
A cold man wearing a red brocade robe and carrying a Zhen Demon Knife on his waist strode over, and the big red cloak behind him flew in the wind, extremely domineering!

"Chu River!"

"He didn't even die. Bah.. No, he shouldn't be alive. Bah.. It's not right either.

"You can survive when the oil runs out of the lamp and falls, and you can also break through to the three-grade cultivation, how do you feel that you are watching the routine life of the protagonist of the script."

"Hiss... I have to admit that his outfit is really handsome, wearing a red dragon robe, how glorious it is. "

For a while.

Many Zhen Demon Guards said a little shocked.


Chu He, who was supposed to die and the memorial service was over, actually appeared in front of them alive, and also broke through the three-grade cultivation and boarded the six camps and hundred households, making them unacceptable for a while.


The rear town demon guard still subconsciously gave way to the roads on both sides, allowing the Chu River to flow unimpeded.

At this time!

Except for a few hundred households who had a good relationship with Zhang Wei who learned the news in advance, the other hundred households were also confused!

"Zhang Baihu, what's the situation!"

"How can this subordinate of yours survive and become a hundred households."

"Ahem: Ahem.."

Zhang Wei looked up to the sky and coughed lightly twice, and said with a proud face: "The child has no mother, the story is long, you guys will be finished watching." "


Chu He walked to the position of many hundred households and said in a loud voice: "The six battalions of the third army of the Zhen Mo Division, the hundred households, Chu He, come to report." "Good


Zhou Cang nodded, and a token appeared in front of Chu He with a flick of his big hand, and said: "This is a hundred household token, made of special materials, which can transmit news to each other in the land of one state, and it has the effect of demon-calming, ordinary second-grade demons dare not approach Shizhang." "


Chu He took the token, felt the cold aura coming from above, and knew that this was a treasure of the devil.

For the hundred tokens!

Zhen Moji maintains a recycling system, that is: once the hundred households fall, the token will be recycled and given to the next one, and his token is exactly Sun Shang's.

Chu He raised the token and shouted loudly:

"Zhen Demon, Eternal Existence!"

Brush! Brush! Brush!

Thousands of town demon guards, whether they are hundreds of households, general banners, or ordinary town demon guards, have raised their tokens:

"Town demons, eternal existence!"

"Demon Town, Eternal Existence!"


earth-shattering shout resounded throughout Xiao Banyunzhou City, frightening countless family powerhouses with pale faces!

They didn't know what had happened, but they remembered the last time it was decades ago when Zhen Moji went on a killing spree!


This night!

Many family leaders have not slept well, and they are afraid that they will be found and slaughtered by the Zhen Demon Division as soon as they wake up!

Even if the imperial court is declining now, if the Zhen Mosi really wants to use real fire to kill, they can't do the slightest, which is why every time the Zhen Mosi is tough, other sects and families dare not be presumptuous.



Inside the tent of the three armies!

Qian Hao put down the scroll in his hand and said: "Chu River, arrange for the sixth battalion above to go to Qingshan County to change defenses.

"There: it is your hometown, and this time you go back to be regarded as the Glory Ancestor, you can do it once."

"Commander Zhou ordered: Say that you are the hero of the Yunzhou Town Demon Division, and the existence of the red rusty dragon robe does not have to be low-key."


Chu He nodded in reply.

The meaning in Qian Hao's words is obvious: probably because there are forces in Qingshan County who have always been very disobedient, but perhaps due to special reasons, the Yunzhou Town Demon Division cannot directly suppress it.


Let him go to find fault in the name of changing defenses, after all: his arrogant and unsightly posture is well known in Yunzhou, plus he has just made great achievements, but he can be more rampant and fearless.



Chu Mansion!

At this moment, countless servants were hanging red lanterns all over the mansion, looking festive.

Everyone who passed by couldn't help but look at it twice, and many people showed curiosity on their faces:

"What is the situation?"

"You don't know that Fuzhou came to report early this morning: The second master of Chu Mansion raised people in high school, and tomorrow he will put on a banquet."

"If you raise people, don't you have the qualifications to enter Beijing to catch up with the exam, and if you successfully open the Confucian Palace, then you are not a great figure."

"Chu Mansion was originally a rich businessman in our Qingshan County, and the eldest brother is the general banner of the Zhen Mosi, presumably, this banquet must be full of high friends."

A scholar who was also a Xiucai envious.

The people around him also nodded, whether it was the general banner of the Zhen Mosi or the identity of a person, it was enough for the major forces in the county to come and congratulate him.

After all: there is no harm in making friends with two people with promising futures, but it is easy to get into trouble if you do not participate in offending.

"Not necessarily!"

Another scholar shook his head and said with disdain, "He is a scholar with a broken arm, even if he enters Beijing, he can't have any results."

"Besides: let's raise people from Qinshan County's high school this time, but there are also the eight princes of the Qinghai Gang, let's walk and see."

Finish speaking.

With a sneer, he walked towards the Qinghai Gang station.


Chu Mansion Lobby!

Chu Nan was sitting on the top of the first place, listening to the butler's report on the matter of organizing a banquet for him.

"Why do you want to change the place of the wine banquet, is Chu Shan Lou bad."

"Second Master... This one.. Chushan Lou is in the north, and feng shui is not good, so I propose to hold it in Dongyang Lou in the east. The

butler wiped his cold sweat and said.

"Second Master, the big thing is not good, something happened..."

A guard quickly ran to the lobby with an anxious look on his face, ignoring the butler's eyes, and hurriedly said:

"Second Master, the Qinghai Gang is going to hold a banquet in the Qinghai Building directly opposite the Chushan Tower, and invite all the people we have invited."


Chu Nan put down the teacup in his hand and said lightly: "Butler, give you ten breaths to explain." "

Second Master, subordinates should die."

The housekeeper said with a pale face: "The news of the death of the family master has spread in the upper echelons of Qingshan County, the Qinghai gang is powerful, and there are several major prefecture gates behind it.

One but: banquet with the opposite side, it is likely that our side will be deserted. "

Shut up.

The butler's face showed a hint of concern.

He has been in Chu Mansion for ten years, and he has regarded the whole as a real home, and he doesn't want to see Chu Nan sad, nor does he want him to see the world is cold and full of life.

In this way:

it is easy to affect his reading and cultivation!

"You also think that Big Brother has fallen." Chu Nan picked up the teacup again and took a sip of tea, and said coldly: "Just do it in Chushan Lou, everything is as usual." "


The butler nodded at Chu Nan's firm eyes.


Qinghai Gang!

Wang Longduan sat on the tiger skin throne, although he was full of white hair, but he was in good spirits, he was the leader of the Qinghai Gang!

In the early stage of cultivation to the third grade, he was a top figure in the entire Qingshan County, and even the resident town demon camp needed to give three thin noodles.

"Gang Master Wang, why did we specially invite all the people invited by the Chu Mansion, and put the banquet opposite it."

A protector asked suspiciously.

The other protectors also showed doubts, after all, Chu Mansion is also a rich merchant in Qingshan County, although Chu He is dead, his connections may not completely disappear, so suppressing the other party is a thankless thing.


Wang Long patted the table and said angrily: "What connections can a death general banner have, now the Zhen Mosi is weak, plus the change of defense is imminent

, as long as our Qinghai Gang makes a name and becomes the leader of Qingshan County, it will definitely be valued by all gates, and the resources are tilted, by then, are you afraid of a lack of resources."

"The Chu Mansion is just a stepping stone to the rise of our Qinghai Gang."

"Chuanben Gang Leader's Order: Anyone who dares to see the banquet of the Chu Mansion will become the enemy of the Qinghai Gang."

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