"Sir, let's go next..."

Lu Feng asked Chu He.

He and his five town demon guards did not participate in the operation, but guarded Chu River as guards.


They can't play a role as a guard at all, but when hundreds of households travel, they can't force it.

"Go, follow the hundred households to travel through Qingshan City!"

Shut up.

As soon as the Chu River pulled the horse rope, the spirit horse galloped towards the main road in the city.


Lu Feng's five quickly followed.


A blacksmith shop in the east of the city.

Poof! Poof! Poof!

The shopkeeper is frantically smashing the iron with a sledgehammer, constantly, but his eyes are constantly looking around.


His focus was not on the iron in his hand, but on waiting for someone to appear.

It is directly opposite the second floor of the inn.

The figures of five people wearing fast suits stood upright, and the one at the head was handsome and heroic, and it was a woman.

"Senior sister, we are all squatting here for three days, I don't think he may be waiting for someone, he just loves to observe."

"Yes, I haven't slept for three days, I'm also a human, besides: I haven't broken through the martial artist yet, and my physique can't keep up."

A few catchers said to the woman.

"It will definitely wait."

A trace of firmness flashed in the woman's eyes, and she said, "During this time, we have obtained the general information of the blacksmith demon.

"He is a spy planted in the city by the Hundred Demon Market, once we find the demon connected with him, maybe we can find the station of the Hundred Demon Market by the vine, so as to find a way to eliminate it in one fell swoop."

"At the beginning, the Hundred Demon Bazaar killed the wronged souls of several villages for Liwei, and it was able to truly rest in peace."

"Senior sister, it's me who can't wait."

"Yes, I can still hold on."

"Senior sister, look quickly, there is a situation."

A catcher quickly pointed to the smithy.


The blacksmith handed an old woman a long sword in his hand, and peeked around a few times, shoving a scroll into her hand.

"Sure enough, the connector came."

The female catcher's face showed excitement.

He waved his hand and said, "All eyes are enlarged, and you must stare at that old woman." "

Shut up.

Just go downstairs quickly.


The next moment, she was stunned in place, her eyes not far away, and her eyes showed a hint of shock.

Trample! Trample! Trample!


Six Zhen Demon Guards came at great speed on fast horses.

"The demon dies."

The long knife of the head town demon guard was unsheathed and swung at the blacksmith.


The head fell to the ground and slowly turned into a black grimace.



"A knife in the devil."

The other town demon guards also quickly attacked the old woman and the others in the blacksmith shop.


All six people in the blacksmith shop, including the old woman, were killed, and three of them were demons.

"Nope... Want. The

female catcher quickly roared, but before her words could land, seven corpses were lying on the ground.

"Ahhh... Killing.

"No, they're demons... You can see that the face has changed..."

"Those few are obviously Lord Zhen Devil Wei, they are slaying demons and exterminating demons, not indiscriminately killing innocents, don't be afraid."

The surrounding residents were all scared at first.


After seeing the costumes of several Zhen Devil Guards, they all breathed a sigh of relief, obviously, the reputation of Zhen Devil Wei was still very high.

Just as several town guards were about to leave:

"Don't go, stop."



The female catcher jumped directly from the second-floor inn, and the other four male catchers in the rear hurriedly followed.

"Presumptuous, dare to intercept the Zhen Demon Guard."

A Zhen Demon Guard pulled out the Zhen Demon Knife in his hand, but it was held down by the small flag ark in front of him, and he looked at the five fast catchers blocking the road in front of him.

"Six doors?"

Fang Zhou looked down at the five people and said coldly: "Who gave you the courage of the six doors to dare to stop the Zhen Demon Guard." "


The four male predators were all frightened and took a step back, although they were all subordinates of the imperial court.

But: Zhen Devil Wei is not at all comparable to six doors, and the six doors are all small demons and small cases.

And the Zhen Demon Guard is to slaughter the sect and destroy the door at every turn, basically fighting with demons and monsters every day.


The female catcher's face remained unchanged and said,

"Fly feathers at the next six doors."

"This little banner lord, the official road is the road of the great people, why can't I wait for normal walking."

"Also, this blacksmith demon is a demon that I squat and guard at six doors, and I will soon track down the existence behind it, don't you need to give an explanation when you kill it like this today?"

"Confess... Haha..."

Fang Zhou looked up to the sky and laughed maniacally, and said, "I am waiting for the order of Lord Baihu: to kill all the demons in the city.

"If you want to explain, then go to our hundred households to ask in person, but I don't know: you, dare, no, dare."

"Why not... Wha..." Before

the female catcher could finish speaking, she was covered by the other four predators, dragged to the side and bowed:

"Don't dare, don't dare, please."


Fang Zhou drank loudly and led the Zhen Demon Guard to gallop away.

"Senior Sister Feiyu calm down."

"The hundred households he said are Lord Chu He, that is not an ordinary hundred households, our six doors can't afford to offend."

"Senior Sister Feiyu, don't be reckless."

A few male predators quickly began to frantically brainwash Feiyu, and they were afraid that their reckless senior sister would really go to Chu He.

"Let go."

Feiyu snorted coldly.


His eyes flashed with a glimmer.

As a chaser of the wind by six doors, she naturally knows about Chu River, but since her debut, it has stirred up the storm in less than three months.

If: at the beginning, he was extremely talented, and quickly became the general banner and killed the disciples of the Divine Sword Sect in public, it only made him a little famous.

Then, he killed the tiger-headed demon in one fell swoop in Jiuyou Town, and was given a red rust dragon golden robe to become famous in a battle, and he was already regarded as the number one person in the entire Yunzhou.

Of course:

ordinary Yunzhou residents believe that Chu He is a hero, killing demons to save the people of Li from fire and water.

However, the family, sects, gangs, and people in the imperial court knew that Chu He was rampant and ruthless.

"No, I have to ask about this."

Feiyu's face showed a hint of determination.


His figure chased after a group of Zhen Demon Guards.

"Senior sister, don't go."

"It's not good, quickly pray to Master."

"You and I keep up, we must not let Senior Sister be reckless."


A main road in the county!

It's early morning, though.

However, for the residents of Dagan, they have long since got up: those who do business, buy breakfast, buy tonics....

on one of the stalls.

The boss was working hard to sell his products to a weak teenager, and said in a low voice

: "Brother Tai, these are the three treasure pills that my grandfather secretly made:

Qi Yu Xuan Angdan, Bad Style Pill, and One Pillar Scattered in the Sky, all of which are extremely precious, do you want it?"

Just as the boy was about to pay, the sound of horses' hooves came.

Everyone was shocked.

The main road of the county town rides a big horse, who is so daring?

Look up.

I see...

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