
Demon Camp Station, Dungeon Entrance!

Chu He looked at the dungeon in front of him, which was obviously a few sizes smaller than the Yunzhou Zhen Demon Headquarters, and a strange light flashed in his eyes.

"Sir, this is the dungeon key!" Lu Feng took out a key made of Xuan Iron and handed it to Chu He, saying, "

There are some less important demons imprisoned here, but each of them also has some value, so the previous hundred households will torture according to the custom, trying to ask something."

"However, these demons are also relatively intelligent, and basically rarely say anything useful, and only occasionally pop up a little to save their lives."

"Get down!"

Chu He waved his hand.

"Yes, subordinates retreat!"

Lu Feng replied and turned to leave.

"It's kind of interesting, I just don't know how many valuable demons will be left in the previous terms."

Chu He thought to himself in his heart.

According to the rules of the Zhen Demon Division: the credit for killing demons and capturing demons is equal, so Zhen Demon Wei occasionally captures some demons that may be valuable alive.

Want to get some valuable information from their mouths in exchange for more credit, Yunzhou Town Demon Division Town Demon Prison is the same.

Of course!

Those demons are not stupid, most of them will only explain useful information little by little, so as to live longer.

To this!

There is no way to stop the demon guard, after all: there is no merit for killing the dungeon demon, even if there is less information, you can only endure.


It was a place for torturing information for other town demon guards, but it had a deeper use for Chu He.


Open the dungeon and walk in.

The first floor: are all ordinary first-class demons, used to bolster the newly entered Zhen Demon Guard, they look at the figure of Chu River, all shrunk in the corner in fear, full of horror.


Chu He didn't even look at them, and went directly to the second floor!

"Roar..." "



Hundreds of second-grade demons were shouting, as if they were very happy to see the arrival of Chu River!

In particular, some of the demons with a weak breath, as if they had grasped a life-saving straw, said:

"The old man has secrets, very important secrets, as long as you get the old man a holy blood pill."

", the new Lord Baihu, I also know its secret, but I only need a Heavenly Blood Pill."

"The rebel... Time for Father is numbered, and if you want to fight with you for Father, I should have shot you on the wall in the first place..."

You are a bad old man, who is not about to die, how old are you, for the future of your son, death should not be, besides: who is who is the father in the next life is not certain. "

For a while!

The entire second floor of the dungeon is thoroughly fryered!

Images of fathers and sons turning against each other and relatives and friends killing each other abound, and they have all been detained for so long that they have run out of oil.

Previous Hyakuhu: Iron Army!

It is an existence that only knows about slaying demons and exterminating demons, and has not been to the dungeon a few times at all, and naturally has not replenished their resources.

This also led to: in three years, these second-grade demons were consumed to death, and the scene in front of them would appear.


Destined to disappoint them!

Chu He looked at the howling demon in the dungeon, a dangerous smile appeared on his face, and he waved his big hand: Boom

! Boom! Boom...!

More than a dozen prison doors were opened, and before the demons inside could react to what happened:





A ghost light kept flickering in the dungeon, and with each breath, several demons fell silently to the ground!

This scene!

Frightened other demons in the prison screamed madly:

"Ahhh Homicide... Wrong... Kill the demon..."

"Help... Zhen Mowei is crazy... Who will stop it..."

The mournful cries of pleas for mercy resounded through the empty dungeons, however, no one was destined to come to their rescue.

After half a column of incense!

The entire second floor of the dungeon was silent and deadly!


, the blood on the ground was no less than three inches thick,

flowing like a river to the third layer!

Chu River strode in the blood water:




Every step it takes is boundless blood!

However, the expression on his face was unusually flat, and his blood-red boots were not stained with any blood, which was exactly the ability of the red rusty dragon's golden robe, invincible and spotless.

"System, how many demon points are there at present."

"Host, there are currently a total of 1800 demon points."

"How many demon points are needed to break through the late stage of the third grade?"

"Host, five thousand is needed!"

Five thousand?

When Chu He heard the number of five thousand, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.


Every breakthrough before is to double and rise, and the initial upgrade of the third product to the middle of the third product is: 3200 points!

If: double it up again is 6400 points, it doesn't seem too outrageous, but it is unacceptable to God just turn it up!

At that time: I am afraid that breaking through to the eighth or ninth rank will not be enough to slaughter all the demons in the entire Great Dry Land Realm.

I don't know:

a piece of paper can be folded 42 times to reach aliens!

What's more: he is still just a person, if it is really so doubled and rising, Chu He can only say:

this system, don't do it!

Three underground floors!

There are no less than thirty prisons in total!

Among them, only about half of the demons were held, and when they saw Chu He's figure, their faces were relatively strange, obviously, they heard the screams of the second floor.

"This must be the new Lord of the Hundred Families."

A dog-headed demon said flatteringly: "In the lower part of the demon road that was originally a dog king in the mountains, and walked by chance, he didn't do anything bad."

"This, in order to celebrate the appointment of the new official of the adult, I took the initiative to explain a message: eight hundred miles east of the city, there is a demon stronghold, the code: the previous sentence: Who is the dog thing, the next sentence: the dog thing is me."

Shut up.

The dog-headed demon licked his tongue apprehensively.

"Lick the dog!"

The demon in the prison next to him said sarcastically.

"Hey, what's wrong with licking the dog, Lao Tzu was originally a dog, besides: the adult is a demon guard, and there is no shame in licking a dog."

The dog-headed demon retorted on the spot.

It also doesn't want to be so humble, one thing: it's not very bold by nature. The second is that the blood and water on the second floor have already flowed under its feet.

"What is Hyaku-sama doing here?"

"I want to get some useful information, the old man is the hungry ghost king of Ghost Mountain, and he knows a lot of core secrets about Ghost Mountain."

"This king is the Yin Corpse King, and he knows some secrets about the collusion of officials in the Great Qian Emperor Capital with the Corpse Sect, what do you plan to exchange it for."


The demons of the three layers also began to introduce themselves either arrogantly or pretendly, intentionally or unintentionally saying their value!


In the corner!

A scruffy old man didn't say anything, he sat there quietly, if it weren't for the aura still exuding on his body, Chu He would think that he was just a dead demon!


Chu He looked at it and asked coldly,

"Why don't you introduce yourself!"

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