"General banner Chu River, come back and regain your life!"

The calm voice resounded in the ears of all Zhen Mowei, and it also made Qian Hao and Zhang Wei in front of him come back to their senses.

Trample! Trample!

Zhang Wei walked to Chu He in two steps, stretched out a hand to pat the other party's shoulder, and said excitedly:

"Laozi knows that you are not so easy to die."


Chu He arched his hand to Qian Hao again, and the other party said that he was also his top boss at this stage.


Qian Hao nodded and said in a loud voice: "Just come back, what stone monument do you have, quickly put on the red brocade robe to Chu Zongqi."

"When the hero goes home, the treatment will not change, in the future, Chu He can enter the temple without worship, and the merit points will no longer be stored."


Qian Hao walked into the distance, and when he passed by Chu He's side, he also patted the other party's shoulder and said:

"Get together with them well, and report to Ben Qianhu in two hours, the process of walking still has to walk."

Shut up.

Its figure disappeared in a flash.



Chu He looked at Qian Hao, who left, and Zhang Wei, who was still excited in front of him, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.


It's different from what he imagined!

There is no bloody plot: there is no cat or dog to provoke himself and let him immediately explain the disappearance.


he did not ask on the spot about the matter of breaking through so quickly, but let him talk to his subordinates first.

"It seems that although the Zhen Demon Division is decaying, it is still very benevolent and righteous here, and it is also very protective."

Chu He said secretly in his heart.

From the attitude of Qian Hao, Zhang Wei and others just now, you can see the decline of Daqian, because he is not in the Zhen Mosi.

Combined with the strange decrees that the imperial court has continuously issued in recent years, as well as the old emperor's old age, it is probably understood that the problem is likely to lie in the court, and there are too many factions and consume each other.


It cannot be ruled out that there are factions colluding with rebel forces everywhere, for them: power is supreme, and everything else is a floating cloud!


Lu Feng handed the red brocade robe to Chu He with an excited expression.

Zhao Yuan and the others also secretly breathed a sigh of relief, although they all had confidence in Chu He, and they also left gestures for them before, but at that time, Chu He's state was too bad, plus it was difficult not to worry about falling off a cliff.

"Congratulations to the adults for not dying, and there will be blessings!"

"If you don't die, there will be happiness!"


the town demon guards sincerely congratulated, after all: to be precise, they were all saved by Chu He.

At last!

Two hours later!

Chu He followed Zhang Wei towards the big tent of the three armies, and because he had just experienced the battle of Jiuyou Town, he caused Zhen Mosi to suffer heavy losses.


Most of the town demon guards were sent out to carry out tasks, plus there were very few town demon guards around the hero tomb, so the two of them did not meet other beings along the way!


Inside the military tent!

Qian Haoduan sat above Hua Throne with a slight frown

, and said, "You mean: after falling off the cliff, he was swept away by the river, and then he was taken into the cave by a black bear, and when he died,

he accidentally ate black fruit."

After that, he recovered from his injuries when he woke up, and his cultivation also broke through to the current middle of the third grade.

"Yes, my lord!"

Chu He nodded.

"What does that black fruit look like?"

"Humanoid, vaguely see some relatively fine blood streaks above, a little hot to the touch."

"Black God Fruit!"

"Black God Fruit!"

Qian Hao and Zhang Wei both exclaimed at the same time.

No wonder they were so surprised, although the black god fruit is only a sixth-grade spirit fruit, it is more precious than many seventh- and eighth-pins, because it is extremely rare and the growth conditions are extremely strange:

it is possible anywhere, graves, underground palaces, caves, snowy mountains, etc., since ancient times, the place where the black god fruit has been found is basically not the same, nor does it have any rules.


Its role is not to be underestimated, not only can it treat all the injuries of warriors below the fifth grade, but also improve talent and soul power, and it is a collection of spiritual fruits that heal and assist.

"I didn't expect Chu He, you have such an opportunity, stimulate the potential, briefly improve your strength, but it is a blessing in disguise."

Qian Hao nodded and sighed with emotion: "One chance, break through the middle of the third grade, save at least two years of hard practice." "

Serendipity!" Chu He nodded secretly when he saw that Qian Hao did not continue to ask.

Of course!

Everything he just said is made up!

The Black God Fruit was also deliberately guided by him to guess and had concealed the existence of his system and soul.

After all: these two he couldn't explain at all, and Zhen Moji must have a record.

"Very good!"

"This battle in Jiuyu Town caused heavy losses to the Zhen Mosi, even the hundred households fell by two, now, you break through the middle of the third grade just to make up for a vacancy, six battalions and hundreds of households, belong to you!"

Qian Hao nodded to Chu He and affirmed: "Commander Zhou asked Nawu to personally say that tonight: a regular meeting of the Zhen Demon Division will be held, and then most of the hundred households will rush back to participate, and your position will also be announced."

"Don't let Ben Sento down, go down!"


Zhang Wei and Chu He nodded in reply.


Get out of the military tent quickly!


Outside the military tent!

Zhang Wei raised his hand and congratulated, "Congratulations to Chu Baihu!"

Chu He did not make a hypocritical excuse, but said solemnly: "In the future, if you ask for anything, I will do my best to help." "

These words!

Chu He did not lie, since he joined the Zhen Demon Division, he had been taken care of by the other party all the time, although even if there was no other party to take care of, no one could stop his advance.

But Zhang Wei's care could not be offset!

Even if: now that he has broken through the middle of the third grade and his status is equal to the other party, Zhang Wei still has no trace of jealousy.

Instead, it is a care from the bottom of the heart!



Town Moji Central Square!

Countless torches were erected, making the entire square as bright as day!


Thousands of Demon Guards stood neatly, and in front were the three armies of thousands of households, deputy thousand households, and hundreds of households!

It can be said that except

for the hundred families stationed in the camps in the county towns, and all the appearances on secret missions!


A majestic voice sounded.


The whole square is silent!

They all looked at the ring in front of them, where a domineering figure stood up, exactly: Zhou Cang!

"This regular meeting: It is to announce the deployment arrangements in various places, and the battalions will change their defenses for three years as usual, and from now on: there will be no need to make the slightest concession to the disciples of the sects, families, and wealthy families!

Provocateur: Kill!

Collaborators with demons: Kill!

Those who indiscriminately use force to insult the people: kill! "

The three monstrous killing words made the atmosphere of the entire square explode, they have indeed been too low-key in recent decades, and it is time to let those sects know: who is the big brother!"


The three armies and thousands of households stood up one after another to answer.


Zhou Cang nodded and said again

: "Next, announce a notice of appointment: the six battalions of the three armies and the hundred households have unfortunately fallen, and now:

Chu He has outstanding meritorious achievements and has both ability and integrity, and it is precisely the appointment of him as the sixth battalion and hundred households."

"Where is Chu River!"


An earth-shattering shout sounded from behind the crowd.




There was a sound of heavy footsteps.

Everyone subconsciously looked back and saw...

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