Two hours later!

The guests dispersed, and Chu He led the town demon guard to leave the inn!


He also has to go to the Zhendemon Camp to change defenses!


Chu He turned over, and the rest of the Baiwei followed closely!

"Zhao Yuan, are you sure about the elixir?"

"My lord, it's true, in the internal records: there are indeed several Birth Creation Pills in the headquarters of the imperial capital, which can live the dead and give birth to white bones.

However, being listed as a strategic resource is not at all redeemable with merit points, and can only think of other ways.

Zhao Yuan immediately replied quickly.


He approached Chu He and said again: "Zi Rat and other adults have also found several methods of rebirth with broken arms, but at present, none of them are completely free of sequelae, and the second master's arm is not an ordinary broken arm." "Good


Chu He nodded, and a light flashed in his eyes.


He only has two obsessions, one: climb to the peak of this fantasy world and see the prosperity and mystery of the world, and second: help Chu Nan recover his right arm and become a normal person again.

Shake your head!

Chu He didn't think too much anymore!

What he has to do now is how to quickly improve his cultivation, only if he is strong enough, he can have the ability to ask the imperial capital for pills, and even: directly lead his subordinates to enter the imperial capital to grab medicine!


Chu He pulled the horse rope and ran towards the Zhendemon Camp!


Hundreds of Demon Guards followed!

All the way on the rampage, tens of thousands of people retreated, there was no convergence at all, but still no one dared to be angry!


Even ordinary people know: today is the day of the change of defense in the Zhen Demon Camp, and it is the practice to ride on the street of a hundred horses!

The first is: announce the new Zhen Demon Camp to settle in Qingshan County, and the second is: deter the major forces in the county, who is the big brother!


Qinghai Gang Station!

Bite.. Oh: Syllable.. Boom...

The sound of crazy falling things sounded in the hall!

The many guards at the frightened door turned pale, and they did not dare to make the slightest sound, for fear of attracting the attention of the people inside!

Inside the main hall!

Everywhere the jade bottles, tables and chairs, Wang Long stood in the center with a livid face, and his fists clenched only rattled.

"Chu He..."

"He actually killed my son in public, and insulted the gang master, this breath the gang master can't swallow."

"Great Elder, why didn't you make a move today, are you really afraid that the hairy boy will not succeed."

Wang Long looked at the old man above.


The Great Elder's face changed, and he slammed the table!


Leng said: "

You have seen the hairy boy in the middle of the third grade, wearing a red robe of a golden rust dragon, and a hundred households of Zhen Devil."

"Now, he is a hundred households in the town of Qingshan County, and nominally, even the county guard of Qingshan County is also subject to his three-point temperance."

"Today, if he is not afraid that the influence will be too great, I am afraid that our Qinghai Gang will really be in danger of destroying the gang."


The Great Elder's face showed a hint of jealousy.

The reason why he didn't make a move today was not only because he was worried that provoking the Zhen Demon Guard on the day of the change of defense would be hated by the Zhen Mo Si, mainly because he felt a faint death crisis in Chu He.

His intuition told him:

once he makes a move, even he himself will fall!


This intuition is ridiculous!


How dare he gamble with his own life!

"Then what to do, is it: today's hatred is like this, Shuang'er died in vain, and let that Chu River run amok."

Wang Long still roared unwillingly.

He can't swallow this breath at all, and the death of his son is nothing, it's a big deal, try hard tonight!

But now!

He knelt on the ground in public for half a column of incense, and was seen by all the major forces in Qingshan County, which can be described as: Face is lost!

In the future: His experience in the entire Qingshan County will become the laughing stock of everyone, and it will be a stepping stone for the prestige of Chu River!

"Of course we won't stop there!"

The Great Elder waved his hand and said, "The most urgent task is to ask several gates in the prefecture whether there is a backstage behind the Chu River.

"Why did he break through the third grade in a short period of time, if you don't understand this, you can't do it easily."

Shut up!

He looked at Wang Long, who was still full of anger, and admonished: "In the recent period, we must be safe and guard, then Chu He will definitely look for trouble with our Qinghai Gang."

"Once we are caught by it and don't have any handles, we may be in danger."


Wang Long nodded.

He is also not a person who cannot see the situation clearly, knowing that now is not the time to be angry, he must think in the long run!

As for the insult that Chu He gave him today, he would definitely come to retaliate tenfold or hundredfold.


He didn't know how miserable he would die in the future!


Aoyama-gun Chuo!

There is a huge open space, surrounded by four high walls, so that no one can see the layout inside!

Here it is: Zhen Devil Camp!

When Chu He and the other hundred horses rushed to the gate of the Zhendemon Camp, the iron army had long led the major general banners and small banners to wait.

"Haha..." "

Brother Chu, you are finally here!"

"Lao Tie has been waiting here for a while, how about it, has the problems of the Qinghai Gang been solved."

Tie Jun laughed and said.


His eyes looked at Chu River and revealed a strange light!

1 month ago!

The two had just met in the mountain temple outside the city, and at that time, the other party's cultivation had just reached the second rank, but he had independently killed a fallen elder of the White Lotus Sect, and he had not been harmed.


He was very impressed by Chu River!


The other party will definitely break into the world!

Sure enough, within a few days, the other party became the general banner and went to Jiuyou Town to carry out a mission, and he was famous!

For this reason, when he heard that Chu River fell in Jiuyou Town, he also lamented his untimely death and Mag Shroud!

But he never expected that

in just a few days, when he got the news, Chu He had broken through the middle of the third grade, became a hundred households in

six battalions, and he wanted to lead his subordinates to Qingshan County to change defenses with him!

One month!

The other party has grown from a genius he is optimistic about to an existence that can be on an equal footing with him, who can believe it!

"Brother Tie, it's late!"

Chu He dismounted and said with a smile.

Although he is arrogant by nature, the iron army was also very good to him at the beginning, and in front of the other party, there is no need to pretend to be big!

"Of course not!"

Tie Jun waved his hand and said, "Go, Lao Tie will take you around this town demon camp, this will be your territory in the next three years." "


Just lead Chu He to check the important places in the Zhen Demon Camp, such as: arsenal, dungeon, cultivation room, Dan pharmacy... Wait a minute!

Overall: Qingshan Town Demon Camp does not have too valuable things, and the arsenal is some conventional flying fish suits and town magic knives, all of which are limited in number, less than two hundred!

Of course!

This is for Zhen Mosi, if it is placed in the outside world, it is enough to make any third-grade sect envious to the point of madness!

One hour later!

The iron army said goodbye to Chu He and led his hundred guards to Yunzhou, and he also needed to go back as soon as possible to regain his life!

Above the central hall of the Zhen Demon Camp!

Chu He stood quietly, his eyes looked up to the sky, and said domineeringly:

"It won't take long, the peak of the Great Dry, only the honzaer!"

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