
Chu He, dressed in a red rust dragon golden robe, was riding in, and several Zhen Demon Guards in the rear followed closely.


Chu He glanced at the attic in the distance, showed a hint of disdain at the corner of his mouth, and continued to ride the street.

Before everyone could react, a small team of Zhen Demon Guards on both sides continued to rush over, shouting loudly

: "Lord Chan: Three Flags have destroyed four demon strongholds, and arrested and colluded with people:

55 people from the Wang family and the Jun family have been escorted to the noon gate."

"Lord Yu: Six Flags destroyed three demon strongholds, and arrested and linked up: the Sun family and the Xiaodao Gate eighty-six people, have been escorted to the noon gate."

"Lord Yu: The Second Banner has collapsed..." The

loud shouts of the Zhen Demon Guard came from all directions, shocking everyone.

Demon stronghold collapsed?

When did so many demons exist in Aoyama County?

And what was the situation with the arrest of so many people?

In just a few moments:

they heard in their ears

that there were no less than 200 people involved in the extreme, and they were all escorted to the noon gate?

Don't... This is the three fires of the new official taking office?

But this.

It burns too hard!

After ten breaths.

The Hundred Horse Town Demon Guard appeared on the main road, following behind the Chu River, one by one, with killing intent.

Obviously: they had just experienced a fight, but none of the town demon guards were injured, after all, the strongest demon in the city was only one product, and there was no difference between the formation town demon team and the ants.

Riding on the street, rampant!


Many vendors dodged to the sides with horror on their faces.

Because, at this moment, the Zhen Demon Guard is obviously carrying out some big plan, if they delay, it is easy to get on fire.

Of course: the residents didn't care too much, after all, the Zhen Demon Guard never dealt with ordinary soldiers and civilians, but the faces of the family and gang disciples changed wildly.


Immediately sent a message with flying pigeons:

"Family master, the town demon guard is wantonly arresting the forces that collude with the demon in the city, and they are all escorted to the noon gate."

"Second master, our family should not collude with the demon, if there is: run away quickly, if not: then immediately come to the noon gate to see the liveliness."

Due to the actions of Chu River.

The lord of the power, who had not slept well yesterday, was even more frightened and sleepy, and immediately rushed to the noon gate.


Looking down at Aoyama Gun, you will find that the entire castle is like a drop of water in calm hot oil and completely fried.

Fear, worry, happiness, irritation, despair...

All sentient beings have everything.

And the Chu River.

It was as if that drop of water had detonated the entire county, but no existence could evaporate him.

On the main road!

Many residents looked at the distant Zhen Demon Hundred Horses

and exchanged:

"I have long heard that Lord Chu He is rampant, and

his style of acting is completely out of the way of playing cards, which is really majestic enough."

"What's more, his robe is simply not too cool, the big red cape is flying in the wind, how handsome."

"What are you doing stupidly, go to the noon gate to see the excitement..."

shouted an old man.


One hugged his grandson and ran towards the noon gate on crutches.

Looking at the faces of this group of residents full of horror, not because of the speed of the old man on crutches, but because he seems... Hugged the opposite. (゚Д゚)ノ


At the noon gate!

The lords of countless forces had already gathered, and they looked at the group of hundreds of people who were bound and kneeling in front of them, and their faces changed wildly.


Some of them still have intersections with them, and they are basically people from families, gangs, and sects.

Of course: ordinary residents will most likely not be associated with demons, and only families and sects are qualified to cooperate.

"Hall Gang Lord, save my life, I am willing to give you all the treasures, I don't want to die yet..."

"Lord Long, I am an old man, that Chu He caught me for no reason, it is clear that he took the opportunity to take revenge, as long as you can save me, the old man will marry Ling'er to you as a concubine of thirty-two rooms."

"I'm wronged, Lao Tzu didn't collude with the demon at all..."

The cries for help everywhere in front of the noon gate kept climbing the relationship.


The lords of many forces did not dare to speak.

After all: they were all captured by the Zhen Demon Guard, and if they rashly agreed to help, they might be easy to get themselves in.

"Here it is."

The lord of a force immediately looked into the distance, and everyone followed suit, his eyes subconsciously condensed.


Chu He led the Hundred Horse Town Demon Guard to rush at great speed, his red cloak fluttering in the wind, his face was grim, and he was extremely dashing.

It is clear that there are only a hundred horses, but it seems that there are thousands of horses, and it is possible: this is the power of the Zhen Demon Guard.


The hundred horses stopped directly in front of the noon gate.

The powerful power and incomparable killing intent made the lords of many forces can't help but take two steps back, not daring to look directly.

Looking at the cold-faced Chu River, everyone had complicated faces.


When he came to Qingshan County yesterday, he slapped the Qinghai Gang in public, and killed and injured more than a dozen power lords one after another.

Now: Before a day, he made such a big move, destroyed all the demon strongholds in the city, and arrested hundreds of people.


The lords of the forces who were originally angry and wanted to question them, they all looked at me and I saw that you did not dare to speak out.

Right now.


The figure of the flying feather suddenly appeared in front of the Chu River

, and he looked up and said:

"Six doors chase the wind and catch fast,

flying feather."

"I want to ask for justice here, my six doors have been guarding the blacksmith demon in the city for several days, and I am being destroyed by the Zhen Demon Guard during the net collection stage, and I have also killed all the demons who know the news, should Lord Chu give an explanation."

"After all: I have reported this plan in advance, and according to the law of the Great Dry, blacksmith demons should be dealt with by six doors."

Shut up.

His gaze stared at Chu He deadly, waiting for the other party's reply.

"This woman is not simple."

"Indeed, what she said just now is reasonable, although the Zhen Mosi is higher than the Six Doors, but: the Six Doors are also independent individuals, and theoretically not under the jurisdiction of the Zhen Mo Si."

"Feiyu, it should be a closed disciple of Lao Gao, and he has also handled some major cases in recent years, and the second-grade dog demon stealing incense case in the previous stage of Yunxian County was solved by her."

"Unfortunately, she met Chu River."

An old man shook his head and said, "No matter how much a little fox plays tricks, it is impossible to deal with a tiger. "



Before Chu He could answer.

An old man hurriedly came, dragged the flying feather, and hurriedly said to Chu He:

"The six gates of Qingshan County are the chief catcher, and Gao Bucheng has seen Lord Chu."

"The little apprentice is stubborn, has no intention of offending the adult, I hope the adult will not calculate with her, and leave."


Just pull the flying feathers away.

Fei Yu's face still showed unwillingness, and said: "Master, it's obviously his fault, why let's leave."

"He is strong in his strength, thinking that he can do whatever he wants with a hero title, and he is not worthy of being a demon... Whew.."

Before Fei Yu finished speaking, she was covered by Gao Insincerity, wanting to pull her to leave the place directly.


But it was too late.


Chu He's face was instantly gloomy, and he said coldly

: "Honza:

Are you allowed to go. "

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