Night falls!

The mansions of Aoyama County are brightly lit!

Because they have all received the announcement issued by the Qinghai Gang, they have to pay attention to this.

After all:

the Qinghai gang is very powerful, and there are also state giants above to support, and they also have to think more.

Inside a mansion!

The crutches old man frowned and asked, "How do you think you should decide on this matter, whether to go to Chu and Qinghai."

"Patriarch, normally speaking: we should go to the Chu Mansion, after all, we have had a lot of business with each other over the years.

But now is not the past, the Chu River has fallen, not only is there no backstage of the Zhen Mosi, the relationship network of his previous imperial capital may also be broken, and now, it is not worth offending the Qinghai Gang for him. Below

, a middle-aged man stood up and said.

"Big brother is right."

"As for business, it's a big deal that we won't do it with him anymore."

"In the past, it was related to Chu River in the emperor, so we did business with him, but now that he has fallen, it is better not to cooperate."

Everyone seconded.

It's not that they don't show mercy, this is the cruelty of the fantasy world, no matter how brilliant it is in life, once it falls, it will be in vain, and people die like lights.

In the past!

Everyone may be able to maintain the surface project for three or five years, but now they are under pressure from the Qinghai gang and collapse on the spot.

"Okay, just do as Yun'er says!"

The old man on crutches nodded and said, "Tomorrow, prepare a generous gift for the old man to personally go to Qinghai to help congratulate." "


Everyone nodded in response.

Not only this mansion, but also other forces in the entire Qingshan County have also made the same move, after all: a good choice!

On the one hand, the Chu Mansion, which has obviously declined, and on the other hand, the Qinghai Gang, which is on the rise, can make decisions quickly, even stupid people, this is the way for the survival of big forces.



At the door of the magic division in Yunzhou Town!

Hundreds of town demon guards rode spirit horses and were ready to go, and the person at the head, wearing red brocade robes and grim faces, was Chu He.

"Sir, today is the day to change defenses, and with the speed of our spirit horse, we can rush to Qingshan County in three hours."

Zhao Yuan smiled at Chu He: "There is also the second master high school to raise people, today will hold a banquet in Chushan Lou." "

Well, that's good!"

A smile appeared at the corner of Chu He's mouth, and he shouted: "Go!" "

Shut up.

Riding a spirit horse and galloping outside the city, hundreds of demon guards in the rear followed closely, like ten thousand horses galloping.

Trample! Trample! Trample...!

The deafening sound of horses' hooves alarmed many forces in the city, and they all went out to investigate the situation:


A mansion housekeeper opened the door and looked over the sound: I


Hundreds of town demon guards rushed on the official road, the leader of which was dressed in a rusty gold brocade red robe, carrying a town magic knife on his waist, and a big red cloak on his back flew in the wind, like a peerless general going on a campaign: extremely majestic.

"It's Chu River!"

"Fog grass, how could he not die, and break through to the third grade cultivation."

"I have to be obedient, looking at his appearance, I'm afraid that if he has become a town demon guard, this is to change defense."

"Is he wearing a red brocade robe, but the rust on it is a golden dragon, what a mother's majesty."


Everyone who saw the scene of a hundred horses running, plus the existence of the Chu River, was all stunned in place like a sculpture.


Then they ran madly towards their respective forces!

In just one pillar of incense, the news that Chu He was not dead spread throughout Yunzhou City!

A roar came from the major mansions:

"What, Chu He is not dead!"

"He also broke through the middle of the third grade and became a hundred households in six camps!"

"What kind of shit luck is his mother, and what is he going to do with the hundreds of demon guards, change defenses?"

"It's not good, let Aoyama-gun be careful."


Many forces were disturbed by the appearance of the Chu River and began to give orders to Qingshan County.

At this time!

Aoyama-gun is like a quiet pond when a small shark suddenly breaks in, a small but really difficult predator to mess with.



North Street!

This area is famous as a bustling place in the whole of Aoyama County, and there are major shops on both sides of the street all year round!

It is lit up until night, and all walks of life can find their place on this street.

However: most of the stalls on North Street today have not been released!


Today is the day when the Chu Mansion and the Qinghai Gang hold a banquet, and the major merchants have cleared the road for guests to pass.

North Street Central!

Two high-end restaurants against each other!

Exactly: Chushan Lou, Qinghai Lou.

The two restaurants are lit up, the servants inside are constantly busy back and forth, and there are countless guests on both sides of the door.


At the same time: there are countless guests in the Qinghai Building, and the welcome guests at the door are constantly shouting.

"Patriarch Chen of Bai County has arrived!"

"The master of the Great Dao Gate has arrived!"

"The head of the Wang family has arrived!"


the shout was deafening, making many residents who came to see the lively look of envy:

"The Qinghai Gang really deserves to be the top gang in our Qingshan County, standing in Qingshan County for hundreds of years, and the face is him."

"You see, all the figures with heads and faces in our Qingshan County come to the scene, even the surrounding counties."

"It's a pity, the Chu family is miserable today!"


Everyone looked at Chu Shanlou with regret!

The greeter at the door looked extremely embarrassed, because no one had set foot on the Chushan Tower from beginning to end!


those forces who had befriended the Chu family before also turned to Qinghai Lou as guests, and they didn't even prepare a gift for them.

"The Chu family is also a wealthy family, how can it be so miserable."

A young man asked puzzled.

"You don't know: the news that came yesterday, the fall of the Chu River in Jiuyou Town, and the Qinghai Gang spread the word that anyone who dares to participate in the banquet of the Chu Mansion is his enemy."

An old man sighed, "You say, does anyone else dare to attend his banquet?" The

young man scratched his head and said, "Aren't they afraid of Chu Nan High School in the future and becoming Confucian Daoists?"

The old man said helplessly: "Young man, you are still too young, Chu Nan does not care how he learns, after all, he is a one-armed student, the possibility of high school is almost zero, besides: without his brother's protection, he may not be able to live to participate in the examination." "


"Second Master, why did you come down."

Chu Shan downstairs.

The housekeeper saw Chu Nan coming down from upstairs and hurriedly greeted him, looking like he wanted to say nothing!

He was afraid that Chu Nan would not be able to bear it when he saw that there were no guests attending his banquet.

"Come down and see how cold the world is!"

Chu Nan's face was flat, and he looked at the two middle-aged men who were about to step into the Qinghai Building and said, "Look at how the dog that survived after being helped by the Chu Mansion staged a turn of his face and did not recognize the owner."


The two middle-aged men turned red, but they didn't dare to refute anything, so they could only quickly run into the Qinghai Building.

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