
Zhen Devil Station!

In a majestic palace, Qian Hao stood a little apprehensively below, looked at Zhou Cang with a grim face above, and asked:

"Sir, I don't know what is the big thing, can it be that there is another sect colluding with demons to make trouble."

Don't blame Qian Hao for being nervous.

Half an hour ago:

He was summoned by Zhou Cang, and as a result, as soon as he entered the hall, he found Zhou Cang's silent contemplation, which made him stand for half an hour and did not dare to speak.

"What's the matter?"

Zhou Cang threw out a scroll with a grim face and said, "This is the detailed information you sent to Chu He, have you confirmed it?" "


Qian Hao immediately picked up the scroll.

Open it and see:

Chu River, born in Qingshan County, parents died of illness in the early years, had a younger brother, and then relied on intelligence to establish Chu Mansion alone in Qingshan County, comparable to ordinary Yipin families, known as a wizard.

"Sir, I don't know what's wrong?"

Qian Hao asked suspiciously.

He asked Zhang Wei to investigate the content three times, and he also checked it in the city history of the county town, which should be accurate!

"Where things go wrong, see for yourself." Zhou Cang's face turned cold, and he waved his hand and threw out a scroll again.


Qian Hao hurriedly opened it to check it.


The content recorded in it is basically the same as what he sent, but there are a few more lines in his early experience:

In 985, a large-scale demon siege was carried out in Yun County, Qingshan County, and all the surrounding villages were washed in demon blood.

At that time, the elite of the Yunzhou Town Demon Division was pinned down by the White Lotus Sect, so they had to temporarily recruit sect disciples to support.

However, although the demon army was finally destroyed, none of the residents of the 81 villages around Yun County survived, and the history said: Yun County exterminated the bloody case.


Qian Hao looked at the new record, as if he had guessed something.


Next moment!

Zhou Cang said: "At the beginning, some displaced people escaped and came to the county town, and they were met halfway by the Golden Sword Gate.

"According to the original requirements of the Zhen Demon Division, they wanted to escort the displaced people into the county town, but the Golden Sword Gate did not want to delay the reward for killing the demons, so not only did they not escort the displaced people, but also pointed the opposite direction for the displaced people."

"As a result, there was no matter of life after the demon was destroyed, but it didn't take long for the Chu River brothers to appear in the county town."


Zhou Cang got up and walked towards Qian Hao step by step, and said heavily

: "According to the memories of some old people:

a one-armed child who was as skinny as a wood and covered in blood, carrying another scrawny comatose child, crawling on the ground little by little, there was no good skin on his body, and his eyes could not focus, but he was desperately protecting the person on his back."

"At that time, even many beggars thought that the two children would not survive, but after that: they snatched food with wild dogs and slept in the horse stubbornly. It's consistent with what you reported. "


Qian Hao's eyes began to tremble violently!

A picture came to his mind: a skinny boy covered in blood crawling on the ground with his brother on his back, leaving two lines of deep blood marks along the way.

It's hard to imagine how

two children under the age of ten could return to the county alive when they were pointed out on the wrong path.

At that time, the wild was full of demons and beasts, and other adults had fallen, not to mention two children.


Qian Hao took a deep breath and said

, "Sir, although my subordinates don't know why Chu He deliberately erased his past, my subordinates believe in his person."

"He definitely didn't have the intention of harming people when he entered the Zhen Demon Division, otherwise, he would not have chosen to die with the demon in the first place."

"Subordinates... Willing to vouch for him. "

Shut up.

Qian Hao's face showed determination.

He planned to carry something hidden for Chu He, because if this kind of thing was investigated deeply, Chu He would inevitably be implicated.

His great future was ruined, and it is likely that the above will personally ask him about his experience during his disappearance.

Doing so:

It's just revealing the scars of the Chu River again!

"You, you are still so reckless."

Zhou Cang shook his head helplessly and said, "Of course, this commander knows that Chu He is fine, and his entry into the Zhen Demon Division is most likely for those few life creation pills in the imperial capital headquarters, and reborn for his younger brother's broken arm." "

How can there be a problem with such a brotherly existence, only the experience in the early years makes him act differently than ordinary people, and Chu Nan's right arm is most likely broken for Chu River."

I see.

Qian Hao silently breathed a sigh of relief.

He also thought that the above was going to punish Chu He, it seems that he wants to do more, but since there is no problem, why call him.

"Look at this again!"

Zhou Cang handed another scroll to Qian Hao.


Qian Hao opened it, and his eyes froze.

Inside the reels!

It was impressively recorded that the location of the headquarters of the White Lotus Sect in Yunzhou was under the Black Mountain swamp next to Qingshan County!

"Sir, since we have found out the address of the White Lotus Sect's headquarters, let's quickly gather all the battalions to wipe it out in one fell swoop."

Qian Hao's face showed a hint of killing intent.


He had an extreme hatred for the White Lotus Sect.

After all:

half of the fallen Zhen Demon Guards in Yunzhou are related to the White Lotus Sect, except for some newly joined Zhen Devil Guards, all others have blood feuds with the White Lotus Sect.


If the White Lotus Sect headquarters of a state were to be destroyed, it would be a great achievement, and the imperial capital headquarters would give a lot of awards.


Zhou Cang shook his head and said, "

We still don't know the details of the White Lotus Sect, now Lord Tie has not returned, with the current strength of the Zhen Demon Division, even if the other party is destroyed, it will definitely suffer heavy losses."

"At that time, other forces in Yunzhou will easily take advantage of the fire to make trouble, so it is not the best time to make a move."


Qian Hao's face showed a hint of loneliness.


He knew that what Zhou Cang said was the truth, and once Zhen Mosi lost too much in battle, it would definitely make Yunzhou turbulent.


Other surrounding state capitals are also very unstable, and it is impossible to have the strength to support them at that time, which is not appropriate.

Qian Hao frowned and said, "Sir, then we can't do nothing and let the White Lotus Sect recover its vitality."

"Of course... No way.

A smile appeared on Zhou Cang's face and said, "We still have a trump card in Qingshan County that has not been used. "

Chu River?"


"His experience is simply too important, we only need to modify the Golden Sword Gate into the Zhen Demon Guard, and then put the news to the White Lotus Sect, you say: what will happen."

"Ah..." Hearing

Zhou Cang's words, Qian Hao's eyes suddenly lit up.

If this

news is released, the White Lotus Sect will most likely think that Chu He joining the Zhen Demon Division is looking for an opportunity to take revenge, then it is likely to find a way to win over Chu He.

Then, if they communicate well with Chu River in advance, they can make Chu He a double agent.


It was easy to find out the situation inside the White Lotus Sect, and Zhen Mosi had the opportunity to design traps to kill all of the White Lotus Sect.

"Go, leak this news to the White Lotus Sect, be careful not to let them notice it."

Zhou Cang ordered calmly.


Qian Hao nodded and asked, "Sir, what is the current situation of the Golden Sword Gate, if it is still there, it is easy to cause trouble." "

Huh... Golden Sword Gate!

Zhou Cang's face showed a disdain, "As early as five years ago, it was destroyed by the inexplicable figure Tu Zong. "

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