their hero, but when he is buried, someone stops him, no matter who it is, they want to make each other look good.




The hundreds of Zhen Demon Guards all turned around, and the Zhen Demon Knife in their hands was unsheathed, ready to start war without saying a word.


Next moment!

All the Zhen Demon Guards, including Qian Hao and Zhang Wei, were stunned in place like sculptures, their eyes widened extremely quickly, and their mouths opened wide.


Directly ahead, a man wearing a brocade robe, carrying a Zhen Demon Knife on his waist, and a grim-looking man walked step by step.

With a smile at the corner of his mouth, he said in a deep voice: "Put it down, this general flag will be dug up and worn again, it is unlucky."

"It's Chu River!"

"How is it possible, could it be that a demon invaded the Town Demon Division and blinded our five senses."

"Nonsense, how many demons dare to invade the Zhen Demon Division, besides, Commander Zhou can sit in the headquarters."

"Then he... Chu River is not dead? "

For a moment.

The faces of many Zhen Demon Guards were ecstatic, and it was not obvious that the General Banner Chu River did not die after falling off the cliff.

"My lord... You.. Not dead!

"My lord, I knew you weren't going to die."

"Adult, it's great that you're back, you don't even know, Lu Feng secretly cried in the bed last night."

", Lao Tzu is praying to adults... You know a yarn.....,"

Lu Feng and the others ran to Chu He's side at great speed, and said with a look of surprise, excitement, and trembling.


Chu He nodded.

With the support of the Zhen Demon Guards, he walked to the front of the Hero Tomb and said to Qian Hao and Zhang Weilang:

"General Banner Chu River, come back and regain your life!"

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