Outside Aoyama-gun.

Black Mountain swamps.


It is dark and humid all year round, full of poisonous insects, poisonous weeds, and even biogas can easily poison ordinary people.


Usually, no one or beast sets foot here, and this is the reason why the White Lotus Sect has been stationed here for hundreds of years without being discovered.

"Gaa We both made a fortune.

"It's not... It's all the credit of Ben Crow. "

... Without the old lady taking the initiative to drill into the grove with you, we can hear such useful news. "

Okay... The credit goes to you, but you should accompany me five more times into the grove, otherwise I will definitely not be able to do it. "


..." "Four times

..." "Three times..."



On a huge locust tree next to the swamp!

There are two demons standing, a dog-headed demon and a crow banshee, looking at the momentum: they are obviously both a demon.



The two demons rushed towards the swamp.

Oh, oh!


The two demons disappeared directly under the swamp!


Below the swamp!

It is a huge underground palace, a land that stretches for miles, and the big night pearls are hung on the walls to illuminate.

A large number of demons walk back and forth in the underground palace, and there are all kinds of them.

Central of the underground palace!

There is a huge palace, the book: The Temple of the Holy Virgin.

Over here.

It is the residence of the previous White Lotus Holy Daughters of Yunzhou.

Outside the main hall!

The two guards stood quietly, not squinting.

Syllable! Syllable!

There was a sound of footsteps.


Just now, the dog head and the crow demon came to the front of the Holy Lady's Temple.

"As soon as the report was made, it said: I heard important information on this outing, and I need to report it to the Holy Lady immediately."

The raven banshee said.


A guard nodded and walked into the hall to report.


The other demon was also a crow demon, and he looked at the crow banshee with a happy face and said: "Wife, you have finally returned, you want to kill me in the past two days." He


He looked at the dog-headed demon on the side again and said, "Thank you brother, you have taken care of my wife in the past two days, and after a few days, the eldest brother will invite you to have a good drink."

"You're welcome, you should."

The dog-headed demon nodded, with a hint of nostalgia on his face, and said firmly: "I will take care of it more when I have the opportunity in the future"


Inside the main hall!

Many powerful demons sat on both sides and discussed:

"Unexpectedly, we not only did not awaken the Holy Ancestor with such great efforts this time, but also damaged the altar."

"And that Chu River, not only did our demons suffer heavy losses, but they didn't fall, and their cultivation also broke through the third grade and became hundreds of households."

"No wonder Elder Hei has never heard from him since he went to the Chu Mansion, presumably it is related to that Chu River."


All the elders looked at the holy girl above.

After all!

The other party is the pillar of the White Lotus Sect, and although the plan is wrong this time, it still has absolute prestige.


The White Lotus Holy Girl's face was gloomy, her eyes flashed a blue light, and she said coldly: "

The matter of the altar has become a fact, but it must not be destroyed by the White Lotus Sect in other states."

"The next time to exchange the altar is three years later, so within three years, we must grow rapidly to suppress the destruction of the altar, it is best to directly grasp the entire Yunzhou in your hands, so that we will not be afraid of anything."

"But... How to develop.

A ghost-faced demon asked suspiciously.

The other demon elders also frowned, and after the battle of Jiuyou Town, the reputation of the White Lotus Sect dropped rapidly.

It can be said that whether

it is the dissipation of demons in the mountains, or other small organizations no longer take care of the White Lotus Sect's solicitation at all.


It's hard to grow in three years!


The saint also frowned, and she did not think of any way to develop and grow rapidly.


"Secretly seek to see and say that there is important news to report."

The guards bowed at the gate of the temple and shouted.

"Let her in."

The White Lotus Saint said majestically.


For a moment.

The crow demon appeared in the main hall and said excitedly: "I have seen the saint and the elders.

"The subordinates went out this time to find out an important intelligence, according to the old beggar in the city, the brothers Chu He and Chu Nan survived the massacre of the village extermination in Yun County."

"Moreover, the Zhen Demon Guards who came to support gave up saving them in order to gain more credit..."

He finally finished the news, which was basically the same as the real situation, except that the Golden Sword Gate became a demon guard.

What the?

It was actually the Zhen Devil who killed his family.

Then how could he take the initiative to join the Zhen Moji, could it be...


Many demon elders seemed to have gone to something.

That is: Chu He wants to take revenge on Zhen Moji!

"Haha... Heavenly help White Lotus Sect.

The White Lotus Holy Girl laughed twice and said, "In this way, Chu He and Zhen Mosi are enemies, then they are allies with us, and they can use him as a breakthrough to erode Zhen Mosi."

"So good!"

"Fortunately, the destruction of the village in Yun County was not the work of our White Lotus Sect, but a big breakthrough."

The old woman on crutches next to the saint said.

"What Meng Po said is reasonable."

The holy girl nodded and ordered: "Pass on the order, let our secret agents in Qingshan County kill all the beggars who knew about the year, and don't let the Zhen Mosi know the news."

"Yingwei, in two days, you will personally contact Chu River and tell him about the alliance, and you must win him over."

"Also, go to the Treasure Pavilion, take the lie detector, and ask him: Why did he die with the tiger demon in the original incident in Jiuyou Town, but he has forgiven the town demon master."


Basilica corner.

A black shadow came out to answer, and then its figure quickly dissipated like a real shadow.

After half a column of incense!

Many demon elders left one after another, leaving only the Holy Daughter and

Meng Po:

"Meng Po, how are you preparing?"

"Holy girl, it can be opened in two months at most, although I don't know what is inside, but the treasure should not be too few."

"Well... Don't make a mistake. The

saint nodded, and her gaze looked upwards to reveal a glimmer of light, which was the ultimate desire to reach the peak and want to live.

White Lotus Holy Daughter, thirty-six in one.

Failure: there is no way to live but death.


Just when the undercurrent of the underground of Aoyama County is turbulent!

Zhen Demon Camp, Main Hall!

Chu Heduan sat on the throne, and the momentum on his body gradually burst out, and the sound of dragon groans and elephant roars resounded throughout the hall.

Incomparably huge power, at this moment, a second-grade demon will definitely be suppressed and died on the spot if he steps into the hall.

"System, plus."

"Ding, add points successfully, the current level of Dragon and Elephant Town Prison Skill is late third grade, consuming demon points: 5000..."

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